Climate science requires acceptance, not belief or full understanding
If I learned one thing in my life, it's that if one cannot explain…
It’s Time for a ‘Green New Deal’
Legendary Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis was very uneasy…
Economic expansion boosts carbon emissions, despite green-tech gains
We got a choice: we can go on living the relatively cushy modern…
China launches subsidy-free solar, wind power after project costs fall
No subsidies - really? Help with land is no subsidy? Preferential…
Jupiter descending: Macron’s rating lower than predecessors amid scandals, ‘royal’ behavior
This actually the heart of many problems we have in Western democracies…
Fuel from space? IITM researchers find ways to use methane hydrates present in space as future source of fuel on Earth
Now its official. Methane is the fuel from heaven. :-) On a more…
Solar panel users to be paid for excess power – but will need to wait
I dont know how many times I have said so but what does such…
New Chinese Solar Plant Undercuts Cost Of Coal Power
They are comparing apples and coconuts here. The offering from…
Is Anthropogenic Climate Change the Reason Wildfires Are Getting Worse?
When entire parts of town were swept away by a massive flood…
The climate stakes of China’s Belt and Road initiative
When will people understand that living as modern humans will…
Energy Transfer Contemplating Huge LNG Export Project
Oh, I love such statements. We "only need a customer but otherwise…
Uniper wins contract to build gas-fired power plant in Germany
Dastardly cowards - that's what Germans are. I mean we are being…
Saudi Arabia to announce slight rise in oil, gas reserves after audit
What O&G auditing company worth its salts will dispute and…
The Earth is Dying
Let me quote Prof. Stephen Schneider, Stanford Professor of Climatology…
Europe is fast-becoming a natural gas battleground for Russia and the US
Another prediction I was smiled upon for only two years ago.…
Germany Wobbles on Russian Gas Pipeline as Trump Pressure Starts to Bite
Is there anyone who remembers how many times I had said that…
LNG is the ideal ‘transition fuel’
That might be a very long transition - no, lets say it in other…
Southeast Asia wary of China’s Belt and Road project, skeptical of U.S.
The best remedy for China is more China. Once countries have…
Apple Throws China Under The Bus, And Opens A Pandora’s Box
Some are tempted to believe that the hiccup China experiences…
Climate Doom Ahead? Think Twice.
Thats the real goal - pulling an alternate economic system over…
A Climate Cure Worse than the Disease
Climate alarmists must hate Lomborg. Humans have altered the…
Shale explorers boost U.S. work again despite oil price collapse
When the last price drop wiped the floor with oil producers there…
New Holland’s natural gas tractor concept receives design award
The future of heavy machinery. LNG would give this great working…
What a Chinese slowdown could mean for oil
Long term drivers and short term market irrationality make up…
How badly is China’s economy doing? Look behind the official GDP figures
If we apply this to energy, some of the sky high expectation…
California: new agreement will help create below zero emission biogas
Below zero carbon - just imagine this gets liquefied. This means…
Denying Climate Denial
Its not 97% of the science that supports this which is the basic…
Record Russian output putting pressure on natural gas markets
I don't think that there is a lot of strategic planning in Gazproms…
China to dominate global energy demand
Please look harder. China is a big energy buyer - given. And…
Putting the ‘con’ in consensus; Not only is there no 97 per cent consensus among climate scientists, many misunderstand core issues
So much for the so called 97% consensus among climate scientists.…
Economic growth slowing around the world
Whatever semblance of prosperity or growth we had since 2008…
Ex-bosses face criminal charges over Fukushima nuclear crisis
There are many plants that handle dangerous materials which are…
U.S. shale’s blows leave Middle East oil sellers staggering
In time, some nations will seek protection from increasing Chinese…
Let's bring some honesty into this and say what the IPCC report…
6 glimmers of climate optimism for the end of a dark year
The IPCC also departed from its own 5th assessment report where…
Climate change deniers are increasingly angry and hostile
One of the problems is that deniers are a diverse bunch. Most…
We still have no idea how to eliminate more than a quarter of energy emissions
We will have to tackle this step wise. We can start by converting…
Thats the only thing they know. Tax the hell out of the people…
China’s industrial profits suffer first drop in three years, piles pressure on economy
I guess even the most starry eyed China fanboys are aware now…
Bloomberg Opinion: What’s got oil so spooked? It’s the economy, stupid
OPEC+ should implement those cuts real quick. Would make the…
You, Too, Are in Denial of Climate Change
COP24 just proves that the politicians that signed the Paris…
It Doesn’t Matter if Ecuador Can Afford This Dam. China Still Gets Paid.
In time, countries like Ecuador will gravitate back towards the…
No more denying: Climate change is a growing economic crisis
No, there is no knowing here. Its an opinion that many hold for…
Myths and shibboleths about electric vehicles: the long tailpipe theory
60% efficiency in a power plant - yes but only measured at the…
2018 Was the Year of Europe’s War on Cars
Just a few years ago I was in a public debate on climate change…
Delhi pollution levels hit their worst in 2018 today
This is a real problem. People are dying from this toxic shit.…
U.S. shale producers hit the brakes on 2019 spending
The Permian still looks like a bed of Roses compared to Central…
Pakistan’s probe into Qatar gas deal risks worsening power cuts
If Khan cannot conclusively prove that the seller of the LNG…
Scientists Model Costs of Geoengineering Effort to Dim the Sun
Lots of big figures. Instead of playing with big dreams (remember…
The terrifying new climate change report has one silver lining
OK, let me translate all this into clear language for you. What…
Climate-change deniers are a danger to our security
Its funny that "settled science" as she claims makes so many…
Polish LNG terminal to be expanded
Railway transshipment - I like it. But there must be some serious…
Proven: 100% renewable energy across Europe is more cost effective than the current energy system
Again this bullshit about fossil fuel subsidies. Where does that…
Lets see how this will go. Israel would be much better using…
How China Could Blow It
It was hard to believe that companies would fall for the China…
OPEC Moves to Shore Up Prices After Crude Tumbles Again
Al-Falih might be in for quite a surprise. He expects the world…
Five myths about climate change
Yeah right - climate scientists are not in it for the money.…
Think your country is fighting climate change? You may want to think again…
How many times do we need to see it in order to understand? The…
Governments at COP24 should focus on building a global electricity grid
Subsidies, more subsidies, there must be a donkey shitting gold…
Myths And Shibboleths About Electric Vehicles: The Long Tailpipe Theory
Wow, the author just called all of idiots and he is the only…