Green Raw Deal: Climate Fanatism Has Put Us Full Throttle On The Highway To Hell
Depends on how we define hell. My grandfather has lived through…
Claim: Indoor Farms can Solve Climate Crisis Weather Disruption
Most indoor farming research is being done in countries with…
Switzerland to Become First Country to Ban EVs!?
Don't tell me I did not warn you. No - better - I told you so.…
When it comes to capitalizing on LNG, Canada could learn a thing or two from Qatar
Oh no, Canada will not be able to learn anything from Qatar for…
It’s better to burn gas than transport hydrogen, Rio Tinto says
I never ascribed any personality traits to nature. It's a chaotic…
Oil Markets May Be Misjudging News of China Lockdown
Everybody gets China wrong - not only oil markets. China is a…
Nord Stream 3? NATO Must Guard Against Russian Sabotage in Norway’s Pipeline Network
Oh boy, pipelines are a problem now. It's true that subsea pipelines…
£22.2 bn To Be Spent Upgrading UK Electricity Network To Make It Greener
A deal that looks and sounds too good to be true usually is.…
Energy-Poor Japan Could Set Up a Liquefied Natural Gas Reserve
Thats going to be expensive. Gas is hard to store if you don't…
‘Practically Unviable’ for Volkswagen to Build EV Batteries in High-Cost Europe
Europe is too expensive a destination for any form of production…
Busting The Big Lie: Vesta’s CEO Admits Wind Power Ain’t Cheap & Never Will Be
Renewable Energy advocates trusted that as long as they lie,…
Russian Upstream Investments Projected to Plunge
As absolutely mad as this sounds, this might be a blessing in…
Easyjet and Rolls Royce test hydrogen jet engine
That is awesome - except that - they attack the wrong problem.…
Energy CEOs hit mute button on ESG, hinting at fading interest
Fading interest - or sheer necessity? It's hard to imagine any…
“Listen To The Science!” Is Scientism: “Listen To The Science!” Means “Listen To Me!”
When I was a kid, I was not very popular. Some said that I was…
COP27 Greenwishing: Progressive Discontent
Oh, you want to know why our kids became real pests. Unrealistic,…
The World as We Know It Ends If It Can’t Find Its Bearings
As a pretty old GenXer, I was born into a world where half of…
MIT Climate Scientist Dr. Richard Lindzen Rejects ‘Climate Change’ As ‘A Quasi-Religious Movement Predicated on An Absurd ‘Scientific’ Narrative’
The holy church of Climatology - of course, it's a church. Whenever…
Oxfordshire Council to Trial a Climate Lockdown Starting 2024
Of course, the great and good will all be summarily exempted…
The Manhattan Contrarian Energy Storage Paper Has Arrived!
A couple of days ago I sat with two friends. One of them is a…
“Reasonable” Concessions to Climate Hysteria Lack Reason
What reasonable concession would anyone make towards someone…
Schadenfreuday Funny
Yeah, it's getting interesting. I see multiple countries with…
LNG freight rates continue to slide in both basins
Slide? Sounds like they fall into an abyss. When in fact they…
Executive Viewpoint: Oil and natural gas must be part of the conversation
You cannot reason with the unreasonable. People who are fully…
Worldwide Record Cold Challenges Climate Rhetoric and Risks Lives by Complacency
Cant we cancel this pesky cold weather? It must make all those…
U.S. Natural-Gas Pioneer Struggles in His Second Act
Oh, how short our memories are. Charif Souki had not started…
Green Bombshell: New Evidence Points to the Annual Slaughter of Millions of Bats by Onshore Wind Turbines
Why are we surprised? When we put stuff into the blender for…
The U.S. Shale Boom Is Officially Over
I have been following the shale revolution for close to 20 years…
First French Offshore Wind Farm Fully Functional
Way more than a decade in the past I had dinner with a friend…
Netherlands To Close 3000 Farms To Comply With EU Climate Rules
I really have to give it to the Dutch government for its timing…
Will Germany’s energy policy lead to economic failure?
That should not be a question anymore. Germany already is well…
BP weighs ending its 70-year-old Statistical Review of World Energy
Yes, it's a shame and it's also a shame that the splendid know-how…
Claim: Green Terrorists are Planning Major Attacks
Green terrorism - I grew up in a world where headlines about…
Economic Liberalism’s Uncertain Future
I never really understood what the financial markets have to…
Seabed Mining Will Help Break China’s Grip on Critical Minerals
Out of sight - out of mind. Thats the exact same thing we have…
The Great Famine of the 21st Century
Agriculture in the 21st century still is mostly a “let's put…
Germany’s LNG terminals to cost more than double earlier estimate
What did they expect? Germany had dragged its feet and sold its…
Sweden Concludes Nord Stream Explosions Caused by Sabotage
Coyly, Sweden does not say who they think caused the explosions.…
Tesla’s Sinking Shares Leave Wall Street Analyst Targets in DustTesla’s Sinking Shares Leave Wall Street Analyst Targets in Dust
Eventually, gravity catches up with everyone. I love what Elon…
Scholz Pledges to End Germany’s Over-Reliance on China, Russia
Really, you want to get out of the bubble economy and leave the…
Austria, Germany’s Bavaria interested to receive gas from Croatia’s Krk LNG terminal
Austria and Bavaria you say? Will be fun to watch how this gas…
Outlook 2023: Tighter times ahead for oil
If 2022 is anything to go by, then we should be careful about…
Long-Duration Energy Storage Needed To Improve Decarbonization
Nature gave us a perfect storage medium. It's called hydrocarbon.…
Fuel Duty Hike Planned–To Subsidise EVs
Either the new UK government has balls of steel or they are totally…
Billions to be spent on decommissioning the UK’s oil and gas infrastructure — industry group
Voila one of the big differences between so-called green energies…
Air Products and Mabanaft to develop ammonia import terminal
Fine - what happens to the ammonium once it is landed? It's converted…
As Green Policies Cause Energy Prices To Explode, Deforestation In Europe Accelerates
Coal saved what remained of Europe's forests. Peak deforestation…
The Net-Zero Absurdity on the Back of An Envelope
I love Monckton, he really drives the nail in. The end is that…
CO2 is Innocent but Clouds are Guilty. New Science has Created a “Black Swan Event”**
Those nasty clouds - but it's pretty easy for anyone to check…
China To Double Coal-Fired Power Plant Capacity…Aims to Avoid European, US Blunders
Right now and for quite a number of years, half of all the coal…
UNESCO’s Delphic Oracles
I am always amazed by the contortions rich country envoys make…
Climategate: Never Forget (12th anniversary)
Aint that wonderful? Here we have a smoking gun, pretty much…
Just imagine you have a job that pays you extra well, gives you…
Commissioner Crenshaw Says SEC is Not a Merit-Based Regulator in Response to Climate Rulemaking Criticism
I know, it's a reviled term but the tentacles of the Deep State…
Republicans aim to turn ESG into 2024 liability for Democrats
Thats nice but - way too high-minded. People care about much…
Global dash for gas could leave world awash with LNG
Does anyone remember the American LNG El Dorado? Yes, pre-shale…
The 50-Euro (Yes, 50 Euros) Lawsuit Threatening OPEC
Law is a figment of our imagination. Every single statute and…
Race Is On to Be the Next Big US Supplier of LNG to Fuel-Starved Europe
OK, I get it. Europe is the new big price out there but European…
Milford Haven LNG: Liquefied natural gas terminal expansion plan
It makes a lot more sense to expand an existing terminal if the…
It’ll be difficult for Europe to attract LNG if China’s energy demand rebounds, economist
Well then, relax Europe because China is not going to come back.…