The Trouble With Carbon Taxes: Lessons For Asian Policymakers
What politicians will try to do is foisting those carbon taxes…
Tariffs on China could hit U.S. hard, too
In a world where the US buys way more from China than China does…
What Elon Musk Is Selling: Hope
When I was heading Business development for an energy trading…
Batteries Not Included: $Trillions Spent on Storage Won’t Save Intermittent Wind & Solar
I know loads of energy professionals that won't get the difference…
More heavy-duty truck fleets make the switch to renewable natural gas
We are still in an early phase of gasification of the US transport…
The Reason Renewables Can’t Power Modern Civilization Is Because They Were Never Meant To
It takes time but turds always float up to the surface. Germany…
New York Blocked A New Pipeline And Guess What They Just Found Out
That's a good thing. New Yorkers need to feel that there are…
Employee Activism: A Powerful, Yet Untapped, Driver of Climate Action
The only thing they are going to trigger is enhancing Jeff Bezos…
Court Battle Looms Over Russian Undersea Gas Pipeline to Europe
I wagered years ago that NS2 would not go in operation - I might…
China backtracked on almost all aspects of U.S. trade deal – sources
China cannot give in to US demands. Their entire existence is…
EUROPE: 100% renewable energy is more cost effective than the current energy system
Has anyone peer reviewed this? Another study that produces a…
The ridiculous reason New York faces a gas shortage
America needs those beacon cities in order to show the rest of…
Climate Politics Abroad Are Turning Decidedly Skeptical
This is just the beginning. People start to realize that they…
Swedish Power Shortages Because of Renewable Energy
Let them freeze - let them pay sky-high prices and still freeze.…
Europe’s imports of American natural gas are soaring
What a load of crap - Europe cannot make good on any promise.…
Merkel Weighs German Carbon Prices to Speed Pollution Cuts
Where do those 28 billion in subsidies come from? Renewable Energy…
Chinese shale struggles to get moving
China`s trouble with shale has many reasons - not the least of…
US natural gas exports to Europe surge nearly 300%
Any person with half a brain should be appalled by the spin politicians…
Iran Sanctions To Trigger $120/bbl Oil! Or Not.
Predictions - how many big names have already had their faces…
Chart Industries introduces new technology to process LNG
This is one of the most exciting developments in the gas world.…
Russia’s plans for Arctic gas may be an alternate source for China’s energy needs, sate Chinese appetite for US energy products
Those Arctic gas plants in Russia somehow remind me of blockbuster…
Chart Industries releases its latest liquefaction technology for LNG
This is real cool stuff and this is also the direction the LNG…
NPR Notices Climate Action China are Building a Lot of Coal Plants
Climate Alarmists - you are some real badasses I was told. You…
On Eve of EU-US Energy Forum, 200 Groups on Both Sides of the Atlantic Unite in Opposition To Climate-hostile LNG Trade
One thing is certain - the brainfarts of those halfwits will…
U.S. Negotiators Land in Beijing as Data Show Fragile Economy
China did what it did for such a log time that they have fallen…
UK’s shale gas commissioner quits over ‘de facto’ fracing ban
Energy prices in the UK are not high enough yet - don't worry…
US Energy’s Growing Role on the Global Stage
Just removing the US from the list of energy importers changes…
Saudi Arabia’s Dream Of $85 Oil Is Closer Than Ever
Saudi Arabias problem is not low oil prices - it's the fact that…
Carnival Corporation’s AIDAnova Supplied with LNG in Mediterranean
This is where it goes. In 2013, I spoke with a Senior Vice President…
Fusion power start-ups go small in effort to bring commercial reactors to life
When i was 10 years old, I was an avid reader of the Peer Moosleitner"…
India, China set to form a working group on energy
This is not a problem of "not enough buying power" but rather…
Bad air days on the rise: The nation’s most polluted city is …
Convert your vehicles to Natural Gas and say good bye to smog…
$200B in the LNG Project Pipeline
I hear that, and I like lots of new LNG projects potentially…
Trump May Waive US Ship Mandate for Natural Gas
The last LNG vessels built in the US would be 50 years old if…
Shipping Industry Needs to Rethink its Decarbonization Plans
High seas vessels are still among the biggest polluters in terms…
House Democrats’ Climate Bill a Trojan Horse for Green New Deal
Average people do understand that this so called zero carbon…
NYC Mayor de Blasio: ‘We Are Going to Ban’ Glass and Steel Skyscrapers
That's a smart plan - making NY an even more unattractive investment…
China Enters Global Tech Race For Small Modular Nuclear Reactors
SMR's are a great idea and I have a feeling they will be an important…
Tesla investigates after car appears to explode in China
Just yesterday I commented on a Tesla fire in the US - here is…
Earth Day 2019 – Protect our species
Earth day reinforces this erroneous belief that Earth is some…
Why Some Landfills are Exploring Virtual Pipelines to Capitalize on Gas
4000 psi - I am not a specialist in Compressed Gas but I know…
Beyond the Green New Deal: Another climate cause is dividing Democrats
Wow, Democrats are pushing voters towards Trump with kicks and…
ExxonMobil cheers 13th discovery offshore Guyana
It will take more than 10 years to fully develop those fields…
Electric Car Subsidies Aren’t All They’re Cracked Up to Be
As long as Electric Vehicles are a fad of less than 2% of the…
Environmentalists see victory with Green New Deal blitz
I have a feeling the people behind AOC push so hard for the GND…
Tesla Vehicle Bursts Into Flames, Burns For Hours In Monroeville
The car spontaneously caught fire. It wasn't like some accident…
Climate change report is clear: We have to clean up our act and our air — now
Commitments, yeahh. I see a lot of paper everywhere. Let's see…
Battery Reality: There’s Nothing Better Than Lithium-Ion Coming Soon
The more I look at it, the more the current battery crazy looks…
Co-founder of bogus green energy firm gets jail time for $54M Ponzi scheme
Smelly business environments attract plenty of rats it seems.…
How a circular economy could avert ecological disaster
Let's look at this without the usual radical green banter for…
Particle pollution: out of sight, but not out of mind?
Thats a real issue. Most of the particles out of an exhaust are…
New German Study Shocks Electric Cars: “Considerably” Worse For Climate Than Diesel Cars, Up To 25% More CO2!
I have seen the news feeds on this study and damn, it produces…
New Plan To Save Coal Jobs: Teeny, Tiny Coal Power Plants
No, wind and solar are not decentralized power plants. They are…
The Earth is Dying
I wonder if any of those authors ever looks at the data. Because…
Keep on Trucking: 18-wheelers haul LNG exports into Mexico
Takes many years to get a pipeline permitted, then you need to…
Israel’s Natural Gas Discoveries Are Bridging Political Divides And Are Forging Economic Ties
Israel should do the smart thing and start gasifying its economy.…
France’s Total to invest 10 pct in Northern Sea Route hubs in Russia
The gas is produced in one of the most inhospitable places on…
China to promote using wind energy to power heating
We just read a piece from Bloomberg that China is expanding coal…
China’s Far From Done With Coal as Regulator Eases New Plant Ban
China uses half of the coal burnt by the planet. You read that…
U.S. is brazenly meddling in Nord Stream 2 gas project: Russia
I am sure Russians would recognize when meddling happens - they…