My new dark red climate stripe for 2024 shows it’s the hottest year yet
What an auspicious time to call for the hottest year ever. People…
Gas Storage Plunges to “Concerningly Low Levels”
This is worse for the UK than for the rest of Europe as interconnection…
Coldest Inauguration Ever?
One would think that climate mongers would turn away in shame…
We Are Close To Blackouts Now–But What About 2030?
In 2022 I said that I felt peak energy and climate madness had…
Massive Recovery in Antarctica Sea Ice Unreported by Net Zero-Obsessed Mainstream Media
I said it many times, and I will have to do so many more times…
Slovakia’s Fico Pushes EU to Help Resume Ukraine Gas Transit
Fico needs the gas to shore up his faltering economy. He believes…
How Madoff’s Ponzi Beneficiaries Are Funding Climate Lawfare
It's not only Bernie. All of Wall Street and its acolytes are…
Why California Wildfires are NOT Climate Driven: A Historical and Meteorological Perspective
I see Hollywood stars loudly complaining about the loss of their…
Grid battery cost issue storm looms in Massachusetts
Looking at this without looking at the reasons why this is even…
The BBC is Wrong, Individuals’ Sacrifices Will Not Save a Planet That Doesn’t Need Saving Anyway
Zuckerberg has decided to end the censure part of his business.…
The Climate Agenda’s March Through the Institutions: Can It Be Stopped?
Can it be stopped? Sure it can. The real question is what it's…
Biden moves to ban more offshore drilling in final weeks in White House
Pure propaganda for the unsavory parts of his party. He can claim…
CfD Subsidies Hit Record High In 2024
Not many cared when things were still OK - on the surface. Trouble…
2025 Looks Bleak For Germany…Energy The Most Expensive In Europe …Growing Speech Tyranny
What is a disaster zone in the making? Citizens in countries…
‘I get a kick out of Nigel Farage’: Jordan Peterson on Reform and why net zero is unconservative
Political establishments the world over have fossilized for decades…
Biden Will Reportedly Hand Environmental Lobby One Last Gift On His Way Out The Door
The bigger gift will be to Trump and Republicans. When Trump…
The errors and misstatements in “Climate Denialism”
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Thats the…
Met Office Claims to Have Been Recording Temperatures at “Stornoway Airport” 30 Years Before Aeroplanes Were Invented
Likely a drop in the ocean. We have so many examples of not only…
AI Exposes Accelerated Climate Change: 3°C Temperature Rise Imminent
A knife is a tool you can use to cook your dinner or to murder…
Even with Trump in the White House, US LNG faces obstacles in 2025
LNG is a long-term business, especially if you seek to export…
Renewables Growth Won’t Go Away Under Trump
Trump is a symbol and even I start to expect some good things…
Recent Temperature Falls Likely to Put a Dampener on ‘Hottest Year Evah’ Stories
Putting a dampener on the activists? Unlikely. At least in the…
Why almost all coal was made at the same time
The younger atmosphere was a lot more CO2-rich. Right now we…
Next EV Battle Pits Truckers And Red States Against California-Led ‘Cartel’
We should celebrate horrific examples such as California. They…
‘Trump effect’ undermines U.N. climate summit
Climate Activism will now have a claim to be the underdog. It…
Namibia to rival Guyana as world’s newest oil and gas hotspot following massive offshore discoveries
It is the oldest story in the oil book. Namibia has been a very…
Carbon Capture: Tech Giants Throw Money at the Latest Green Trend
I know one kind of person who will love this. Space enthusiasts.…
Time for Democrats to Embrace Pragmatism in Climate Policy
It's tough to escape once you have chosen the road to madness.…
The various forms of anger about climate change in Australia and their relations with self-reported actions, intentions, and distress
It is almost comical how the angriest people on the planet have…
Fifteen Days To Slow The Spread
Every organized society quickly develops a caste of those who…
Website Problems
Now that Trump has won again, many in the realist community think…
Leveraging the Defense Production Act to Stockpile Minerals
National defense is national defense. Whatever you deem to be…
‘Actually,’ MSNBC, Trump’s Energy Secretary Pick is Right, Climate Change Does Have Benefits
Every historian of any repute can tell you that there have been…
The Soul of American Greatness
Every business school of repute has it. A course on entrepreneurialism.…
New climate chemistry model finds ‘non-negligible’ impacts of potential hydrogen fuel leakage
Oh, you think free hydrogen in the atmosphere is a problem? What…
As Woke Falls, What Rises?
I always deemed anyone who trusted politics and politicians to…
Slovakia Warns of Financial Damage If Ukraine Gas Transit Stops
Just like many other countries in Central Europe that have no…
Iran’s energy dominoes on the brink
Iran faces a problem that astonishingly many oil exporters face.…
Newsweek Claims U.S. Cities Would be Underwater by 2050, Forgets the Same Predictions Were Made for 2000 and 2020
It just conforms once more to what many of us have known for…
Germany Gets Dunkelf**ked Again, Norway To Dismantle Power Cables To Europe
Germany is a Black Hole for energy, sucking half the continent…
Vaca Muerta shale boom could propel Argentina to top 3 of region’s producers
South America, especially its southern tip like the southern…
Considerations for green hydrogen offtake agreements
There should be a requirement for politicians to put any of those…
China Begins Ban of Rare Earth Minerals to the US
Thats a good thing. Why? Doesn’t it make things more expensive…
OCR Want Climate Indoctrination Put Into School Curriculum
After World War 2 ended and Austria became a sovereign nation…
Events in Syria Could Impact Crude Oil Market
No, they won't in a meaningful way. Imagine all the madness we…
Is Elon Musk Now a Climate Realist?
Up until a little more than 10 years ago, I thought wind and…
Ex-CCP Officials Funneled Millions to US Universities, Nonprofits To Promote Green Energy, Tax Forms Show
I remember the day when the Soviet Union fell. It was not the…
UK Government ‘Commits’ to Forcing Cattle to Consume Anti-Flatulence Feed Additive
Before humans entered the equation in force about 10.000 years…
ESG ‘vibe’ check: ‘Stock market investors are pulling a record amount of cash out of climate funds’ – ‘The main driver of the exodus is bad vibes’
When the financial world no longer believes in a scam, the end…
California can’t use all its solar power. That’s a huge problem.
Is that really so hard to understand? Electrictíty is a commodity…
Trump’s protectionism threatens oil and gas industry
Trump's protectionism will accelerate a move that is already…
QatarEnergy CEO: are you telling us you don’t want our LNG into EU?
ESG produces costs. Limiting your options on a market produces…
A ‘doom loop’ of climate change and geopolitical instability is beginning
Oh yes, climate change and the alarmism thats connected to it…
Climate Disobedience Ahead? Be Ready
Climate Alarmism and Climate Worrying is an elite sport. And…
U.S. ‘energy dominance’ a key to Trump’s peace bid
Producing as much cheap energy as one can, may be a strategy.…
UK Funds UN Crackdown On Climate Dissent
One of the things I understood as a kid when I looked at the…
Shale Oil Is More Likely To Boom Than Peak
People have weird ideas about oil and gas. At best they often…
China looks to become LNG trading hub
Is it a trading hub or more like a flexibility option China can…
LNG imports will destroy the Aussie economy
Australia could be an energy wonderland. They could have built…
AI reveals hidden climate extremes in Europe
It's fitting. A model designed by humans encompassing all its…