Millions of Oil Barrels Caught Up in Turkish Traffic Jam

And thats just one side of the European oil export points for…

EVs May Have to Hibernate

They may have to do more than just hibernate. EVs pose many safety…

Plain Stupid: The Only Thing Dumber Than Wind Power Is Offshore Wind Power

When I was still in project development there were a couple of…

Reliable & Affordable Energy Is Life Itself: Why Wind & Solar Are Making Us All Worse Off

Not only are we worse off - we lose the basis for all life and…

Long-Duration Energy Storage Attracts $58B Investment Over 3 Years

All because unreliable energy sources such as wind and solar…

Oil Wells Creeping into Texas Cities Herald Shale Era Twilight

The shale patch has never really been dull. One thing that must…

Blackouts will trigger a people’s revolt against the new eco-tyranny

Now we will see how steadfast those activists really are. Until…

The wind doesn’t blow sometimes but coal can’t be the answer

So, we need to drag the grid into the 21st century. This is going…

The Elite’s Plan For A No-Car Society

Yes, there have always been conspiracies, and it's not surprising…

Cop27 leaves oil and gas unscathed

Tuvalu, just like all those other island nations that seek to…

As pipelines fill, natural gas flaring set to rebound in Permian Basin

Building a pipeline of any other major conventional energy infrastructure…

IEA: How the European Union can avoid gas shortages in 2023

I am not worried about China sucking the LNG market dry in 2023.…

French President: Stop Scaremongering About Green Electricity Blackouts

Scaremongering? Making electricity so expensive that people cannot…

World Economic Forum: Hydrogen Boron Nuclear Fusion Anticipated by 2030

Sure they anticipate that. It's a great way to extract more money…

EU Global Carbon Border Tax to Hit US Companies

This is the beginning of the end of the global trading system.…

National Ignition Facility Exceeds Break Even Nuclear Fusion

Break-even nuclear fusion - yeah right. They compared the energy…

Aussie Net Zero Insanity: Shell Suspends East Coast Gas Supply Agreement

We really need a major economy to go the full way and implement…

Meghan and Harry: Private Jet Climate Hypocrites

Most people live in a world of very rapid feedback from friends,…

Looking For the Official Party Line on Energy Storage

I can't speak about the US but in my own country Austria, most…

UK’s Arctic Blast and Australia’s Cold Spring Contradict Climate Narrative

It has gotten cooler every year since 2018 but there were headlines…

Linnea Lukin, Exploring Energy: Biomass

Oh, the hard issue of biomass. I like bio energy in principle…

Elevated Living Standards Contradict Climate Doomsayers

Asking activists to try to convince all of us with data and evidence?…

ABC: “Ramp Down” Fossil Fuel Production Instead of Jailing Protestors

Having grown up in the shadow of the Iron Curtain, I did not…

Green Raw Deal: Climate Fanatism Has Put Us Full Throttle On The Highway To Hell

Depends on how we define hell. My grandfather has lived through…

Claim: Indoor Farms can Solve Climate Crisis Weather Disruption

Most indoor farming research is being done in countries with…

Switzerland to Become First Country to Ban EVs!?

Don't tell me I did not warn you. No - better - I told you so.…

When it comes to capitalizing on LNG, Canada could learn a thing or two from Qatar

Oh no, Canada will not be able to learn anything from Qatar for…

It’s better to burn gas than transport hydrogen, Rio Tinto says

I never ascribed any personality traits to nature. It's a chaotic…

Oil Markets May Be Misjudging News of China Lockdown

Everybody gets China wrong - not only oil markets. China is a…

Nord Stream 3? NATO Must Guard Against Russian Sabotage in Norway’s Pipeline Network

Oh boy, pipelines are a problem now. It's true that subsea pipelines…

£22.2 bn To Be Spent Upgrading UK Electricity Network To Make It Greener

A deal that looks and sounds too good to be true usually is.…

Energy-Poor Japan Could Set Up a Liquefied Natural Gas Reserve

Thats going to be expensive. Gas is hard to store if you don't…

‘Practically Unviable’ for Volkswagen to Build EV Batteries in High-Cost Europe

Europe is too expensive a destination for any form of production…

Busting The Big Lie: Vesta’s CEO Admits Wind Power Ain’t Cheap & Never Will Be

Renewable Energy advocates trusted that as long as they lie,…

Russian Upstream Investments Projected to Plunge

As absolutely mad as this sounds, this might be a blessing in…

Easyjet and Rolls Royce test hydrogen jet engine

That is awesome - except that - they attack the wrong problem.…

Energy CEOs hit mute button on ESG, hinting at fading interest

Fading interest - or sheer necessity? It's hard to imagine any…

COP27 Greenwishing: Progressive Discontent

Oh, you want to know why our kids became real pests. Unrealistic,…

The World as We Know It Ends If It Can’t Find Its Bearings

As a pretty old GenXer, I was born into a world where half of…

Oxfordshire Council to Trial a Climate Lockdown Starting 2024

Of course, the great and good will all be summarily exempted…

The Manhattan Contrarian Energy Storage Paper Has Arrived!

A couple of days ago I sat with two friends. One of them is a…

“Reasonable” Concessions to Climate Hysteria Lack Reason

What reasonable concession would anyone make towards someone…

Schadenfreuday Funny

Yeah, it's getting interesting. I see multiple countries with…

LNG freight rates continue to slide in both basins

Slide? Sounds like they fall into an abyss. When in fact they…

Executive Viewpoint: Oil and natural gas must be part of the conversation

You cannot reason with the unreasonable. People who are fully…

Worldwide Record Cold Challenges Climate Rhetoric and Risks Lives by Complacency

Cant we cancel this pesky cold weather? It must make all those…

U.S. Natural-Gas Pioneer Struggles in His Second Act

Oh, how short our memories are. Charif Souki had not started…

The U.S. Shale Boom Is Officially Over

I have been following the shale revolution for close to 20 years…

First French Offshore Wind Farm Fully Functional

Way more than a decade in the past I had dinner with a friend…

Netherlands To Close 3000 Farms To Comply With EU Climate Rules

I really have to give it to the Dutch government for its timing…

Will Germany’s energy policy lead to economic failure?

That should not be a question anymore. Germany already is well…

BP weighs ending its 70-year-old Statistical Review of World Energy

Yes, it's a shame and it's also a shame that the splendid know-how…

Claim: Green Terrorists are Planning Major Attacks

Green terrorism - I grew up in a world where headlines about…

Economic Liberalism’s Uncertain Future

I never really understood what the financial markets have to…

Seabed Mining Will Help Break China’s Grip on Critical Minerals

Out of sight - out of mind. Thats the exact same thing we have…

The Great Famine of the 21st Century

Agriculture in the 21st century still is mostly a “let's put…