Are Small Scale Plants The Future For LNG?

ssLNG is still very expensive. Especially when it comes to liquefaction. But smaller processes are better suited to a more diverse world. There is not an infinite number of gas reserves that are capable to underpin the double-digit billions that go into conventional train building. There are myriads of reserves fo anything thats smaller. Many European receiving terminals have reloading capabilities and truck loading. Rail loading would do more to make LNG go inland. Its called bulk break. That could also work the other way when smaller volumes of LNG are collected in a hub from where international transport is conducted. Lots of issues to walk through and there is also the important issue of local use. You need a very large terminal to receive those big ships. Smaller ones would enable a lot of islands and small er communities to go for this clean fuel. ssLNG has a great future but it must not rest. Lots to do.

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