Can Direct Air Capture of Carbon Help Solve Shipping’s GHG Problem?
If we only changed our agricultural practices we could capture…
Trump Says America Needs Coal For Grid Security. The Military Proves Otherwise.
The military runs a very different profit-loss equation than…
Will U.S. Energy Sector Be Casualty Of Trade War With China?
Not really. Crude is a fungible commodity. If China buys more…
Something To Be Thankful For: Fire (AKA Fossil Fuels)
I would really love to see those renewable fanatics live for…
France slows move away from nuclear power
Macron finds out that voters dont like to pay through the nose…
Bitcoin may be a bubble, but blockchain is not
Blockchain is a clunky database (nothing hard to grasp here)…
Elon Musk Admits Everyone Was Right About Tesla
Here we go - he is not the master of his own game anymore. This…
Tesla’s Biggest Problem Isn’t Elon Musk
Tesla is not the only Ponzi scheme around - China as a whole…
Saudi Money Lost Faith in Prince Long Before Khashoggi’s Murder
Whats even more telling is the funny dance Saudi Arabia performs…
Recent studies show flaws of wind power
Here we go - wind turbines warm the planet more than fossil carbon…
Business leaders hail Russia’s booming energy ties with China
Russia needs China as a market for its products, which is essentially…
Homeowners trapped by 25-year solar panel contracts
And thats just the tip of the iceberg. Renewables today are one…
Qatar backs German LNG terminal for Wilhelmshaven
What does that mean? Will Qatar put up more than just some lip-service?…
Pakistan warns LNG importers against oil-linked contracts
Cherry picking - try financing your receiving terminal on the…
More Nuclear Energy Is Not The Solution To Our Climate Crisis
Don't subsidize the old ones - but give the new designs a fair…
BMW’s i4 Electric Vehicle Should Give Tesla a Run for Its Money
Electric vehicles are just at the beginning of a long journey…
Renault to build two wind powered cargo ships by 2020
Nice marketing stunts, but a technology that should be used on…
Will new sanctions trigger a Russian recession?
It already has. Russia was unwell under USD 80 oil. It must be…
The hidden price of Iceland’s green energy
The current renewable craze has one thing in common - its ugly…
Stationary Cargoes Indicate LNG Market Might Be Following Oil’s Footsteps
And the more those games are being played, the more the world…
Donald Trump buried a climate change report because ‘I don’t believe it’
He is right on one thing - Western countries tend to at least…
In defence of coal
An economy that is distorted by subsidies and public work schemes…
A Bill Gates-backed energy company is developing what could be a game-changing nuclear reactor
Nuclear has a much better stab at ridding the world of emissions…
Japan has restarted five nuclear power reactors in 2018
Lets add it up: New nukes online in Japan equals less LNG burned,…
Why Central Bank Digital Currencies Will Destroy Cryptocurrencies
The world does not need fancy tokens. The world needs certainty…
Hot and Indigestible Carbon Dioxide
How do we know what CO2 level were billions of years ago? Or…
OPEC’s Worst Nightmare: Permian Ups Production
The Permian is not the biggest problem OPEC has. Saudi Arabias…
Shell is Wrong: Global Oil Demand Can Only Increase
85% of the world population still has a lot of development potential,…
Yamal LNG commences ship-to-ship LNG transfers
Whats the cost of this? 0,5 USD/mmBTU? Free?
Read on ...
European Parliament admits role of biomethane to decarbonize mobility
Its slow, but its unstoppable. When we are done with all the…
New Fortress Energy expanding LNG assets
2,15 mtpa for 850 MM USD tops? Now we are talking. This is where…
Argentina joins LNG exporters circle with Exmar’s FLNG deployment
8 cargos a year. This means that every transport ship will have…
China industrial gas demand falters as heartland factories go bust
Every bubble fears needles. But no matter how carefully they…
Middle East burying head in the sand on decommissioning
I would be surprised if the decommissioning cost of those ME…
Will biofuels emerge from the renewables shadows?
Biofuel does not equal biofuel. Biodiesel is a shabby liquid…
PermianChain Technologies introduces blockchain network to improve investment
Another token - its a bit like sprinkling some blockchain on…
World’s first cruise line will power ships with biogas from dead fish
A step in the right direction ...
Read on ...
South Korea to back construction of 140 LNG-powered ships
The games are on ...
Read on ...
Gazprom eyes LNG market leaders circle unfazed by US competition
US LNG did not "NOT GO TO EUROPE" because of Russian pipeline…
East Med’s best is yet to come
The Eastern Med is one of the biggest potentials on Europe's…
China names oil & gas veteran to top energy post
Oh great. A businessman - but wait. How are careers in CNPC made?…
Gazprom BoD reviews prospects of shale gas, LNG sectors
Is sitting on the fence really the right strategy in this whirlwind?…
Global Coal Demand Increased In 2017
Which makes the Paris accords - a waste of paper. Even if we…
The oil price is now controlled by just three men
What really matters to oil is China. All signs point towards…
The Dirt on Clean Electric Cars
We need to get real on emissions as right now, the entire calculus…
Permian Pipes Are Coming, But The Workers Aren’t
Money to make and no hands to pull the levers. How much is there…
Why America struggles to sell LNG in Europe
Maybe Europe is overreacting. Just because a couple of US politicians…
Renewable diesel is increasingly used to meet California’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard
Get rid of the carbon - get toxic emissions such as Dioxin instead.…
Big Oil sees ‘huge potential’ in LNG — but warns it is still too expensive for consumers
Its cheaper than road diesel already now for starters. But Descalzi…
Europe: open legislative framework needed to decarbonize mobility
The current tailpipe emissions philosophy is a fraud on the spirit…
US shale needs to add another ‘Russia’s worth of crude’ to prevent global oil shortage, IEA warns
The dogs you call may well end up biting you.
Read on ...
Germany’s First LNG Terminal Is The Right Move For Europe’s Energy Security
I like the idea of a German LNG terminal but it would have been…
Producer Trinidad calls for global gas pricing index
Is that "back to communism" or what? If producers cannot live…
Wind to be EU’s largest power source by 2027
I always read "falling costs". The wind folks here in Austria…
Shale oil’s good, but it’s not here to stay
I am not a shale driller, I am not even a driller or an upstream…
China sends written response to U.S. trade reform demands – U.S. government sources
China cannot give in to any of those demands. They are on the…
Nikola announces new hydrogen fuel cell truck for European market
Has anybody ever seen more than some flashy designs from them?…
Trump criticizes Saudi Arabia for plan to reduce oil production
But higher oil prices will spawn more shale in the US. Trump…
China Demand Drives A Double-Barreled Australian LNG Proposal
Big figures are back. People have forgotten that not long ago…
Malaysia rebuttal reflects mistrust of China’s ‘Belt and Road’ plan
Malaysia is not alone in this. Lots of countries downstream of…