Solar Power Is Economical Today, but Comes With Challenges

In the news in Germany today there was a father that offered…

‘The perfect storm’: hydrogen gains ground on LNG as alternative fuel

Does anyone know the price paid for the hydrogen? Hydrogen is…

Complexities of LNG – spot vs long-term pricing

This reminds me of a meeting I had in a country that has a lot…

Saudi Arabia Threatens To Drop Dollar For Oil Trades

Regardless of how positively or negatively one might be inclined…

U.K. Power Grid Getting Ready for Life Without Gas Power Plants

No, come on, why stopping short of the real deal? What the UK…

Norway Is Walking Away From Billions of Barrels of Oil

For the moment, governments the world over seem to think that…

Russia Eyes Greater Energy Dominance as Novatek Taps Arctic

Yamal LNG caught more than one expert by surprise. Is it possible…

EOR Push May Make the Permian Even Bigger

By far the most important resource coming out of the Permian…

South Africa welcomes private sector’s help to alleviate power crisis

Private sector you say - most truly private companies will find…

The potential of the Blue Economy

Plastic in the oceans is a problem we should take care of, over…

North Sea Ports Compete to Build LNG Import Terminals

Its time we got this rolling. Germany is one of the foremost…

Electric Car Subsidies Hurt Middle Class Americans

3 quarters of working class Americans oppose subsidies for the…

Shell Breaks Market Mold With Deal Linking Gas Prices to Coal

This makes a boatload of sense. Japan has two baseload electricity…

London ULEZ: Euro 6 ‘wrong standard’ for diesel access

Does this mean that we finally get real world emissions tests…

How Climate Change Is Fuelling the U.S. Border Crisis

OK, I don't know a lot about farming in Guatemala but those pictures…

California’s Oil Industry Collapses Despite Shale Boom

Come on - isn't California the state that tells everybody how…

Shale Is In A Deep State Of Flux

Too much for a timely death, not enough for a living. Sound strenuous.…

Saudi Aramco’s Breakeven Oil Price Is Higher Than Expected

They have lifted the veil a tiny little bit. And the world is…

Several New LNG Projects Must be Initiated in 2019

OK, let me give you folks a kicker. The world is crazy about…

Hudong-Zhonghua Shipyard, DNV GL sign JDP for world’s largest LNG carrier

I like technology monsters. It brings out the little boy in me…

Vatican plans additional meeting with Big Oil to discuss climate change

Does the pope enter into a conflict of faith when he enters the…

Shanghai Wants American Gas, But Not American Prices

In the end, someone will have to swallow the risk. If US seller…

The Climate Change Cost of the Presidential Campaign

So, Leo Di Caprio plants trees for every first class or private…

Saudi Aramco reveals sharp output drop at its major fields

OK, what do we know for certain when it comes to oil in Saudi…

Is the Price of Bitcoin Based on Anything at All?

Is the price of any currency based on anything at all? Sure it…

Can the Mexican Government’s Bailout Solve the Pemex Crisis?

The best solution would be to put the company through a bankruptcy…

The World Is Waking Up to What Blockchain Is Doing to Money

Nobody has to explain an Argentine, or a Venezuelan, or a Turk…

The 2 Key Reasons the World Can’t Reverse Climate Emissions

People do strange things when their sustenance or their lifestyle…

Electric-Car Era Threatens Firefighters With New Road Risks

Those fires are monsters. I was told by a fireman that they need…

Aramco Pumping Oil at Fraction of Rivals’ Costs

Maybe, anyone looking at Saudi Aramco should take its statements…

Climate Change and Health: Food Security

Greenhouse operators have known for a long time that raising…

Behind the Green New Deal: An elite war on the working class

Its not only the Green New Deal, it has started a long time before…

Green New Deal fantasy-nightmare: Dems show true colors in 0 vote

I guess they smell how incredibly destructive this GND really…

Argentina updates regulations to promote natural gas mobility

Sure they want to push Natural gas as a fuel. They use a national…

More Flagrant Alteration Of The Past: Patrick Moore As Founder Of Greenpeace

I would like to say that this is revealing. But its not. Ever…

Sempra wants to become one of North America’s biggest LNG exporters

Road diesel consumption in the US is almost the equivalent of…

China bucking global shift from coal-fired power

What fool does believe numbers from China? Of course, they will…

Meeting Paris Agreement Targets Would Create 24 Million Jobs Globally

And it would destroy 10 times more. Besides, those are no real…

Asian LNG prices fall to near three-year low as buyers shun spot cargoes

The Asian sucking sound has become an Asian hissing sound. No…

A boom for LNG

And this is just the beginning. Once the world awakens to the…

‘Coal is on the way out’: study finds fossil fuel now pricier than solar or wind

One more of those nonsensical studies. Wind and solar is cheaper…

Mike Lee’s precious put-down of Green New Deal — and AOC’s hat-tip to despair

As much as I believe in human ingenuity, this one goes beyond…

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez can teach Bill Shorten a thing or two about climate change policy

Build trust with the Millennials? This generation seems to be…

Vitol’s head of LNG expects supply shutdowns due to market glut

Unprecedented - maybe. But most certainly not unexpected. Most…

Why I don’t ‘believe’ in ‘science’

Exactly my words. Science is not about beliefs or not. Either…

Arctic permafrost might contain ‘sleeping giant’ of world’s carbon emissions

According to Dr. Patrick Moore, co-founder of Greenpeace, we…

DHL’s first LNG mega-trailer truck starts work in Germany

Is there anything that LNG cannot pull? Beautiful .. Read…

Claim that LNG is no greener than coal gets new scrutiny

Did I get this right? As long as there is no better data, the…

Scientists Warn the UN of Capitalism’s Imminent Demise

That's the true objective. They don't want to save the planet…

LNG supply glut, price slump should raise questions over future projects

There is a hype bubble on the Asian LNG market. Pakistan seems…

China’s February LNG imports fell from January record as winter demand eased

China is - like its Asian peers - a flexibility taker. This means…

More shale, who cares? Saudi Arabia pushes for at least $70 oil

OPEC is between two hard realities that are grinding down on…

Elevated CO2 Levels Directly Affect Human Cognition, New Harvard Study Shows

1000 to 2500ppm. We are at 400ppm now, up from 280 where we have…

Massive Coalition Backs Trump’s Climate Science Committee

Before the Enlightenment set in around 1700, anyone who dared…

Volkswagen just doesn’t get it

Whoa, lets hold the horses here Mr. Dans. You are mixing up a…

One man’s two-decade quest to suck greenhouse gas out of the sky

Greenpeace co-founder Dr. Patrick Moore had written a summary…

AMLO risks a fall as he tries to pull Pemex back from the brink

I know the political risk Obrador takes by potentially going…

Gazprom expects tough competition from U.S. LNG exports to Europe

Ain't that funny? Just 2 years ago, Gazprom told everyone who…

Why Do Renewable Energy Sources Need Government Subsidies?

Yes, I agree. This is great news. Wind and solar are the cheapest…

Drillers Turning to Big Data in the Hunt for Cheaper Oil

Many like to see the end of the oil age not only because oil…