The energy transition is social vandalism
When humanity moved from renewable energy sources wood and whale…
Expensive Cheap Energy
I was a nerdy kid. That means that when I was around 10 years…
Climate Skepticism Is Increasing – What If We Could Hack Our Way Out Of That?
I have been paranoid about computer safety for at least 20 years.…
Ex-Head of Estonia’s Biggest Bank Speaks of Green Deal: We Are Highly Hypocritical
Most people on the climate realist side (and that's not the majority…
Great Travel Reset: Poll: 41% of French population favors restricting EVERYONE to ONLY 4 airplane flights in their ENTIRE LIFE to ‘fight against global warming’
The number one travel destination on Earth is France with Paris…
Pope Francis “LAUDATE DEUM” – Berating the Climate Change Unbelievers
So the Pope's idea of democracy is to bring all the people of…
A Semi-Competent Report On Energy Storage From Britain’s Royal Society
It will never be enough. With wind and solar, we have externalized…
Europe takes climate fight global as carbon border tax goes live
Wait a minute. We are on the cusp of an unprecedented period…
There is not a single photo that sums up just stop oil better than this one
Is anyone able to identify what airline this hypocrite used?…
Pain at the Pump? NOPEC to the Rescue!
Please, Americans, come over here to Europe and look at prices…
Shocked Green Fund Managers Say UK Shift Risks Investment Plans
Those same green fund managers repeated ad nauseam that subsidies…
How Strong Is Global Oil Demand?
How much of what we deem to be the global economy is real? We…
Oil Soars As Worries Of Tight Crude Supplies Go Into Overdrive
Does oil really soar? In September 2018, Brent was close to USD…
The six ways renewables increase electricity bills
It's a very simple fact that I have repeated countless times…
EPA’s Illegal Power Play
Bureaucracies have an inflationary nature. As soon as they are…
QatarEnergy CEO: Natural gas is “indispensable” for a balanced energy transition
The only real energy transition is not from conventional energy…
Key details behind Nord Stream pipeline blasts revealed by scientists
Let's assume we ever find out with certainty who did it. Do you…
LNG Demand Climbs in Latest Estimates as Natural Gas Futures Called Higher
A few years before I quit corporate life for good, I had a conversation…
UK Climate Alarmists Debate Violence (hitting bottom?)
That's what happens when you battle reality for a while. It never…
Alternating Ocean Currents: Offshore Wind Turbines The New Climate Drivers
It's not only the ocean currents. When wind turbines harvest…
Petronas, Mitsui Eye JV for CO2 Sea Transport
I can see a future when CO2 becomes a valuable commodity. We…
Effect of Warmer Climate: Humans Thrive More
I walk a lot when I am running errands. It's good for my weight…
Please Enter The Boxcar Peacefully
I am Austrian. The country where Hitler was born. Here, we get…
Russell Brand was grilled by police in 2014 over claims he sexually assaulted masseuse
Russel Brand was a darling of the global left for the longest…
Regit’s motorists back postponement of 2030 ban and say it’s more likely they’ll choose alternative fuels over electric
Are we supposed to be surprised now? How many voters out of the…
Russia And China Dominating the Race For Nuclear Electricity Generation.
Yes, that's a shame as nuclear energy will be a cornerstone of…
The French plan to save the planet? Stop poorer people flying – Seeking ‘a minimum price for airfares within the EU in a bid to reduce the number of flights’ to reduce CO2 emissions
The elites don't like the average masses to do the very things…
Arctic 2023 Refuses To Melt…German Scientists Blame “Unusual Weather Phenomenon”
No excuse is too ridiculous for climate scientists to forward.…
Ford UK says any delay on government petrol car ban risks EV transition
We are just managers and we are not to blame if we have put the…
Here’s the Climate Dissent You’re Not Hearing About Because It’s Muffled by Society’s Top Institutions
When I still worked for a big multinational company and I wanted…
ExxonMobil lobbies Biden administration for tax credits for hydrogen made from natural gas
Let me get this right. They want to take Natural Gas, use energy…
Lies, Damn Lies, and the Sierra Club
I have said it many times and I say it again right here and now.…
Revealed: top carbon offset projects may not cut planet-heating emissions
Do you think that's bad? Wait for the real punchline. There will…
Germany: All-Electric Car Sales More Than Doubled In August 2023
Every single ICE vehicle is a net contributor to the public good…
Hard Time: Brits Face Prison For Using Power When the Wind’s Not Blowing
Wind and solar have used up all the grid overcapacity that had…
Mining for electric-powering minerals has left 23 million people exposed to toxic waste
We always see only the children mining metals in Congo and this…
Morano talking ‘climate emergency’ on Laura Ingraham on Fox: ‘This is the intentional collapse of our energy, transportation & food’ with no ‘vote of Congress’ involved
Climate is only just one issue that's horribly wrong those days.…
China Coal: Reuters’ “weird climate logic”
We like to convince ourselves that those pushing climate alarmism…
The world’s biggest carbon capture facility is being built in Texas. Will it work?
One nice day, when a majority of people wake up from the zombie-like…
Ross Clark: Will Germany be the first to ditch its net zero commitments?
Wow, I was convinced that it would take until 2030 for Germany…
World’s largest companies stall climate action despite promises
That is not surprising. For the longest time climate action was…
L A Times “Green China” Latest News
I have a theory about why China builds solar and wind parks.…
Russian defeat is inevitable, and will allow world to focus on our real problem — Climate change
The war in Ukraine was a godsend for all politicians worldwide,…
The Elites Directing The Energy Transition Really Have No Idea What They Are Doing
They also don't really care. If one lives for a while in a bubble…
Market Expert Says $100 Oil Is in Sight
Sure, if you factor in inflation it must correspond to 80 USD…
Restoring the Scientific Method and Saving Civilization
We cannot restore the scientific method. It's dead in a coffin…
EU has no immediate plans to ban Russian LNG, says Spain’s Ribera
Not banning Russian LNG might hurt Russia more than outright…
Can AI Predict the Oil Price?
My father was a casino gambler for some time in his youth. He…
EU Taps Ukraine Storage Facilities to Secure Gas Supply
If Ukrainians show the same level of inventiveness they exhibited…
North Sea oil production falls at fastest pace in a decade as Labour fears deter investment
Why does that make anyone afraid? That's what a majority of people…
100 TWh of Hydrogen Storage Needed To Avoid Blackouts
Hydrogen caves you say? Does anyone ever waste a thought about…
Mark P Mills: Grand Nexus: Information, Materials, Energy
Mark is a pleasure to listen to. He knows his stuff and makes…
Europe’s solar industry warns of bankruptcy risk as prices drop
China has flooded the world with cheap claptrap. This has created…
Turn on your heat pump when wind is blowing, Government pleads
Most people cannot commit to an eating pattern that allows them…
Controversy surrounding the Sun’s role in climate change
In my home city Vienna, we enjoy a quasi-continental climate.…
Simply Irresistible: Why Plugging Into Small Modular Reactors Makes Perfect Sense
Small Modular Reactors (SMR) sound almost too good to be true.…
Biden administration to cancel Alaska oil drilling rights sold by Trump
The energy business (especially oil and gas) is made up of long-term…
World oil markets face 3 MMbpd shortfall amidst Saudi production cuts, OPEC data shows
We are still living by old and in my opinion false growth figures.…
The Great Grand Bluff Of Science
I was always some sort of doubter. When I went to school I asked…
Ford CEO: Granting Wage Rises Could Prevent The Transition to EVs
That from the lips of the CEO of Ford, the one company that once…