Empower Cities to Take Ownership of Their Funding Needs
The only place where any administrative entity such as a state,…
USA Lays Blame for Tanker Attack
This one is bigger than what the headlines suggest. For the last…
Russia Sends Oil Thousands Of Miles Through Arctic Circle Again
Most people have just a faint idea of what ice-breaking really…
New Anti-Fossil Fuel Puritans Set New Standard in Blatant Ignorance & Gross Hypocrisy
When the dotcom bubble exploded all over us in March 2000 I worked…
Swiss Glacier Was Ice Free 2000 Years Ago
2000 years ago? Those pesky Romans had an industrial civilization…
Too Much Solar Power In South Australia
It's almost comical but I am always stunned by how many so-called…
Noreen Does Not Like Paying Tax
As long as Electric Vehicles make up only a tiny percentage of…
US to issue further methane regulation
We essentially have no idea what the methane exchange of the…
New LNG supplies from US to Europe will take two more years
It will take at least two more years if Europeans can get their…
We Have Become A Nation Of Book Burners
I am the oldest son of a tailor. We lived in the sticks, almost…
The Dirty Secrets inside the Black Box Climate Models
Very recently I have been told that I don't understand Climate…
COP27: A Meaningless Ritual for China and India
China far more than India depends on exports for their well-being.…
Africa: The Place where Claims Renewables are Cheaper Go to Die
I did my first forays into the heart of Africa in the 90ies.…
Glacier Saga
Those pesky shrinking glaciers. They shrink, not quite as fast…
It’s all ‘Blood and Gore’ until somebody loses a fortune
All ESG does is expose companies to another cabal of less-than-useful…
Thanks, Colorado Springs Gazette, for Warning of the Dangers of “Climate Change Catastrophism”
It's at the grassroots level where this idiocy will meet its…
Nationwide Cold Wave Continues with Numerous Low Temperature Records Likely to Be Set…Intense Great Lakes Snow Event on The Way
You must be joking. What cold are they talking about? Just because…
COP27 — Colombia Claims an Absurd $800 Billion a Year “Loss and Damage”
I like it - thats a flashy sum at last. I am still a tad disappointed…
Celebrating War as Climate Win Makes Red True Color of “Greens”
Disgusting is not even a good word for this. I am personally…
‘Staggering Disconnect’: Climate Summit Boasts Opulent Beef, Seafood Menu Despite Spearheading Anti-Meat Initiatives
The fact that majorities in developed countries don't seem to…
Bill Maher Defends Elon Musk From Haters: ‘I Don’t Know If [He] Is the God We Want to Piss Off’
Elon sure stirs the pot but he also knows quite well what colossal…
Italy expands Adriatic drilling rights to hike gas output, lower price
There was a short flicker of hope in the UK when the shale gas…
LNG Emissions Are Ten Times Piped Gas
Question: how much gas can Norway possibly deliver to Europe?…
LNG needed until offshore wind is developed
Oh really? Who shall pay for that then? LNG investments are usually…
Egypt Crushes Climate Action At Home Ahead Of COP27
Come on activists, thats a worthy target. Get yourselves to Sharm…
No Mystery: Human Progress Begins & Ends With Access to Reliable & Affordable Power
The Boomers did not see WW2 anymore, but as kids, they could…
Would We Be Better Off Now, If We Had More Renewables?
It's hard to predict such things with certainty. When Iceland…
EU road transport to be zero-emission by 2035
By 2024, the cost of living in Europe will be so outrageously…
Voting In Democracies Causes Discord, Increases Strife & Causes Divisions
Voting in mature democracies is broken. The problem is that too…
Massachusetts’ 1,200 MW Offshore Wind Project ‘no longer viable’ (rough waters ahead?)
When this madness goes away for real, the planet will be saddled…
New York Times prediction BUST: 1995 article cited climate ‘experts’ warning ‘most of the beaches on the East Coast of the U.S. could be gone in 25 years’
None of those predictions have aged well. There is not only still…
Tokyo Mean October Mean Temperature Has Been Falling for Decades
As Valentina Zharkova has said in one of her interviews I listened…
British Prime Minister Flip-Flop will Now Attend COP27
When Britons went to elect a new parliament last time they flushed…
The Dangers of Low Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations
Ah, the gas of life issue. The overwhelming majority of people…
Trinidad gets to work on design of small LNG hub to feed the Caribbean
That thing is more than overdue. Almost 10 years ago I tried…
LNG ships play waiting game off Spain’s coast as higher prices eyed
The beauty of flexibility. I heard so many times that Europe…
World is in its ‘first truly global energy crisis’ – IEA’s Birol
Sure thing - we wanted that. Let's be clear - when politics just…
Bad Energy Policy Ideas Never Die
They will die - eventually. The question is not if, but how much…
Goldman Sachs’ Jeff Currie: ‘$3.8 Trillion of Investment in Renewables Moved Fossil Fuels from 82% to 81% of Overall Energy Consumption’ in 10 Years
Oh, we have made a ton of progress. Countries like Germany that…
Sinopec Announces Major Breakthrough for China Shale Gas
China does not have what it takes to make shale a success. You…
China Is Doubling Down on Coal Despite Its Green Ambitions
China does not have any green ambitions. Never had. But there…
Africa’s Headed for a Climate Showdown With Rich Nations
I remember a discussion I had with a couple of friends on asylum…
BASF To Downsize In Europe Because Of High Energy Costs & Overregulation
Now we would like to think that politicians get the hint and…
Green hydrogen ‘competitive with grey’ in EU
We were told for more than a decade that wind and solar are finally…
NYC Hates Its Middle-Class Homeowners
Easy fix, get the hell out of those states that treat you badly.…
UN COP27 Blueprint: More Government, More Debt, More Taxes
Yeah, let's have a party. Just print the money. It's almost comical…
Big Climate Brother Coming Your Way (voluntary now, mandatory later)
I am old enough to remember the year 1984. It was a pretty weird…
World Close to “Irreversible Climate Breakdown”
The world is not close to irreversible climate change - it has…
Renewable Energy Horror: British People Preparing for a Winter without Heating
A millionaire playboy as the leader of a country where the average…
Long-Term Deals Help Japan Secure Ample Gas Amid Global Shortfall
Surprise, surprise - long-term deals make sure you get gas when…
Methane is a global climate concern, but new technologies offer hope
Methane is a trace gas and this phrase does not really hit the…
Oil Incurs More Losses As Chinese Demand Suffers Under Zero Covid Policy
We should stop looking at China for salvation - China is busy…
Macron Accuses US of Trade ‘Double Standard’ Amid Energy Crunch
Double standards? Why would the US take any less for their LNG…
Somalian president approves Coastline oil exploration agreement
Fresh oil, is always good news to me as it will help take the…
CNOOC Limited Announces First Deep-Deep Large Gas Field
Traditional oil and gas producers and exporters are lucky because…
Net Zero Bombshell: The World Does Not Have Enough Lithium and Cobalt
For the last 25 years I have been convinced that our economic…
Global hydrogen trade to develop in four phases
This is going to cost an arm and a leg but rebuilding entire…
How Dare They?
And we are going to see more of that. Some political groups have…
“Private investors could face being squeezed out”: Fears Voiced Over Victorian Plans to Nationalise Green Energy
Private equity in the Green Industrial Complex has been a Bonanza…
Greenland Mass Balance
All those measurements and balance equations ignore one simple…