Mann’s Twitter Mania is Embarrassing

What's it worth if 10.000 graduates in Social Sciences and Gender…

Environmental impacts of cultured meat: A cradle-to-gate life cycle assessment

One day in the future, we won't eat parts of animal corpses anymore.…

Sinopec begins drilling Asia’s deepest oil, gas well in Tarim basin

Deep drilling, unconventional reservoirs, unconventional compositions,…

EU Wants Global Gas Sellers to Join Its Matchmaking Platform

Let me guess - they think that such a platform would bring the…

Archbishop Blames Climate Change For Illegal Immigrants

If alarmists were right with their assumptions, one of the biggest…

Charles Is Not Your Climate King

Everyone is always crazy about getting the top job. Until they…

Entire Global Food Supply at Risk From Disastrous Response to So-Called ‘Nitrogen Crisis’

This is the biggest real threat we face. In 2023, we still eat…

Aramco Weighs LNG Exports as Hydrogen Talks Prove Tough

What Aramco essentially says is that talk is cheap. You say you…

EPA’s CCS requirement is illegal; The agency blocked its Science Advisory Board from saying so 10 years ago

Remember all those court cases where activist groups tried to…

Hydrogen Headstart to power new jobs & industry

We are not nearly done with creating ever new bubbles. If it…

Tellurian expects first phase of Driftwood LNG to cost $14.5 billion

I know this is many years in the past but LNG had already a CAPEX…

The Next Green Front? Your Front Lawn

Have you ever asked yourself when and where they will stop? That's…

Giant Pumped Hydro Scheme Becomes Costly & Pointless Disaster

We have become so used to fake figures in everything that we…

Electric cars losing value twice as fast as petrol vehicles – drivers may lose £25,000

How about liabilities? What about an EV owner that through irresponsible…

EU Backs Dutch Scheme to Forcibly Shut Down Thousands of Farms, Ban Farmers From Returning to Agriculture Forever

We need those extreme examples but sadly there is not much in…

The Elephants in The Room

Prediction - if every company's and organization's management…

99.2% of Swiss National Bank Shareholders Just Rejected a Green Investment Push

Switzerland has been the most pragmatic country in the entire…

Germany considers electricity price cap to support industry

So it's more subsidies. And where does the money for all those…

Manmade: Studies Suggest That Wind Parks Cause Climate Change, Even Regional Drought

We learn in school that no energy is ever created. It's only…

17th century documents & 1970s ice maps show sea ice habitat in Svalbard has always varied greatly

And this is far from being the only evidence we have. Every historian…

Offshore Wind Anyone? NATO Claims Russia has MINED Undersea Pipes and Cables

A pipeline is the most economical and also one of the safest…

Climate protesters try to bring Berlin traffic to a halt

Why don't we start calling things by their true name? This is…

Houston Bound Oil Tanker Seized by Iran

What has been simmering for decades now starts to become real.…

The Less You Know About Climate, The More You Cry About Climate

Compared to what I am now, I was quite idealistic when I was…

Grand Delusion: Why Battery Storage Can’t Fix Wind & Solar’s Intermittency Problem

Last year, a couple of bus depots with Electric Busses burnt…

Peace Breaks Out In The Middle East As US Influence Declines: From OPEC To OPEC+

That's how short our memories are. It was under President Trump…

South Africa And The Green Energy Wall

South Africa's electricity problems started soon after successive…

Tucker Carlson: Too True for Fox and Video

Tucker Carlson is a product of the very system he starts to openly…

A Nuclear Revival Needs More Rules, Not Less

Yes, there is absolutely ridiculous overregulation in nuclear…

The wheels come off LNG trains — maybe

Hardly any energy topic is so fraught with disinformation and…

State leaders targeting climate investing have quiet stakes in the fossil fuel industry

Nobody ever seems to be bothered by entire swarms of useless…

EU Gambit to Swap Russian Gas for Offshore Wind Is Falling Short

Those who commit to those targets (and I also include the managers…

How To Destroy Jobs & Wreck An Economy: Add Even More Subsidised Wind & Solar

It's hard to believe that Germany has once been the economic…

Virtue Signaling Proves Why Science Is Broken

I grew up in the countryside in a small village. Life there was…

CSM takes delivery of wind-assisted, LNG-ready tanker duo

Wind assisted you say? Most people have no idea how painfully…

China’s coal boom accelerates as Beijing strengthens energy security

It's really about time for the climate protester folks to move…

Are Heat Pumps Cheaper To Run? Don’t Believe Octopus!

I am a born skeptic. As a kid, I looked at who played Santa.…

Argentina’s gas ready to help energy security and transition

The potential of Vaca Muerte has been around for a long time.…

Another Non-reassuring Report On New York’s Energy Future

New York's energy future? Don't you worry about that. New York…

Biden threatens to veto House resolution to end solar panel tariffs freeze

Any questions? Any doubts about whose bidding Biden does? Oh…

Former New Zealand leader Jacinda Ardern joins Berkman Klein Center as Knight Tech Governance Leadership Fellow

Ah, what would we be without scores of failed politicians that…

These Five Countries Are Laundering Russian Oil And Selling It To The West

Yes, they enable Russia to sell its oil to us but they don't…

Resetting Global Agriculture: The Destructive Road to Dystopia

The 1960s saw the big green revolution. The massive use of fertilizers…

Is warming accelerating in the troposphere?

Austria just had its coldest April in decades. It made headlines.…

High LNG stocks in North Asia, weak demand leads to more storage at sea

Storing LNG at sea is not the same as storing crude at sea. Crude…

Europe still close to an energy crisis: Natural gas analyst

We don't have an energy crisis in Europe. We have a fundamental…

Shale Giant Investing in Geothermal Energy

There is still a lot of opposition to fracking in Europe but…

Costly & Pathetic ‘Performance’: Thousands of Wind Turbines Being Replaced After 12 Years

What happened to the “Build them once, have free energy forever”…

New York car park collapse: Concrete floors ‘pancake’ in packed multi-storey

We know that once an Electric Vehicle burns, it cannot be extinguished…

How Much Has The Climate Changed During Children’s Lives

Let me tell you how much the climate has changed since I was…

Europe’s LNG strategy is better late than never

LNG strategy? What strategy is that we are talking about? Strategy…

NYC Mayor to Cut Carbon Emissions by Cutting Off Food

Deep inside most people have a gut reaction that makes them give…

What Makes People Act on Climate Change, according to Behavioral Science

Having an opinion that is independent of the zombified masses…