Power Supplier Sued For Gaming Market Around Wind & Solar Output Collapses

As long as people did not feel the effects of wind and solar…

Soaring Interest Rates Are Quietly Transforming Oil Markets

Soaring? That's not soaring. That's only a correction for the…

Where Do Total Recoverable Oil Reserves Stand?

When I was a child we were told by our teachers in school that…

Gazprom questions Russian gas transit via Ukraine to Europe

It is hard for me to understand how two countries at war can…

Next wave of North American LNG export projects to face labor challenges

Those are not the worst problems they face. Those who have not…

Don’t listen to the Climate Change Committee on car bans, ministers are warned

I have often said so and will repeat it here - people like Rishi…

Lies, Ad Homs, Silly Faces & Wild Ranting–Dale Vince

Those people cause unprecedented damage to everyone and the national…

Limitless ‘white’ hydrogen under our feet may soon shatter all energy assumptions

Really? Where are those reserves? They must be pure hydrogen…

Lithium Ion Battery Fires Abound in New York City

I have heard of vehicle removal companies that refuse to take…

Hottest June kills UK fish and threatens insects

I have seen temperature curves going back to the 17th century…

I’ll be buying a brand new petrol car just before the 2030 ban

I plan on doing exactly the same although, I have a feeling we…

Congress Mandated Experts Design Plan To Block The Sun — And Kill Us All

Madness - yes it is. Who concocts such nonsense? But should we…

Don’t Get The Idea That Internet Censorship Is Diminishing

Shouldn’t we have learned something over the last 10 years?…

World Population – Political Statistics

As it is with most predictions, population statistics have been…

Waiting to Declare the Climate Emergency

We have seen what governments would never dare to do. I live…

The Grip of Culture: The Social Psychology of Climate Catastrophism

Our children grow up in a climate of permanent fear. Don't get…

Nobel laureate: Climate Science has metastasized into massive shock journalistic pseudo science

The world has split into two sides. One is still based on facts…

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Carbon Dioxide

Part of my childhood I spent in a wine-producing region in Lower…

‘I hate tree huggers’: How Starmer apparently exploded over Labour’s green policy

Ahhh, reality. It's a devilish thing this wrestling with reality.…

The pioneering carbon dioxide moonshot that could help tackle climate change

It's no more than an admission that we are nowhere near anything…

Just Stop Oil Donor Received £110 Million in Green Subsidies from Taxpayer

Ahhh, people start to see through the racket. Spineless politicians…

$300 trillion is needed to stop global warming, and that’s a bargain

300 trillion - come on. Why so shy? Let's make that 30 quadrillions.…

Let Them Eat Solar Panels

Let's just ignore the sense or lack of it of such a project at…

“Stranded Assets”: Who Will Have The Last Laugh?

In 2013 and 2014 I was part of a group charged with finding a…

World’s Largest LNG Storage Barge Approaches Bodø En Route to Russian Arctic

Those ships are not cheap. And for any LNG tanker to stop there,…

Where Did All That Russian Gas Go?

Russia does not only have a time mismatch problem when it comes…

Opec+ is in a tight spot

OPEC does not even seem to factor in the prospect of a very long-lasting,…

Gas resource holders in LNG vs. ammonia dilemma

Let's quickly compare both. One is a poisonous product that cannot…

Gulf of Mexico Sees Piracy Increase

That's on the doorstep of the US so I expect the USCG and the…

Fossil fuel leaders say transition to “green future” will require more natural gas

Comforting to see that fossil fuel leaders have not regrown even…

Why Chaotically Delivered Wind and Solar Act Like Cancer On The Power Grid

Cancer on the power grid - I like that way of putting it. Because…

China The Renewables Leader? Do Your Homework, Guardian

We have gotten so used to being lied to, everything has become…

Slash ‘£84 green carbon tax’ to help households, Tory MPs demand

Taxes are expropriation. Don't believe me? The state takes something…

Massive Desert Solar Projects Are Sucking Up Groundwater, Angering Locals

So locals might be less than enthused with those massive solar…

Europe’s Crisis: Blame Green Energy Policy

People look at this, it starts to creep into their mind that…

Just Stop Oil protesters disrupt London Pride over ‘polluting’ sponsors

It's the same deal liberals got when they fought tooth and nail…

World Now Wasting $1 Trillion Or More Per Year Investing in Useless “Renewables”

1 trillion - USD or Euros does not make any difference anymore…

Macron calls for an international taxation deal to finance climate efforts

Let's translate this into plain English. Macron does not want…

Three Typhoon Jets Landed Next to Thermometer When Britain’s ‘Record’ Temperature of 40.3°C Was Recorded

The entire so-called science of measuring temperature is hopelessly…

Huge Nebraska Solar Park Completely Smashed To Pieces By One Single Hail Storm!

Who would have thought? Brittle glass and ceramic panels shatter…

Mexico ‘Cannot Rely Exclusively on U.S. Gas’ for LNG Exports, Warns Jaguar CEO

Some of the most prolific shales are straddling the US-Mexican…

140+ Groups Demand Insurers End Support for ‘Toxic’ LNG Terminals

It's fascinating how many times the word toxic pops up describing…

Weekly data: there will be more LNG tankers than oil supertankers by 2028

Not one year has passed in the last 20 years where I was not…

An LNG facility could make Israel a global gas player – opinion

Israel is still importing almost 100% of its crude oil. Most…

Merger of Equals to Create $5.4B Houston Drilling Company

US drilling was a wild ride for years with all the innovation…

SEA-LNG Argues LNG Far Cheaper Than Ammonia or Methanol

Even bio-LNG is cheaper than Ammonia for one simple reason. Imagine…

Swedish parliament passes new energy target, easing way for new nuclear power

We are all fans of liberal democracy - that is until the majority…

The Green Movement and Energy Prices: The Theory Of “Effective Pain”

That's a theory I naturally subscribe to. Every person has a…

NATO to Build Center for Pipeline Protection

In the end, you cant protect a pipeline. If it's a very long…

Letter from Africa: Investors should look beyond region’s challenges

I like Africa. I even love Africa and I have never regretted…

Despite China heatwave, weak factory demand curbs coal prices, LNG imports

Time to face reality. If you look at China as a growth market…

Moscow hints at strong state support for Novatek’s newest LNG proposal

1300 km of feeder pipeline from the Russian gas transmission…

Nuclear Diesel: A Game Changer

Nuclear diesel? How does that reduce emissions? Don't get me…

The £200 Billion Bill For Upgrading The Grid For Net Zero

200 billion - that's quite a tab. And it must all be allocated…

BBC Learning English–How To Talk To A Climate Denier

How do you recognize a religion? Or a cult? Both put up a dogma…

What? No Air-Con?

The power consumption of o9f the aircon is non-trivial. But then,…

ExxonMobil to employ new fracing technology to double oil production from shale wells

There is still plenty of room at the bottom of shale. I hear…