Who can you trust?
I started to stop depending on most mainstream online services…
What Does Milei’s Presidential Win Mean for Oil and Gas in Argentina?
Miley makes a lot of the right tones that give hope for Argentina…
Groups Who Endanger You
During the COVID craze, I came to understand how the Nazis could…
Why China just can’t seem to quit coal
Might it be that China has a strained relationship with the truth?…
Gas network already at maximum capacity as cold snap hits
No surprise the gas network is on the ropes. Investing into the…
OPEC accuses International Energy Agency of “vilifying” oil, gas industry
Poor OPEC, why can't people be much nicer to them? Then again,…
Hate Is Good: Laws Which Ban “Hate” Speech Are Bad: Ireland’s New “Hate” Laws Are Tyrannical
Hate is bad - it consumes a person's soul and heart and destroys…
Un-refutable Evidence of Alarmists’ Ocean Acidification Misinformation in 3 Easy Lessons
It is a sick game that we cannot seem to be able to break. Alarmists…
Biden Admin Pledges Millions To International ‘Climate Reparations’ Fund
17 Million USD - I want that to sink in. Seventeen thousand thousand…
No Amount Of Subsidies Will Ever Make A Wind/Solar Electricity System Economically Feasible
If we threw enough money at it, it would somehow work. For a…
The common sense majority is being cowed into silence by activist zealots
If this title were the total and undisputed truth today, no respectable…
Thousands of students at Warwick University are ‘forced to go vegan’ after a handful of activists voted for a meat and dairy ban in the institution’s canteens
I hear there is quite a ruckus about this but this can have a…
Greta Thunberg Caught on Video Going Full Anti-Semite, Chanting ‘Crush Zionism’
We are used to living and moving in a world full of labels. Those…
German firm eyes Nigerian LNG supplies
Flare gas (aka waste) gets used for a sellable product that others…
Shell ‘refocuses’ hydrogen strategy on trucks and industry
So the rollback is underway. It cannot be done in one piece as…
COP28 UN climate summit to officially target meat eating! ‘Nations will be told to curb their excessive appetite for meat’ to enforce UN plan for ‘food’s climate transition’
I thought we were all supposed to become vegans. Has anyone ever…
Green growth or degrowth: what is the right way to tackle climate change?
It's a nice example and it's fitting and very graphic and any…
Al Gore Ghosts Dubai 2023 with 1989 Alarm (What’s New, Pussycat?)
Al Gore makes Bernie Madoff look like a schoolboy in comparison.…
UN COP 28 is not a democracy
Democracy? What's Democracy for any of you? Because what I am…
Guest Column: Gordon Was Standing Tall In The Saddle Until He Backed Down
That's what I always said. In the end, politicians care more…
The Strait of Hormuz is the world’s most important oil transit chokepoint
A chokepoint it is and no doubt it is important. But for who?…
Unscheduled Battery Blowups Turning Electric Vehicles Into Mobile Time Bombs
Those who read my comments for some time must have seen me saying…
‘I thought climate change was a hoax. Now I’ve changed my mind’
Every religion that respects itself comes replete with its batch…
Aramco produces first unconventional tight gas from South Ghawar ahead of schedule
I should like that. And part of me does but will we get economics…
Upcoming UN Climate Confab Could Have Largest Carbon Footprint In Event’s History
Ahh, but nothing is good enough when the good and great of the…
Aerosols overtake greenhouse gases causing a warmer climate and more weather extremes toward carbon neutrality
Wow, does anyone get what they write here? Do the authors believe…
Environmental Levies To Cost £95bn In Next Six Years
How do you communicate this to a population that can't make ends…
Melting ice reveals dozens of 7,000-year-old artifacts in Canada.
The world is full of evidence that climates have been warmer…
Low North American natural gas prices: a global oddity that brings a massive but impermanent competitive advantage
There are other reasons for why the US is on the cusp of one…
A historical victory, also for climate realism
One thing is safe to say. There will be more of this but there…
A New Suspect in the Nord Stream Explosion Emerges
How very convenient - just when the world wants to switch its…
Are these cities ready to become climate havens?
In the late Seventies, a couple was looking for a place to be…
Asia LNG Buyers Are Paying a Panama Chokepoint Premium for 2024
The Panama chokepoint means more short-term LNG for Europe. I…
Turkey’s Botas and Algeria’s Sonatrach extend LNG supply deal
Turkey goes shopping in its former colonies. It's easy to forget…
Family Businesses Can’t Afford to Lose Access to Reliable Electricity
Most politicians I know hate family businesses. Especially mom-and-pop…
LNG Buyers in Asia Look to Resell Supply
Asian buyers of LNG cannot store a lot of Natural Gas. Their…
Why are we Still Searching for Fossil Fuels?
Why are people wanting to live? Why do BBC reporters and management…
UN criticises ‘severe’ Just Stop Oil sentences
There is a difference between protesting and holding the rest…
An Order of Magnitude Greater Threat than Climate Change
2023 turned out to be a weird year for me. Among the many changes…
Permian basin drillers drive largest U.S. shale rig surge in nine months
When the world goes nuts and braindead activists on many levels…
Ukraine’s Naftogaz makes ‘promising’ gas discovery in Carpathians
Once the war is over (and it will be over one day) Ukraine has…
While Media Obsess About Some Warmth, Globe Seeing Plenty Of Unusual Cold Events
The Kool-Aid is strong in most people. That being said, most…
A bad recipe for science
Just imagine you made a ground-breaking new discovery and you…
China Pledged to ‘Strictly Control’ Coal. The Opposite Happened.
China lies - surprise, surprise. China is certainly the biggest…
Tuvaluan’s May ‘Escape’ to Australia, but if They Do, Associated Press, It Won’t Be Because of Climate Change
That should be an easy one to debunk as a simple comparison to…
California’s Electric Truck Mandate: 19 States Sue
January 1st, 2024 - I like it. This is just now - in a few days.…
Appropriation of 60 billion euros ruled unconstitutional by Germany High Court
They will fudge this one as they have done in the past but it's…
How Green Billionaires Groom the Public into Accepting Unworkable Net Zero Policies
Early in the Eighties, there were two major green political parties…
Climate Enron May Be Heading for a Crash
Enron was a Ponzi scheme. If you are reading this with a feeling…
Analyzing Studies
I understand that many wish to reform the way we are served what's…
Green Bloodbath: Major Industries Closing Down As German Energy Prices Soar
German politicians seem to think that the worst case could be…
EU agrees law to track and reduce methane emissions in the oil and gas sector
It's not easy to track methane emissions and especially to measure…
Halliburton, Sekal collaborate on automated well construction solutions for oil, gas industry
Where can you automate? First in places where you have access…
During winter our heat pump sounds like the howl of a small jet engine
Contrary to CO2, this is real pollution. Noise can make you very…
India To Increase Coal Production By 60%
Common sense comes back to those who need it most. Coal power…
NewsGuard: Surrogate the Feds Pay to Keep Watch on the Internet and Be a Judge of the Truth
This whole fake news craze is way overblown. There are essentially…
Further Data Boosts Balticconnector Leads Pointing to Vessel
Let's assume it's really the Chinese vessel. Let's also assume…
Uptick in LNG demand in Asia, Europe insufficient to drive prices: Russell
Europe is not a natural driver for high prices as it can do things…
The ‘Green energy’ scam is starting to collapse: Marc Morano
All our life we fight gravity and in the end, it takes us back…
Climate data refutes crisis narrative
“Who cares if we have to enslave humanity” - that's exactly…