Lawmakers Propose Waterway LNG Parity Act

Fuel taxation is a joke in most countries and the reasons are…

China buys more LNG, but can’t offset the rest of Asia’s losses

This China madness is not good for LNG projects and companies.…

UK Proposal: 75% Wage Cut to Combat Climate Change

Things always go through a curve. The renewable and climate change…

Oil Demand Signals Flashing Red

It was to be expected that the trade war between the US and China…


About 4500 Million years ago, this planet formed. Its first atmosphere…

Trade Deal Could Propel U.S. to Top of China’s LNG Supplier List

A real solid trade deal between the US and China would be a great…

Russia may be testing U.S. gas nerve with Europe push, Citi says

Russia seems not to understand one thing. The commercial dynamics…

PG&E wins court case allowing it to renegotiate $34 billion in renewable energy contracts

I know I have beaten this horse to death and it's almost a shame…

Study: 100% renewables doesn’t equal zero-carbon energy

And it's here where the rubber meets the street. Those yearly…

Trump says ‘climate change goes both ways’

What both omitted to cut into was that Climate Change is not…

Lower oil price forces tax regime changes

Most oil producers on earth live off the proceeds oil gives them.…

Pipeline Protesters May Face 20-Year Federal Sentence

Your freedom ends where mine starts. If you express your opinion…

The Holocene Sea Level Highstand

I had countless discussions on Climate Change and in each and…

Why Cryptocurrency is the Next Operating System for Capitalism

"Your argument might still be that cryptocurrency is a bubble,…

The moral case for honest and competent climate science

Not only does this climate scare deny the poorest of this planet…

Europe saved $8 billion on gas bill in 2018 due to LNG, reforms: IEA

And this is just the beginning. I predicted in 2016 that Europe…

Labor anger over Green New Deal greets 2020 contenders in California

The Green New Deal is the best campaign weapon Trump has for…

Economists Have Been “Useful Idiots” for the Green Socialists

Economists are world champions in clothing everything in gobbledygook…

Russia’s Sechin accuses U.S. of using energy as political weapon

Looks like the US has learned a lesson. Russia has used energy…

Renewable energy jobs in UK plunge by a third

We are at the cusp of an important realization - that the cost…

China has tools to manage trade war with US: Tillerson

BS - why are wealthy Chinese buying Pacific properties in the…

EU split on climate change measures

Why 2050. Make this 2025. I want this to strike us as hard as…

Permian oil explorers expand activity as drilling costs decline

The picture is chequered but the trend is clear. Some shale drillers…

Mexico Is Our Most Important Natural Gas Export Market

And it should be. It's on the doorstep. And its needs for Natural…

US stance on trade limits freedom to export its gas around the world

The most important way how Natural gas is freedom gas is for…

Glacier National Park Quietly Removes Its ‘Gone by 2020’ Signs

Another one in the climate swindling bin. Why does nobody call…

The Russian gas pipeline ‘salami slicing’ through NATO

Do we have an open market? Is gas market liberalization worth…

Obituary: Great Barrier Reef (25 Million BC-…)

Coral bleaching is not coral dead. When corals are exposed to…

Middle Miocene Volcanism, Carbon Dioxide and Climate Change

"Neither assumptions about the present, nor model-predictions…

The $1000 Student Climate Challenge Award

That's a great challenge and I would love to see it transformed…

Green Police: Audi Super Bowl Ad

When I was a kid I listened to the stories both grandfathers…

Democrats’ Curious Disdain for Nuclear Power

I know I have said it many times in the past but states such…

We Almost Lost the Earth

Scare tactics - because Trump says something fishy? Let's get…

The real Russian ‘conspiracy’ is happening in the energy sector

There is a lingering and longtime suspicion that Russia secretly…

New York public transport authority wants to fuel buses with biomethane

Whats the retrofitting cost when going from CNG or indeed LNG…

Renewable energy costs hit new lows, now cheapest new power option for most of the world

That's excellent news. I am sure that the renewable industry…

Oil giants unlikely to bail out independent drillers in the Permian

That will be good for shale as a whole. Too many opportunists…

Want to Fight Climate Change? Burn More Trees

Wood waste going to energy - that's theory. Most of the pellets…

ExxonMobil backs LNG imports to world’s biggest exporter

In the Persian Gulf, exporters of LNG and importers of the stuff…


In Austria, the Greens staged a comeback from a deadly blow they…

Socialism Is Bad for the Environment

I sure have said this many times but I grew up 5km away from…

The USA is more responsible for climate change than any country

Wow, America haters are riding high again. Never mind the facts…

World’s dirtiest air needs infusion of natural gas

I grew up in the Austrian countryside. I remember that every…

Fueling ships with LNG — the cleanest fuel available today — makes sense

"We should wait until science develops a cleaner - non-fossil…

LNG Confronts Its Demons

I am still waiting to see a project that brings CAPEX down to…

This Environmentalist Says Only Nuclear Power Can Save Us Now

Not pushing nuclear to its potential is the biggest sin we commit…

Eurosceptics, greens and liberals make major gains in EU elections

OK, the elections are over, the votes are in, candidates have…

These flexible solar cells bring us closer to kicking the fossil-fuel habit

Miracle solar cells. What's not to love? And to top it off they…

Despite renewables mandate more than 80% of California energy needs met using fossil fuels

82%? I just saw Arnold Schwarzenegger on Austrian TV claiming…

Environmentalism: Evidence Suggests it Was Always and Only About Achieving World Government

This whole romantic socialism thing is a scourge of rich, saturated…

Study Pinpoints Source of Banned Gas That Saps Ozone Layer: Eastern China

When president Trump took the US out of the Paris accords, a…

Are Solar Panels Really Black? And What Does That Have to Do With the Climate Debate?

Its the same with wind turbines which disturb air flow close…

Building equitable circular societies

When I was a boy, I liked to imagine a perfect world. I was always…

Are We Experiencing a Climate Change Emergency?

We have a saying in German: "Wenn die Katze aus dem Haus ist,…

Greenpeace Co-Founder Tells Congress To Ignore UN’s Latest Extinction Warning

Once upon a time, I worked as the Head of Business Development…

Good news: here’s why we won’t run out of minerals (including oil)

The world goes from easy to use resources to harder to use resources…

Global emissions must drop 55% by 2030 to meet climate goals

If we really follow the IPCC correctly, they really say that…

China’s Tariff List Advertises Its Trade War Weakness

Just imagine Trump wins 2020 - as I think he will. China is already…

Strategic and commercial logic behind Saudi Aramco’s ‘dash for gas’

When oil was 3 digits it was interesting to buy LNG in order…

Russia’s Dirty Oil Crisis Is Worse Than Almost Anyone Predicted

What's even worse than the revenue shortfall and the cost is…