Leviathan group starts plans for Israeli floating LNG terminal

Every time when prices for Natural Gas and especially LNG prices…

A Marshall Plan for Energy Security

Half of Europe had depended on Russian oil and gas for decades.…

Shell Sees Henry Hub Dictating Global Natural Gas Markets as North American LNG Exports Grow

I disagree. There is not nearly enough LNG on the water to pull…

Beware the warrior accountants

Well, the warrior accountants seem to have forgotten that just…

The Overprivileged West’s Delusion Of ‘Transitioning Away From Oil’

I have made the comparison many times. When the hard times that…

How Scotland pays back for Malawi (non existent) climate damage

The victims of natural catastrophes are always to be pitied.…

Is The ESG Colossus Stumbling?

There will be a lot of foul compromises until this thing really…

This ‘climate-friendly’ fuel comes with an astronomical cancer risk

There are many such idiocrazies out there. We have been using…

Rank Innumeracy On The Cost Of Electricity From Renewables

I went to a conventional university-style law school. In there…

The test that exonerates CO2

The one planetary example that is usually given for the greenhouse…

Outsourcing Emissions

Guess what - it's not only since Greta that we have been hypocrites.…

USA Leads Charge On Small Modular Reactors With NuScale Design Ready For Construction

When the new generation of massive transport rockets comes into…

EU rules still limit green hydrogen growth

Most hydrogen projects that take FID today are very small. Big-volume…

Monbiot : We Must End Our Dependence On Farming

Not even the most basic civilization would survive without farming.…

Natural Gas Drops to Pandemic-Era Low as US Supply Glut Worsens

Prices for Natural Gas in North America are not only lower than…

Is NOAA trying to warm the current 8+ year pause?

We are in a fundamental dilemma that has no good solution. We…

Still More Vogtle Nuclear Delays (how will it end?)

Vogtle is just one example of all that is wrong with our “Big…

Will Electric Vehicles Continue To Thrive Without Subsidies?

Public purses are overstretched and those who control the purse…

Germany extends the life of its last three operating nuclear power plants until April

Ah, suddenly nuclear is good enough. Together with lignite coal,…

White Noise and Climate Anxiety

Deep below our brain, just below the Hypothalamus, you will find…

Will the SEC Climate Rules Make Smaller Public Companies Go Extinct?

Bodies like the SEC always ever benefit the big companies and…

Could Europe’s Supply Gap Herald a Golden Age of LNG?

If anything, the current European energy mess should herald introspection.…

Rising costs threaten Mozambique LNG

It's a very common problem with very large projects such as big-style…

Climate change is triggering more earthquakes. Big Oil’s interests are a factor

How have we ignored that? Has anyone seen a picture of the Earth…

California’s grid faces collapse as leaders push renewables, electric vehicles, experts say

And still, California is importing lots of fossil fuel and electricity…

Monday Mirthiness: Wally’s Employment Award

I spent quite a number of years working for big organizations…

Greens offer support for safeguard mechanism on condition it blocks new coal and gas

I like that. The Greens stand by their bottom line, they want…

‘Mass exodus on a biblical scale’: UN warns New York, London, Shanghai to be impacted by rising sea levels

I have brought up the example many times and will do so again.…

EU Puts Continent On Fast Track To Zero… New Fossil Fuel Cars To Be Banned By 2035!

Yeah right - I really want to see that. 2035 is in 12 years -…

EU’s future hydrogen grid takes shape after Parliament vote

The accident in Ohio shows us that one event can undo everything…

Why Is the Biden Administration Doing China’s Bidding?

Any capital intensive project will take a long time of operation…

Shell’s Board Sued by Institutional Investors Over Lack of Climate Ambition

The Paris agreement is an intergovernmental accord that produces…

Ohio train derailment: Rail firm pulls out of meeting with residents

The Hydrogen crowd seems to be dead set on using ammonia to make…

The man in charge of how the US spends $400bn to shift away from fossil fuels

This is not $400bn for green energy. This is $400bn for the political…

What Would War-End Mean for Global Oil and Gas?

The war will end when Ukraine has recovered all its territory,…

The U.S. Must Win the Green Technology Race Against China

There is no war to win against China. There is a war against…

Mob Rule: How Sicilian Mafiosi Make a Killing From Italy’s Wind & Solar Industries

We grow up learning that giant corporations are entrepreneurs…

BBC’s Solar Power Misinformation

Mainstream media can put those lies out and not even retract…

Grant Shapps faces Tory mutiny over hydrogen levy plans

Under Boris Johnson, the Tories experienced one of their biggest…

The price of Britain’s mad fracking ban

The title could also be “The price of Europe's mad energy policies”.…

TotalEnergies “not in a hurry” to restart Mozambique LNG, CEO says

There was always a saying in Oil & Gas. When you find a world-class…

North Dakota’s Bakken shale “holding back” U.S. oil production

But the Permian still grows and will continue to do so. As I…

Neom project cost balloons to $8.5bn

What did we expect? Air products essentially took a giant bet…

Dozens of giant turbines at Scots windfarms powered by diesel generators

The fact that greens and their henchmen can look into our eyes…

‘Al Gore and the End of Climate Policy’ (autopsy time)

Oh yes, they are freakin out. Can you smell the scent of fear…

Uni degree will train future disruptors

Need further proof that this is a religious cult? The woo-woo…

Censoring Inconvenient Truths

That was a whole lot easier just about 3 years ago. In the meantime…

We Must Demand A Demonstration Project Of A Mainly Renewables-Based Electrical Grid

I have long argued that we need a prominent failed state, like…

Fossil discovery reveals complex ecosystems existed on Earth much earlier than previously though

When the space probe New Horizons passed by Pluto in 2015, the…

Climate Activists Celebrate Your Utility Bill Pain

There is no free lunch. Biden has no problem throwing this amount…

Lower the Voting Age to 16, to Drive Climate Action

I used to think that lowering the voting age would be a good…

Taoiseach told in emails from public to stand up to Greens and not to be smug

It is about time that prominent politicians came forward and…

Carbon capture project is ‘Band-Aid’ to greenwash $10bn LNG plant, locals say

If CO2 is a problem for you then this is truly hogwash. Just…

European industry upbeat on Inflation Reduction Act

We have been told for the longest time that Globalism is on life…

BP to cut back on green shift amid booming demand for fossil fuels

So Beyond Petroleum becomes Back to Petroleum. This just shows…

European Union Debuts First-Ever Carbon Border Tax

It's a shame that an interesting mechanism that the BAT is becomes…

Reuters Are Challenged Over Partisan Reporting On Climate

Does anyone remember the 2006 Reutersgate over faked images of…

February Fantasy Redux

It's not only in North America. Slowly and for at least the last…