Chart Industries releases its latest liquefaction technology for LNG

This is real cool stuff and this is also the direction the LNG equipment industry needs to walk. Mid scale, modular trains that are as cookie cutter as it gets in LNG. Assemble and pretest them in the workshop under controlled condition, pack them up and haul them to their final place of operation. Install a row of them to build bigger plants. And when maintenance comes around you don’t need to switch of the entire plant but you do one train after the other, impacting production only in the slightest manner. Move over Qatar, this is way more exciting than your supertrains.

Chart’s IPSMR®+ technology builds on its single mixed refrigerant design and adds a pre-cooling step. The IPSMR®+ process provides as much as 8% increased efficiency over IPSMR®. Chart’s less complicated method for pre-cooling IPSMR® requires approximately 25% less plot space than conventional pre-cooled liquefaction technologies, independent of which rotating equipment is utilised.

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