Germany’s dream of building a fleet of hydrogen-fired power plants is faltering

It wasn’t a dream - it was an exercise in even more colossal…

Urban Heat Island Studies – Do Pristine Weather Stations Even Exist?

What's the use of a pristine station when its data then gets…

Did Climate Change Cause the Fall of the Roman Empire?

It's not only the Roman Empire that rose and fell because of…

Biden-⁠Harris Administration Announces Temporary Pause on Pending Approvals of Liquefied Natural Gas Exports

It's not going to hold up for long - most certainly not until…

Climate crisis ignored by Republicans as Trump vows to ‘drill, baby, drill’

People are freezing and they still believe it's warming. Where…

Is the World Overbuilding LNG Capacity?

Oh yes, it is as usual I might add. LNG terminals and their value…

TotalEnergies issues force majeure over Novatek’s Arctic LNG 2 project

I am only speculating of course but might it be that the entire…

Qatar Pauses Gas Shipments Via Red Sea After USA Airstrikes

LNG sales are one of the biggest money spinners for the small…

Shipwrecked: America’s Offshore Wind Industry Being Crushed By Rising Construction Costs

A lot of people worry about decommissioning those things once…

Time Traveling Scientists

It's people like Tony Heller who will, one day, be the undoing…

“something fascinating about science”

Before the space probe New Horizons sent back astonishing pictures…

The BBC’s Pothole Propaganda

My city Vienna has been - once again - dubbed the world's nr.…

Drax Carbon Capture Could Cost Bill Payers £40 Billion

We are so used to big numbers that it's hard to get excited about…

How Did University Students Become So Stupid?

When I was young, we had to work while going to university. I…

The Texas power grid is on the verge of another fatal collapse. Green energy is absent

This is not the first such thing happening in Texas and it's…

Climate Advocacy: Incompetence Versus Intentional Fraud — Lazard Edition

I am pretty sure that most diehard climate alarmist advocates…

ExxonMobil deal will transform shale and beyond

In an age of deglobalization, local anything takes on a new dimension…

The Expertocracy & Institutional Capture: How Madness Propagates

When I was a kid, we respected experts and their opinions. There…

The Cold Truth About Renewable Energy in the Pacific Northwest

To all Alarmists out there - here is something you can fret over.…

Reflectors in space could make solar farms on Earth work for longer every day

If your earth-based stuff does not work, go towards far-away…

And So It Begins…

If anyone would have told my teenage self that decades in the…

Yes, it’s cold. Yes, the planet’s still warming.

Do you feel stupid yet? How does it feel when you were told for…

Energy Information Has Never Mattered More—So It’s Time to Reform the IEA

I have strong doubts that any of those organizations can be reformed…

Charging an Electric Vehicle in Canada’s Deep Freeze

I have often been told that I am mean because I enjoy EV driver's…

Drax gets go-ahead for carbon capture project at estimated £40bn cost to bill-payers

Ahh, the endless supply of money kicks in again. In Austria,…

Climate change: Why disinformation is so persistent

Fighting reality is like feeding a Crocodile hoping it will eat…

OPEC Influence Wavers as U.S. Shale Roars Back

Does anyone remember Qatar leaving OPEC? OK, Qatar is not exactly…

170 Scientists to Biden: Reject CP2 LNG Terminal and All New Fracked Gas Infrastructure

What would happen to a climate scientist when it became clear…

The U.S. Military Needs to Build Arctic Capabilities and Capacity

The US military needs a sea change in their doctrine and equipment.…

Warning: Stay Away From Miami

Funny - all the important climate scaremongers such as Obama,…

Red Sea LNG tanker disruptions may bear long-term political, economic risks: Analysts

There is no limitless amount of LNG shipping capacity available…

Solving climate change will have side effects. Get over it

Climate change policies such as those proposed by the extremists…

Biden Admin Unveils ‘Natural Gas Tax’ Proposal

Just making renewables more expensive as they need lots of Natural…

Dead Parrot

It's one of the better-known sketches of Monty Python and we…

Red Sea chokepoints are critical for international oil and natural gas flows

The world has been globalizing relying on shipping through some…

Natural gas to become the world’s largest primary energy source in the mid-2030s

A natural evolution. Coal made the industrial revolutions possible…

Why the U.S. Senate Must Reject Joe Goffman for the EPA

Extremists wherever one looks. The gut tells us that everything…

2024 Won’t be Any Easier for Energy Investors

2024 will be a hard year for any investors who are unwilling…

Venezuela Deploys Troops Amid Dispute with Guyana

I am no expert on Venezuela or Guyana but I can read maps and…

Dutch Gate breaks new record, working on further expansion

GATE makes sense as a Dutch terminal. It makes even more sense…

Shipping Giants Want an End Date for Fossil Fuel-Only Vessels

Are you a ship owner and/or operator? Are you concerned by this…

Settled Science

Wow, they can't even get one straight story out in one single…

Putin Made Him Do It

I am not one to believe anything Putin says very easily. In fact,…

UK government sets out plans for ‘biggest nuclear power expansion in 70 years’

Great - I like nuclear. Two problems. First: nuclear is a long…

Democracy Expert Michael Mann

The longer I live and the longer I look into human history and…

Net zero is about to get even more painful

Even if we stopped all those projects and policies right now,…

In the Year 2525, The Amish Will Survive

It's not only the Amish but what's way more interesting is who…

Shift to renewable energy would make economic growth impossible, says expert

Forget about economic growth. Pushed to the logical extreme they…

SY Fire Response

I have long argued that the incalculable fire risk from Electric…

Tony Blair Institute calls for electric car road tax to avoid ‘gridlock Britain’

One can only pluck so many feathers off one goose. Drivers of…

Why “Raise Awareness” & “Denier!”?

I continue to be baffled by the entire debate. How do we need…

Oil may not escape a recession

Oil might get lucky for a while as there was underinvestment…

Saudi Neom green ammonia project reaches FID

A solution in search of a problem. The ammonia will be used for…

America’s judiciary is quietly receiving ‘training’ from leftwing climate group

It's not only America's judiciary and it's far beyond the judiciary…

Climate change will be here long after the war, but the leadership is neglecting it

I am sure Israelis will be very open-minded towards this. One…

Oil Giant’s Massive Impairment Could Be The Latest Sign Of Trouble For California’s Economy, Experts Say

Impairments mean nothing but money spent for nothing that will…

Fossil fuels from Space?

Ah, now we are getting somewhere. Hydrocarbons have been found…

German Farmers Kick Off Massive Protests Against Policy That Could Threaten Their Livelihoods

This has gone massively beyond the farmers only. And also beyond…