Climate activists vow to take to streets to stop fossil fuel extraction
650K people signed up - compared to 8 billion that did not. That…
In China Things Head South Quickly
In 2016 I wrote an article in which I called China “The Red…
LNG has a long future as customers seek energy security
Wanna know how long that goes? I am in my fifties right now and…
We’ll need natural gas for years — but can start blending it with green hydrogen today, CEO says
No, we can't - at least not in significant volumes. Hydrogen…
The Inconvenient Truth About Solyndra
We like to forget that government support has another, much more…
Yes, you can have kids and fight climate change at the same time
We will even need all the kids we can have in order to repair…
Germany Still Years Away From Replacing Russian Gas Capacity
And it will remain years away from replacing Russian gas for…
Algeria Makes Ambitious Plans to Nearly Double LNG, Pipeline Exports
This is very nice and no doubt hard-pressed Europe will appreciate…
Somewhere Between “No More Meat” and “It’s a Hoax:” The Electoral Case for Commonsense Environmentalism
Common sense? There has been no common sense for a long while.…
Russian Oil Switching at Sea Gathers Pace
Oh yes, it does. But this also has a price and at current prices,…
Fundamentals Strong Enough for $90+ Oil Period
I am not bullish on China and believe that any projection that…
Ukraine war to accelerate shift to clean energy, BP says
No, it's the other way around. Wind and Solar are still interruptible…
India to use emergency law to maximise coal power output
If a solid majority of the population would be on board with…
Partisan ‘Fact Checkers’ Spread Climate-Change Misinformation
What's a fact checker if not someone with an agenda to root out…
Hydrogen fuel a ‘dead end’ for net zero
Everything is a dead end for net zero. Don't get me wrong - I…
The National Grid is falling apart thanks to Net Zero
Just today I had a little online conversation with a friend living…
Can We Make Flying “Green”?
Does it even matter? Because making anything green is pretty…
Former spokeswoman for Extinction Rebellion turns on group: ‘Climate activism has a cult problem…I used to be one of them’ – ‘I watched people brainwashed’
It's not going to be the last one. I have a feeling that Climate…
Hyping Maximum Daily Temperatures
How do you measure the temperature of the day? What time of day…
Does the Oil Industry Have a Future?
As with everything, oil will be transformed by the gradual disappearance…
Resignation Due to Academia’s Climate Corruption
We must put all academia under one giant question mark. We must…
Billionaires and your natural gas stove
Sure they hate it. It's very economical, it's reliable, it's…
L A Times Hype That California Natural Gas Price Hikes Are Due To “Instability of Fossil Fuels” Grossly Distorted
They won't stop doing that. In fact, they will crank it up quite…
NYT: Bomb Cyclone? Or Just Windy with a Chance of Hyperbole?
Funny, while alarmists never miss a chance to point out when…
Here’s Why The World Is Producing More Food
The world goes straight towards agricultural disaster. And yes,…
Stephen Fry, Emma Thompson and Aisling Bea: Stop Financing Fossil Fuel
The sheer gall those people have is astounding. They openly tell…
Adnoc and Thyssenkrupp to explore large-scale ammonia cracking
Thats a good one. Ammonia is one of the frontrunners for the…
Rapid technological innovation – not harmful renewables policy – key to lighting our energy future
The technologically most advanced economies are also those with…
Zero Sum Game: Nothing Renewable About Mineral & Energy-Hungry Wind & Solar
Has anyone ever looked at the concrete foundations of such wind…
Firefighters Concerned About EV Fires
Not only firefighters. Those EV fires burn very long, very hot,…
Oil giant blames windfall tax as it cuts hundreds of jobs and investment
Oil & gas is a very long-term business. Projects take a decade…
The real winners of Net Zero: China’s cheap EVs will swamp Europe’s car market
I beg to differ. I am sure that China planned to swamp the world…
For Billionaires, Climate Lobbying is Hot
I grew up as the son of a tailor in the countryside. Life was…
They Touched Greta! Climate Activists Vow Huge Street Protests
What a courageous stunt by holy Greta. Now that she knows how…
Green Champion Jacinda Ardern Resigns as New Zealand PM
Oh, I will miss her. She was an outstanding representative of…
Hyping Daily Maximum Temperatures
Oh yes, I love all this banter about temperature. To all the…
Russian gas will eventually return to Europe as nations ‘forgive and forget,’ Qatari energy minister says
I actually agree with the man. I don't think that Russian gas…
European agency to launch LNG price assessment
Price assessment - I am OK with this. It's good to have information.…
China Re-Opening Has An Upside But Did Not Start With A Bang
This whole COVID thing was a great excuse for Chinese leaders…
Eni makes “significant” gas discovery offshore Egypt
How long until OPEC shows up at Egypt's doorstep with a membership…
Study: The Tongan Eruption Might Cause a Breach of the 1.5C Global Warming Limit
We should immediately put the activists there. They should all…
A DIY Guide to Demystifying “Greenhouse Gas” Claims…The Science That Cuts Corners
Right after the Earth formed there was an early atmosphere. It…
British Volt Collapses into Administration
Ah, holy batteries again. What about all those announcements…
Climate Activism Isn’t About the Planet. It’s About the Boredom of the Bourgeoisie
Those people have no idea what the life of someone normal is…
Konstantin Kisin | This House Believes Woke Culture Has Gone Too Far – 7/8 | Oxford Union (via Climate Change)
Woke is no culture. Woke denies culture. Woke is nothing but…
LNG may topple East Med pipeline
Most people and even most energy professionals believe that pipeline…
Linde falls as Russian court seizes Baltic LNG assets
Thats a bad day for Linde - but it's much worse for Russia in…
Portugal to hold hydrogen and biomethane auction
Most Portuguese should have living memories of the 2008-2014…
Serially Wrong Paul Ehrlich Is Wrong, Again. We Are Not on The Brink of a 6th Mass Extinction Event
For the non-german speakers among you - Ehrlich means “honest”.…
RWE and Equinor Plan Norway-Germany Hydrogen Pipeline
I hope they have also secured a money shitter for this project.…
Wind Power Collapses During Calm Weather Means Soaring Power Prices & Power Rationing
I am a fan of direct democracy in certain cases. One such would…
European Steel Industry Facing Potential Collapse
This is not potential. Industries all over Europe will largely…
Green extremists are reinventing feudalism by banning travel
Because they have no idea what such a world would look like for…
What do young climate campaigners want to see in 2023?- BBC
When I was a kid I was told by my father that I can become what…
EV Refuse Trucks Grounded Through Lack Of Chargers!
Is it really a lack of chargers or are current electricity prices…
Sinopec breaks vertical well depth record by drilling 8,866 m in Sichuan Basin, China
Thats very impressive - and I am not being facetious here. Drilling…
Vopak and Hydrogenious eye the future
Yes, hydrogen is more expensive and dangerous to transport than…
The Logic Of Global Warming, A.K.A. Climate Crisis, Propaganda
The problem is not the schools or the teachers. The problem is…
Climate Divestment: Kentucky Boycotts Woke Anti-Fossil Fuel Banks
One thing I envy the US for is that it's a true federation. Austria…
SoCalGas Shock: California Gas Prices Skyrocket 128% in One Year
Does it really shock Californians? I rather have the impression…