Renewable Energy Fail, as British Coal Generators Fired Up AGAIN to Cover Shortfalls
Oh, has the need to save the planet taken a pause just because…
Irizar manufactures the first liquid natural gas (LNG) long distance coach
No wishful thinking, no pimped range results, and no hidden emissions.…
Russia set to mothball damaged Nord Stream gas pipelines
This all comes at a very interesting time. Because just now the…
Tellurian faces new setback as LNG project financing looms
Let me summarize: two of the most well-known faces of the LNG…
Hydrogen: A promising new energy carrier, but how can projects be financed?
What a question is this! This is easy. Just print a mountain…
Economic growth is fuelling climate change – a new book proposes ‘degrowth communism’ as the solution
While this communist plot to push all of us (except the elites…
Biden admin makes stunning admission on climate agenda in leaked internal memo
Why are we surprised? This is the Biden administration being…
Scrubbing Plus Onboard Carbon Capture Could be ‘Dream Solution’ to Decarbonise Shipping
And it only works in a dream world. Scrubbing alone is already…
EU delays vote on combustion engine phaseout after German pushback
I will go out on a limb here and make a bold prediction - this…
Hydrogen Projects in Australia Are Struggling to Lure Investors
Shall we be surprised? Governments like to show their green credentials…
Law Whispering is Dead, Long Live Law Whispering!
This is why we need individual rights that are cast in stone…
How much does mass tree planting affect climate change?
This is the one policy I agree with when it comes to climate.…
The Russia-Ukraine war remapped the world’s energy supplies, putting the U.S. at the top for years to come
In August 2015, almost 8 years before now, I published an article…
Used China Cooking Oil Starting to Clean Up Dirty USA Diesel
What a fallacy. Most people believe that biodiesel is the cleaner…
Hydrogen an opportunity for China’s renewables hubs
China has found another stop-gap solution for its gargantuan…
Indian companies seal deal to step up use of LNG lorries in mineral-rich west Maharashtra
India's true problem is not Climate Change or net zero - it's…
Heat pumps have triggered a revolt against Net Zero
And so they will - here in my own Austria and in Germany, both…
The shameless blackmail by the wind industry is a golden opportunity for the Chancellor
It is the golden way out of those projects, especially when they…
I like dreaming, especially the daydreaming variant. My wife…
Russia’s Biggest Weapon (And China’s Too) Is Fossil Fuel Energy
Yes, they do have this weapon. What they have is much more than…
Massive farmers protest disrupts Brussels traffic
Due to the war in Ukraine, the world experiences one of the most…
China’s Gas Demand Is a Bigger Worry for Europe Than Russia Cutoff
Indeed it is as the lack of demand for energy in Europe paints…
Woodside sees ‘finely balanced’ gas market, China comeback still uncertain
Balance? There is not even going to be any semblance of balance…
The World Bank Takes a Wrong Turn
We are asking the wrong questions. It should not be “Who is…
Saudi NEOM Green Hydrogen Co. seals $8.5bn finance deals
Thats Saudi Arabia's idea of an economic revival - monster projects…
Grid Capacity Issues Threaten Net Zero
It should really have been a no-brainer so far but it seems that…
‘Dead Cow’ Awakens as Pipelines Revive Argentina’s Shale Hopes
Shale, if done the right way, would do much to give not only…
China approves biggest expansion in new coal power plants since 2015
China does what China needs to do. They need power for their…
Ireland rues mistakes of the past as it struggles to keep the lights on
So green island has taken a stab at the green stone age. Ireland…
Geoengineering: New Area for the Climate Industrial Complex?
Just imagine - monstrously big projects that can only be underwritten…
The fungus zombies in ‘The Last of Us’ are fictional, but real fungi can infect people, and they’re becoming more resistant
And just in time when people start to open their eyes a bit as…
Greta Protest Against Windmills!
The Greens protest Greens. Like any extremist organization, there…
Tesla scales back German battery plans, won over by U.S. incentives
The sole incentive for a company or an entrepreneur to make an…
Reuters Editor Comes Clean About CO2 Hysteria
The scientific foundation for human-induced climate change is…
Leviathan group starts plans for Israeli floating LNG terminal
Every time when prices for Natural Gas and especially LNG prices…
A Marshall Plan for Energy Security
Half of Europe had depended on Russian oil and gas for decades.…
Shell Sees Henry Hub Dictating Global Natural Gas Markets as North American LNG Exports Grow
I disagree. There is not nearly enough LNG on the water to pull…
Beware the warrior accountants
Well, the warrior accountants seem to have forgotten that just…
The Overprivileged West’s Delusion Of ‘Transitioning Away From Oil’
I have made the comparison many times. When the hard times that…
How Scotland pays back for Malawi (non existent) climate damage
The victims of natural catastrophes are always to be pitied.…
Is The ESG Colossus Stumbling?
There will be a lot of foul compromises until this thing really…
This ‘climate-friendly’ fuel comes with an astronomical cancer risk
There are many such idiocrazies out there. We have been using…
Rank Innumeracy On The Cost Of Electricity From Renewables
I went to a conventional university-style law school. In there…
The test that exonerates CO2
The one planetary example that is usually given for the greenhouse…
Outsourcing Emissions
Guess what - it's not only since Greta that we have been hypocrites.…
USA Leads Charge On Small Modular Reactors With NuScale Design Ready For Construction
When the new generation of massive transport rockets comes into…
EU rules still limit green hydrogen growth
Most hydrogen projects that take FID today are very small. Big-volume…
Monbiot : We Must End Our Dependence On Farming
Not even the most basic civilization would survive without farming.…
Natural Gas Drops to Pandemic-Era Low as US Supply Glut Worsens
Prices for Natural Gas in North America are not only lower than…
Is NOAA trying to warm the current 8+ year pause?
We are in a fundamental dilemma that has no good solution. We…
Still More Vogtle Nuclear Delays (how will it end?)
Vogtle is just one example of all that is wrong with our “Big…
Will Electric Vehicles Continue To Thrive Without Subsidies?
Public purses are overstretched and those who control the purse…
Germany extends the life of its last three operating nuclear power plants until April
Ah, suddenly nuclear is good enough. Together with lignite coal,…
White Noise and Climate Anxiety
Deep below our brain, just below the Hypothalamus, you will find…
Will the SEC Climate Rules Make Smaller Public Companies Go Extinct?
Bodies like the SEC always ever benefit the big companies and…
Could Europe’s Supply Gap Herald a Golden Age of LNG?
If anything, the current European energy mess should herald introspection.…
Rising costs threaten Mozambique LNG
It's a very common problem with very large projects such as big-style…
Climate change is triggering more earthquakes. Big Oil’s interests are a factor
How have we ignored that? Has anyone seen a picture of the Earth…
California’s grid faces collapse as leaders push renewables, electric vehicles, experts say
And still, California is importing lots of fossil fuel and electricity…
Monday Mirthiness: Wally’s Employment Award
I spent quite a number of years working for big organizations…