AI is at the root of the world’s ‘polycrisis’
Is the elite aware that the Climate Scare has run its course?…
You are being conned: Data, studies & UN IPCC all reveal Canadian fires not due to ‘climate change’ – ‘There has been a significant & continuing decline in the number of fires’
The funny thing is that all the information is at anyone's fingertips.…
A comparison of the efficacy of green house gas forcing and solar forcing
Let's make this simple for those lacking the patience for reading…
Amazon workers walk out in protest of company climate policies, return to office, job cuts
Bezos is no stranger to virtue signaling. He has gone to bed…
German police conduct nationwide raids against climate activists
That's a beginning but without stiff sentencing, this won't do…
China’s disappointing rebound could bring in more stimulus, economists say
I think even this disappointing rebound is not real. China has…
LNG: a bridge to net zero for container ships
LNG is a perfect concealment fuel for shipping if you as a shipping…
BP’s African LNG project hit by delayed delivery of liquefaction vessel
Shell is not very happy with its Prelude floating liquefaction…
Rowan Atkinson: I love electric vehicles … But increasingly I feel duped
I love Rowan. Who does not? I am willing to give him the benefit…
Riled on Nord Stream Probe, Russia Summons European Envoys
Why would Russian officials be riled on a probe if they were…
Guardian COP28 Circus: Our Last Hope is an Arab Oil Sheik who Plans to Increase Production
Yes, it's a circus of fools but it's a circus that very few people…
Sign Here: Corporate Fraudsters Ready to Cash In On Grand ‘Green’ Hydrogen Plans
So far, it has just been about our money. Wind and solar are…
England ‘not ready’ to respond to extreme heatwaves this summer – and resources are at ‘breaking point’
England does not need a policy for heatwaves - or any other weather…
It Will Take 200 Years for the Chinese Yuan to Replace the US Dollar — By Then, China May Not Exist
It must be 20 years now that we are being told about the imminent…
New study reveals Antarctic ice shelf area has grown by 5305 km2 from 2009-2019
Now, this cannot be true. The al-knowing patron saint of the…
Ireland’s mooted cow massacre is a warning to net zero Britain
If only 5 years ago anyone would have advanced such an idea,…
I was left flat by my electric car charging experience
When I was a kid I was told by my war generation elders that…
Most of North America at Risk of Energy Shortfalls This Summer
This headline alone is stunning and breathtaking. Just a few…
Which Generation Is Most in Demand in Oil, Gas Right Now?
The Boomers are the biggest generation alive today. And even…
John Kerry To Peasants: Die, To Save The Planet
As soon as any person reaches a certain threshold of power or…
NY taking legislative action to stop the “transition” until a fossil fuel replacement is identified
That is a good thing. If we ran the numbers on how much conventional…
U.S. Exit of the Paris Climate Accord: Reasons Reverberate Today
Trump was a trailblazer and he was very early but with hindsight,…
Rise of Brics challenges oil world order
Rise of the BRICS? Let's see - we have Brazil, a country led…
Aker BP makes “significant” oil discovery offshore Norway
As hard as this seems to be to grasp, in way more than a century…
Bureaucrats Completely Incapable of Making Reasonable Trade-Offs
Most people have a very weird understanding of how others are…
This is the Century of Natural Gas
I always had a problem with the expression “Natural Gas”.…
“We have no reason to be against nuclear energy other than prejudice & stupidity”
We have a very unhealthy relationship with radiation. We are…
Netherlands arrests more than 1,500 climate activists
There also was a mass arrest and judicial proceedings against…
CEO of biggest carbon credit certifier to resign after claims offsets worthless
Thats it? He says he is resigning and that's already it for him…
Media Bombshell: Shocking Outbreak of ‘Climate Disinformation’ in the Media, i.e., Journalists Asking Questions About Net Zero on GB News and Talk TV
Those who read my comments for a little longer might have picked…
Arctic Ice: A Cold Reality Check for Climate Alarmism
It's 2023. None of this ice should be there for more than 3 years…
Labour Will Block New North Sea Oil & Gas
Britain is in a bad spot. Most big European countries have major…
Climate Change Creates Favorable Conditions for Brain-Eating Amoeba
It seems like the amoeba is already hard at work munching those…
South Africa Weighs Extending Lives of Larger Coal Power Plants
South Africa is a basket case of how removed politicians are…
EOR/IOR technology: Advanced shale oil EOR methods for the DJ basin
When you have thousands of smaller wells instead of some few…
Climate scientists flee Twitter as hostility surges
Are we supposed to be surprised? Snowflakes cannot survive in…
Trollvind Offshore Wind Project Postponed Indefinitely
Imagine, Norway is one of the richest countries per capita, and…
ExxonMobil is Right, Net-Zero Efforts Will Cause a Lower Quality of Life
Lower quality of life you say? That's a very nice and unassuming…
California’s Duck Curve Hits Record Lows
In an honest and transparent world, we would have been told that…
Is The U.S. Preparing To Punish OPEC?
If the US would be a consumer only and had no other way to retaliate…
South Africa Braces for More Frequent Blackouts this Winter
If you have been to South Africa lately, you will have a hard…
Green Party Boat Makes London Debut
Essentially that's a big floating lithium-ion battery. The same…
Clock Is Ticking for Qatar to Sell Its LNG
No, not really. Qatar is in a league of its own when it comes…
Green Projects Hit Iron Wall
We are in weird times. 2022 was peak Climate Alarmism. This does…
Samsung Heavy develops new LNG carrier design
That is very nice. But what we really need is a plethora of smaller…
Nigeria Hopes New Refinery Will Cut $26B Import Bill
Nigeria is a funny case. They are one of the biggest oil producers…
Germany’s Growing List Of Bans: Next Up: Wood Stoves And Heating With Wood
Germany is governed by a coalition including the Greens. My home…
Relax, Fresh Plaza, Florida Strawberry Production Is Growing
Pretty much the entire fossil record of life on Earth flies in…
Europe can achieve Net Zero by demolishing historic buildings and starting again, Central Bank claims
You can always trust ideologues that have no grounding in reality…
Why U.S. Companies Should Care About European ESG Reporting Regulations
What a bane for countless useless consulting companies and highly…
The Case for Nukes: The Pathway To Freedom & Prosperity Is Reliable & Affordable Energy
I do share your enthusiasm for nuclear Robert but you promote…
Europe is beginning to turn against the prophets of climate alarmism
The Climate Change religion is especially famous for its many…
U.S. Department of Energy soliciting bids for crude oil to replenish petroleum reserve
What they really want is someone that waves a magic wand and…
Can gas solve South Africa’s power crisis?
All the gas on Earth cannot solve South Africa's power crisis.…
King Charles backed these care homes for 40 years – now Net Zero is forcing them to close
We all like to believe that somewhere out there, there is something…
“Can We All Just Relax?” Julia Hartley-Brewer Clashes With Meteorologist Over Global Warming
Why does no one ever have to respond to all those failed predictions…
New high risk, high reward studies will tackle key unanswered questions about our planet
There is nothing wrong in principle with understanding our planet…
Efuels a route to use otherwise wasted wind
That reminds me of the joblessness policy in many countries.…
Europe’s Emissions Fall Below Lockdown Levels During Energy Crisis
Cause for celebration? I think not. Lower emissions in Europe…
S.Africa circles back to shale gas as power crisis drags
Oh yeah, they want to circle back to Shale now. They have never…