Ex-CCP Officials Funneled Millions to US Universities, Nonprofits To Promote Green Energy, Tax Forms Show

I remember the day when the Soviet Union fell. It was not the day in 1992 when it was disbanded. It was a day in 1989 when the Eastern Block crumbled right before our eyes and the Iron Curtain fell. There was euphoria, there was a feeling that everything was possible. It felt like the end of history as we would all be friends now. Personally, my euphoria was extremely short-lived. Because I expected the West to hold the East up to its mistakes so they could right their wrongs actively. But we did not hold their feet to the fire of freedom. We assumed that everything would somehow work itself out. But it did not. Mafia-like structures don’t go away because one system falls. They tend to proliferate. Not everyone is our friend just because we assume so. Trust, not earned through sweat and pain, is worthless. 

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