Truck drivers like me will soon be replaced by automation. You’re next

That's not a technology issue. It's a regulatory issue. People…

US Confident It Can Compete In Europe’s Gas Market

I think the current calculus for Russian gas is fundamentally…

Teslas and other electric cars won’t dent the grid, never mind break it

Wow, this is incredibly short-sighted. Electricity is not like…

China passes Japan to become world’s largest natural gas importer

Anyone who knows me will also know that I take anything on China…

Bin Salman launches Saudi Arabia’s first nuclear plant project

Nuclear power actually makes a whole lot of sense for SA. They…

Tokyo Gas signs MOU with RWE

Things get started. A North Western European player with a pure…

Welcome to pipelines on wheels as LNG giant turns to trucks

Freedom on wheels. Its also much harder to interrupt an LNG pipeline.…

California’s Ecology Switches 600 Trucks to Renewable Diesel

And they buy another problem with it. The organic compounds in…

Mazda Plans Electric Push to Avoid EU Emission Penalties in 2021

Europe calculates only tailpipe emissions which is a joke when…

Qatar As Major Competition For U.S. Liquefied Natural Gas

Qatar is not a competitor. Its one of a kind. As the U.S.…

Hydrogen – the holy grail for transmission

The two words "hydrogen" and "easy" dont go well together. Whoever…

Rates for LG carriers soar into record territory

All this diverting, reloading, and other flexi style LNG needs…

BMW’s i4 Electric Vehicle Should Give Tesla a Run for Its Money

The German car industry makes a huge mistake. They build some…

The Past and Future of Electric Cars

Yeah, Electric Cars are here to stay. And as they have become…

Renewables face increasingly level playing field

I cannot say how many times I have read that wind and solar are…

LNG Plant Cost Reduction Analysis

Now it gets interesting. Looks like we have absorbed the price…

European States Line Up for Turkish Stream Gas, Casting Shadow on US LNG Future

The world still, seems to believe that gas squeezed though pipes…

LNG bunkers no better for climate than conventional fuels report concludes

Jori likes us to choke in toxic fumes rather than letting LNG…

German firms urged to cut dependence on China

I know personally at least 3 companies that have already turned…

Chinese investor appetite in US LNG unclear but talks continue: Tellurian

If China is your only game as a liquefaction terminal developer,…

The Dirty Legacy of China’s and India’s Growth

Small particle pollution clearly is a huge problem but as so…

Why Automakers and Dealers Shoot Themselves in the Foot over Electric Cars

Much the same problem exists for methane fueled vehicles. Except…

The Dirtiest Part of Cleanest Fossil Fuel Is Price

We got something real wrong here. Methane (Natural Gas if you…

Here’s a far better, easier, more effective idea than carbon taxes

It is astonishing that nobody thought of that so far. Natural…

Why Paris will be the first post-car metropolis

I have lived in Paris for 8 years. I loved every single year…

New toll exemption for heavy-duty NGVs in German motorways

That might be peanuts but its also a strong sign and recognition…

South Africa urgently seeking gas as energy transition stalls

South Africa's problem is not a lack of gas or even its geo-loaction.…

Saudi Summit Loses Its Swagger as Elites Question Kingdom

Aside from the killing, one cannot reform a country's economy…

Japan proposes LNG contract clause for resale of cargoes

Opening an LNG sales contract is opening a can of worms. Those…

UN Special Report Confirms Urgent Need To Reduce Methane Emissions

Methane does belong in a vehicle tank, not in the atmosphere.…

Israel plans to ban gasoline and diesel vehicles by 2030

2030 - that's a steep timeline. But Israel is a small country…

New Pakistani government seeks to renegotiate LNG terminal deals

When Trump exited the Paris agreement, it abode by the law and…

China’s Problems Keep Piling Up With Trump, Economy, and Markets

There is only one solution to the Chinese dilemma - go and tell…

Longest ever road journey on single fill of LNG completed

Any more questions? If this truck would have filled up on bio-LNG,…

Exxon exploration chief eyes Africa for next elephant oil find

The next elephant might even be onshore in Africa. Large swathes…

Growing demand for biomethane at U.S. Clean Energy’s stations

I never really understood how a premium product such as renewable…

Southeast Asia Power Plants Seen Clashing With UN Climate Goals

Those Climate goals are a fraud. We must assume that those politicians…

Last Man to Walk on the Moon Mistaken About Climate Change on Earth

Climate Change is real, it has happened for billions of years…

Near Term Future of Saudi Oil Sector Examined

I just don't buy the 5-10 USD production cost any more. And I…

Argentina plans to close LNG importing facility

Egypt is out, now Argentia too, maybe some pipes from Argentina…

Tesla’s Newest Promises Break the Laws of Batteries

If China would not be the mother of all Ponzi schemes, Tesla…

Saudi Arabia Breaks 45-Year Taboo With Veiled Threat to Use Oil as a Weapon

OK, let's just contemplate the IF's. If Saudis cut back on oil…

Omnitek’s new 420HP 13-liter natural gas engine exceeds Euro 6 standard

I bet the engine beats EURO 6 by a margin without cheating needed…

China accounts for 50% of the growth in LNG demand: Wood Mackenzie

The middle class of the Middle Kingdom stampedes for the exit…

How DC unleashed fossil-fuel exports despite climate worries

Methane is a potent greenhouse gas - that's true. But it does…

Saudis team up with Russians to compete with US natural gas

The real problem of Saudi Arabia and Russia is not US Natural…

New U.N. Climate Report Says Put a High Price on Carbon

A straight carbon tax is just going disadvantage local producers…

How climate change could be a spark to create a better world

When I was a boy there were two rivers in Austria that were deemed…

No free lunch for renewables: More wind power would warm US

"There is no free lunch" - we need systems that use natures processes…

First cryogenic station being built on Moscow–St. Petersburg corridor

It always defied logic for me that Russia would no gasify its…

Cheniere CEO defends importance of LNG contracts, China market

I agree with Fusco. LNG is not a commodity by any measure no…

Shipping Industry Stares Down New Fuel Restrictions

OK, let's play. 3 MMBBL of crude is about 300K mtpa of LNG which…

Ominous UN Climate Report May Be Good News for One Industry

The best way to capture and store carbon indefinitely is in the…

Qatar Petroleum CEO warns of upcoming,’very big’ LNG shortage

I know, everyone looks at China for all that growth. And this…

Angola secures $2 bln in infrastructure financing from China

China likes to sink lots of cash into countries that will be…

Europe’s first Scania truck with 13-liter LNG engine delivered in Spain

13 Liter engine, 1600 km with one filling. Guess what happens…

LNG supply glut ‘is still coming’

As Pistol Pete used to laugh "har har" I laugh now. I insisted…

LNG and the Importance of the Henry Hub Benchmark

Let's clean this up bit by bit: firstly, Cheniere did not invent…

Egypt-Jordan Natural Gas Deal Could Undermine Israel’s Leviathan

Does that mean more available gas for Israel? That could be good…

Trump’s Import Tariffs Will Make U.S. Wind Power More Expensive

No, no, no, no - Chinese producers have undercut US producers…