LNG Terminal on Krk Is Unnecessary, Say Environmental NGOs

Lets see - oh yes. Lets assume that Croatian leaders listen to…


I wonder how much better they would do with LNG by rail? Read…

Energy Affordability Must Be a Top Concern for Newly Elected

Strangely, newly elected go through a very quick process of mental…

FPT Industrial displays natural gas engine prototype for heavy trucks

Take a good hard look. This beauty is the future of truck logistics…

California: first world scale liquid H2 production plant under construction

150 Million in order to build a 10K tpa plant? Thats steep. Thats…

India Seen Emulating China Growth in LNG Use to Fight Pollution

India is not China. Its a lot more clogged up in red-tape. China…

Why Italian Populists Are Abandoning Green Energy

Clean energy has always been a scheme that was profitable to…

Why Qatar left OPEC

Qatar knows that OPEC is a spent force. Squeezed between shale,…

America, the global energy superpower

The only slight credit that Obama deserves is that he did not…

Straight Talk On Electric Vehicles

Just combine the fact that EV subsidies are a giant wealth transfer…

European consortium to spur uptake of LNG as transport fuel

Thats a very good thing. LNG goes from being an oddity to become…

Carbon Farmers Work to Clean Up the World’s Mess

Thats a promising beginning - but we can go a whole lot further…

‘A kind of dark realism’: Why the climate change problem is starting to look too big to solve

Even if we assumed that North America and Europe went zero carbon…

France’s Macron learns the hard way: green taxes carry political risks

It goes deeper. People feel the price of so called green policies…

LNG buyers try to ditch U.S. gas commitments

LNG is a long shot. You will see all kinds of market turns and…

U.S. coal consumption in 2018 expected to be the lowest in 39 years

Its not renewable, its not Al Gore, its not climate activism…

World still depends on coal, cheap, plentiful — and dirty

All those coal addicts are sitting in Katowice right now making…

When Burning Cars in Paris Gets You a Tax Freeze

When I was in my teens, a man could feed his family and put some…

Israel plans to be powered by natural gas

They could go a step further and convert their heavy transport…

Renewables investment falls short of lofty ambitions

Why do we need public money for this? The renewable folks never…

Merkel protege suggests reducing gas flow through Nord Stream 2 pipeline

Years ago I said that NS2 wont happen. I have stood my prediction…

Qatar pulls out of OPEC to focus on natural gas

In terms of volume it wont matter to OPEC. Bt in terms of message…

Natural gas prices are at highest levels in four years

Some prospective LNG customers from prospective US projects might…

Indisputable Facts On Climate Change

Its also a fact that everything we have done so far in order…

More Americans and most Republicans now believe in climate change

Come on - thats not a religion. There is nothing to believe in.…

A Worldwide Debt Default Is Coming

I did not see the solution. Maybe because whats really going…

France fuel protests: Tear gas fired in clashes in Paris

Europe has gone from one madness to the next. The great renewable…

PEGAS to launch LNG contracts in February 2019

Its a very humble beginning. North Western Europe is a natural…

EU’s Cañete warns gas pipelines risk becoming ‘stranded assets’

This commission has an expiry date and its coming soon. This…

The End of Snap and Tesla

To all the Tesla fanboys (and girls) - don't bother reading.…

The Real China Challenge: Managing Its Decline

In my own short 50 years on this planet I have seen my fair share…

Can Direct Air Capture of Carbon Help Solve Shipping’s GHG Problem?

If we only changed our agricultural practices we could capture…

Trump Says America Needs Coal For Grid Security. The Military Proves Otherwise.

The military runs a very different profit-loss equation than…

Will U.S. Energy Sector Be Casualty Of Trade War With China?

Not really. Crude is a fungible commodity. If China buys more…

Something To Be Thankful For: Fire (AKA Fossil Fuels)

I would really love to see those renewable fanatics live for…

France slows move away from nuclear power

Macron finds out that voters dont like to pay through the nose…

Bitcoin may be a bubble, but blockchain is not

Blockchain is a clunky database (nothing hard to grasp here)…

Elon Musk Admits Everyone Was Right About Tesla

Here we go - he is not the master of his own game anymore. This…

Tesla’s Biggest Problem Isn’t Elon Musk

Tesla is not the only Ponzi scheme around - China as a whole…

Saudi Money Lost Faith in Prince Long Before Khashoggi’s Murder

Whats even more telling is the funny dance Saudi Arabia performs…

Recent studies show flaws of wind power

Here we go - wind turbines warm the planet more than fossil carbon…

Business leaders hail Russia’s booming energy ties with China

Russia needs China as a market for its products, which is essentially…

Homeowners trapped by 25-year solar panel contracts

And thats just the tip of the iceberg. Renewables today are one…

Qatar backs German LNG terminal for Wilhelmshaven

What does that mean? Will Qatar put up more than just some lip-service?…

Pakistan warns LNG importers against oil-linked contracts

Cherry picking - try financing your receiving terminal on the…

More Nuclear Energy Is Not The Solution To Our Climate Crisis

Don't subsidize the old ones - but give the new designs a fair…

BMW’s i4 Electric Vehicle Should Give Tesla a Run for Its Money

Electric vehicles are just at the beginning of a long journey…

Renault to build two wind powered cargo ships by 2020

Nice marketing stunts, but a technology that should be used on…

Will new sanctions trigger a Russian recession?

It already has. Russia was unwell under USD 80 oil. It must be…

The hidden price of Iceland’s green energy

The current renewable craze has one thing in common - its ugly…

Stationary Cargoes Indicate LNG Market Might Be Following Oil’s Footsteps

And the more those games are being played, the more the world…

Donald Trump buried a climate change report because ‘I don’t believe it’

He is right on one thing - Western countries tend to at least…

In defence of coal

An economy that is distorted by subsidies and public work schemes…

A Bill Gates-backed energy company is developing what could be a game-changing nuclear reactor

Nuclear has a much better stab at ridding the world of emissions…

Japan has restarted five nuclear power reactors in 2018

Lets add it up: New nukes online in Japan equals less LNG burned,…

Why Central Bank Digital Currencies Will Destroy Cryptocurrencies

The world does not need fancy tokens. The world needs certainty…

Hot and Indigestible Carbon Dioxide

How do we know what CO2 level were billions of years ago? Or…

OPEC’s Worst Nightmare: Permian Ups Production

The Permian is not the biggest problem OPEC has. Saudi Arabias…

Shell is Wrong: Global Oil Demand Can Only Increase

85% of the world population still has a lot of development potential,…