Overwhelming Opposition To Electric Vehicle Subsidies
Who is surprised now? I guess some living in the bubble will…
The Green New Deal’s Impossible Electric Grid
Since when has technological impossibility held socialists back…
The 1.5 Generation
Oh yes, we need more of that. We need activists destroying energy…
Journey to Antarctica: What Scientists Think of Trump’s Latest Climate Tweet
Yes, sure. A question. What would happen to the cushy well-paid…
Hot and Indigestible Carbon Dioxide
What a load of crap. During the Permian extinction about 250…
Why is climate change a human rights issue?
When I was a kind there was no river in Austria that you dared…
Green New Deal Would Spark Yellow Vest-Style Protests
What I have been saying for years. This entire renewables and…
Bahamas Petroleum ‘confident’ of finding drilling partner soon. Raises $2.5M
Mount Alvernia is the highest peak of the Bahamas with its 63…
LNG producers must avoid over-reliance on Chinese demand growth
The LNG industry must get away from the big lollipop schemes…
Climate Change Is This Generation’s Vietnam War
The current solutions to Climate change are by themselves the…
In letter to AOC, Big Labor says Green New Deal could cause ‘immediate harm’ to union workers
There we go - and this is just a pale beginning of what's in…
Here we go. The Commission wants to make renewable's appear less…
Exxon Plans for $15 per Barrel Permian Costs
Let's just assume that they can't hit USD 15 but rather 20, or…
Does ploughing actually damage soils and crops?
Our soil also sequesters a lot of carbon so those who are afraid…
Gas Hydrates Market to Expand Substantially Owing to Technological Innovations During 2026
Let's see it this way. Compared to unconventional oil, conventional…
Ocasio-Cortez takes gas guzzling SUV to lecture Americans about ‘climate change’ at SXSW
When I lived in France, I learned a new term. Communist Caviar…
Scientists Just Pulled CO2 From Air And Turned It Into Coal
If this is really a prospect, then pulling CO2 from the air and…
Oil slick threatens French coast after cargo ship sinks
A ship sinks and its fuel threatens the sea and coasts. The same…
First coal, now LNG jolted by climate change measures in Australia
Aussies are not Japanese, but they sure have refined the art…
Residents, environmentalists to fight Croatia’s LNG terminal
Most projects still live in the past. In the past, something…
Goldman: OPEC To Clear Supply Glut By April
OPEC still lives under the impression that they can control markets.…
Should We Rethink Nuclear Power?
Nuclear is an obvious choice for covering our energy needs of…
Moon Fuel: A New Multi-Trillion Dollar Treasure
Let's get to the bottom of this. The estimated H3 saturation…
LNG Only Fills Niches in Europe
What is Wintershall afraid of? That's quite a knee-jerk reaction…
NYC’s Amazon Debacle and the Need for Affordable Energy
This is not an environmental protection movement - it's an organization…
Virtue-signaling corporations are lying to you about using green energy
Why is that a good thing? The Foxes are flushed out of the foxholes,…
China Oil Use Seen Peaking in 2025
Electric cars and trains will not be the only dampeners on oil…
Hydroelectric dams have environmental challenges
A bio engineer once told me that dams are giant bio fermenters.…
Australia planning to import LNG: What’s next? Coals to Newcastle?
The US is the rising star in the LNG export world, and they still…
The big problem with climate ‘realism’
I actually like that. I like those mad folks like AOC as they…
NextDecade says it is first U.S. LNG project to offer Brent-linked cargoes
TTF netback pricing? That's exciting. They must produce at really…
Easy Money in European Gas Thwarted by Brimming Stockpiles
Russia has exported record amounts of Natural gas to Europe over…
Record U.S. Oil And Natural Gas, Falling Methane Emissions
The real methane emissions problem is not the US shale drillers.…
Europe Spars Over Its Own Green Deal as Germany Urges Prudence
Germany has reached the no-bullshit zone. This means that the…
LNG: It’s light, natural and green
Another bubble in the making. People in such countries must be…
Japanese LNG imports to fall off with nuclear restart
Japan does not have the luxury to pay for pie in the sky anymore.…
What Part Of This Isn’t Clear?
How shall anyone ever believe those folks? This is beyond obvious…
Is Science Worsening Climate Change Controversy?
In criminal court, if one affirms something about someone else…
Pollution soars in Northern China in February
Those targets have always been cosmetic. The leadership needs…
China’s Communist Party is battening down the hatches as the economy slows
Most people are pretty easy to fool. They see a country that…
Understand it - its a business. Like those snake oil sellers…
Why Renewables Can’t Save the Planet
We are spending ourselves silly on those projects and don't even…
Dems wrestle over how to vote on ‘Green New Deal’
This Green New Deal is a dream coming true for Trump. He looks…
Climate of Complete Certainty
The small, almost tiny country I am from brought out one of the…
Carbon Could Soon Reach Levels Not Seen in 56 Million Years
Its funny because even according to NASA research, there is no…
Spain’s Balearic Islands’ diesel ban is a step in the right direction
It will be interesting how they want to do that with heavier…
Open letter to President-elect Donald J. Trump
Some chatter about a post I wrote 2 years ago.
Linkedin T…
Aramco Chief Sees Perception Crisis for Oil Industry
Amin Nasser has a point. The fossil fuels industry leaves the…
Trump’s Trade Chief Lectures His Boss and Gets an Earful in Return
Trump is right on this one. MOU's are contracts in the sense…
Why Growth Can’t Be Green
We must give the term "Circular economy" new life. The "in-out"…
The new Mercedes-Benz Citaro NGT hybrid, more cleaner and efficient
Combine an LNG tank, a gas engine, a small battery and electric…
Three Things Keeping Gazprom Managers Awake at Night
If I had to pick one then it would be the cost stack of new gas…
Fight against pollution to lift LNG demand
And this is only the tip of the iceberg. Just imagine LNG goes…
Wall Street Loses Faith In Shale
Remember the dot.com bubble around 2000? You should as it showed…
Wintershall position paper on the importance of liquid gas for Europe
I tend to like the folks at Wintershall but sometimes I really…
Carbon Farmers Work to Clean Up the World’s Mess
One of the biggest misconceptions of our time is that plowing…
Carbon Could Soon Reach Levels Not Seen in 56 Million Years
Where are we currently? 400ppm? There were times in earths history…
The Nobel Prize for Climate Catastrophe
Nordhaus did not provide business with a license to carry on.…
COP24 or COP-Out-24? When Nations Don’t Play Well with Others
Now that we get into the weeds of it, politicians start to see…
Coal Bed Methane Market Stay on The top of this growing business Industry 2019-2024
Just look at the map of where the biggest sources of atmospheric…