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The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly, is to fill the world with fools.
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/0 Comments/in Clean, Long Articles/by Rudolf HuberIn 1991 I had my second tour as a United Nations soldier in Syria and met someone who told me about his former work as a bodyguard for some members of the Saudi Royal family. I was instantly hooked. I asked him for names and a reference and sent them my application upon completing my […]

Butter Bad, Seed Oils Good, Says New Study
The problem with plant-based oils is not the plants or the oils themselves. It’s the... Read more →
NASA Jettisons ‘Climate Advisor,’ DEI Branch, and Other Drags on Space Program
Institutions such as NASA have become monsters that do lots of stuff they should not... Read more →
OPEC+ oil production surges as Kazakhstan ignores, exceeds quota
There has always been cheating in OPEC and, of course, in its inflated version, OPEC+.... Read more →
Judge sanctions Michael E. Mann for “Bad-Faith Trial Misconduct” in Mann v. Free Speech:
This is getting interesting. Liars will have to start factoring in paying a price for... Read more →
A Hopeful Look at China
China, China, China. Just today, I saw a podcast claiming that the Chinese population may... Read more →
Texas is going big on desalination
Texas also has a lot of wind power that constantly tries to kill the grid.... Read more →
If António Guterres Can’t Get Basic Facts Right, Why Should We Believe the UN on Anything?
International organisations have become a playground for a caste of highly corrupt people who will... Read more →
Lift the veil on wind power killing eagles
When I was a kid in the Seventies, there were birds everywhere. There were huge... Read more →
Driving a Stake Through Stakeholder Capitalism
Stakeholder Capitalism should receive a new moniker as the current one is misleading at best.... Read more →
Trump’s Secret Plan To Restart Nord Stream 2 Sparks Backlash in Germany
North Stream would have to be rebuilt. The original lines have been contaminated with seawater... Read more →