Euro Energy Crisis: A Rare Opportunity to Recalibrate Priorities?
It's an opportunity. Politicians sometimes act as if they are…
Which part of “economic” does the World Economic Forum not understand?
People don't get it. They simply don't care that massive amounts…
UN official at WEF: ‘We own the science & we think that the world should know it’ so ‘we partnered with Google’ to ensure only UN climate results appear
I worked for the United Nations in the Middle East for almost…
Colder, Wetter Than Normal September Pushes German Gas Consumption +14.5%, Winter Gas Outage Looms!
Same thing here in Vienna. I don't even remember when I had to…
Blockade Australia Charges Dismissed Because of Climate Insanity
Imagine you were in that chaos when they blocked the tunnel.…
The Coming Green Electricity Nightmare
Yes, it's bad. And it's going to get much worse. But contrary…
A Few Graphs Say It All for Weather-Dependent “Renewables”
The reason why wind and solar still confidently claim to be the…
The Last 12,000 Years Show a More Complex Climate History Than Previously Thought
We are capable of measuring temperature for barely 300 years.…
Berlin Antifa Group “Goes on Hunt” For High Energy Users… Heated Pools “Immediately Collectivized”
Industry, and with it the jobs, are already leaving Europe and…
Record U.S. LNG Exports To Europe May Not Last
Exporting stuff to make some money is nice. But North America…
Doubts cast over LNG’s role as future fuel
It's almost ironic. LNG is the cleanest fuel shipping has ever…
Energy CEO hits at ‘energy ignorance’ driving current policy: ‘Little hope of ending the crisis anytime soon’
It's not only energy ignorance. There is very widespread ignorance…
Russia’s Oil Exports Are Set To Plunge Next Year
I am most interested in how the oil and gas exports to China…
US climate envoy Kerry cautions against long-term gas projects in Africa
I suggest we allow Kerry to live one year on the life standard…
Russia’s Economic War Hits Europe’s Factories
Europe has grown addicted to stuff that was developed under the…
Inflation Reduction Act May Become a Misnomer
When I was a young man I learned that solving a problem takes…
Will California “learn” to avoid Peak Rolling Blackouts?
When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1992, the whole world assumed…
Steel makers fear deepening crisis from energy crunch as output halted
European steel is dead. It has been dead for years. North America…
European Commission Exploring LNG Index as Alternative to TTF
Europe has created the problem it is in because politicians had…
Russia Energy Revenue Drops
Russia had a business case when there were still ample supplies…
Big Oil Companies Are Greenwashing, Congress Committee Says
Everyone is greenwashing. Any company that professes to use only…
Today’s Flashback: Germany Proves How Key Natural Gas Is
I had argued for a long time that people, cities, regions, or…
It Is Time EV Drivers Paid Their Share Of Tax
EV drivers must share in all the costs and they must also drop…
Vladimir Putin Not Responsible For Germany’s Self-Inflicted Wind & Solar Calamity
Vladimir Putin is responsible for many things. And I think most…
INEOS renews offer to drill shale gas test well in the UK
That won't be easy. Starting something as complex as shale is…
Letter from China: Appetite for gas shrinks
Sure it does. As I predicted a couple of years ago, the Chinese…
Hydrogen targets under threat as FIDs lag
No wonder - FIDs require a business case that survives contact…
The Non-Wisdom Of Crowds And Voting
Alone, a person may be smart. In a group, most people transform…
The Religious Moral Dilemma that Drives the “Moral Imperative to Stop Global Warming” into a Brick Wall
My life is exposed to many of the religions of the world. Even…
This Is An Emergency!
Extraordinary powers should also require extraordinary evidence.…
Climate Industrial Complex: Emails Show ‘Urgent’ Media Role in ‘Climate Disinformation’ & Hill Hearings
People should go to jail for that and until they do, we are far…
97% Want UK Green Levies to Be Scrapped
I talk to a lot of “normal people” and also to a fair number…
Global Decarbonization: Negative Agricultural Impacts
The war in Ukraine makes fertilizer and lot harder to get and…
Manchester To Shut Down in 2027 If Carbon Targets Are to Be Met
Why 2027? Make that 2023 so we can see the effects of shutting…
“Big Oil vs The World”: BBC Exposé Fails
And yet, the oil industry fails to hit back in kind. It's just…
Virginia Child Climate Lawsuit Bites the Dust
The activists have not learned the lesson yet. Courts are dangerous…
Leaked Plans for a Global Carbon Tax
Ah yes, when I was a kid there was a joke that one day they will…
Russia says Nord Stream pipeline leaks were in US zone
So, where is the US zone in the Baltic Sea exactly? I don't remember…
Please Donate Towards Dr. Tim Ball’s Funeral Expenses
A personal hero of mine has kicked the bucket, he breathed his…
Wave Of German Insolvencies Picks Up Speed…”Tenfold Increase in Gas, Electricity Prices”
The German minister for the economy said that he did not expect…
America Is Successfully Pursuing ESG = Extreme Shortages Guaranteed
America is looking at the Midterms and there is a reasonable…
Collapse Of Energy, Food, Transportation Systems Prompt Calls for Government Nationalization of Industries – Echoes 1930s Push for Great Reset Style Reforms
Yeah right, because public policy is completely irresponsible…
The Guardian Downgrades the 1.5C Global Warming Panic
Is that fear that I am smelling here? Fear from the wrath of…
California And New York: Do Not Back Off Your World-Beating Green Energy Schemes!
I fully agree. The same thing should happen here in Europe. Germany…
Honda: Lithium-Ion EV’s Won’t Reach Price Parity With Gasoline Cars
Where are most lithium-ion batteries made? Yes, in China. And…
German Anger Spills Over as Countries Balk at Gas-Sharing Deals
Gas sharing deals? What for? For allowing Germany an easier exit…
Why the Energy Transition Will Fail
Oh yes, it's like trying to convince a crocodile to eat you last.…
German economy minister says ‘bitter reality’ is Russia will not resume gas supply
What an outstanding opportunity to cover up old sins and mask…
Europe’s gas crisis could last several winters, Shell CEO says
Several winters - likely. A lot of winters - not if we started…
Russia Gives Power Burn a Whole New Meaning
An oil and also a gas well is no water tap. You can't simply…
The Inflation Reduction Act Can Get Real Results
The inflation we see right now is still a mild version of what's…
Europe Could Solve Gas Supply Problem With Return To Shale
That was the mother of all dirty words just 6 months ago. It…
Climate Activists Plotting To Negate Manchin Oil Lease Mandate
It is hard to believe - after all the broken words, the worthless…
Renewables Rejected: Germans Embrace Nuclear Power Like Their Lives Depend On It
The best remedy for stupid has always been giving people lots…
Toxic Blade Time Bomb: New Study Exposes Scale of Wind Industry’s Poisonous Plastics Legacy
Weren’t we told that those wind-turbine blades would be recycled…
Europe Optimal Market for Senegal’s Gas, President Sall Says
Yes, for the moment it is. Just don't forget that LNG is a long-term…
Bizarre ‘Fact Check’ of World Climate Declaration Claims No Natural Climate Change For Almost 200 Years
My grandfather was born in 1899. He told me about a hot period…
Vancouver’s New Virtue Signalling Fire Engine–Useless, But At Least It Won’t Wake The Neighbours Up!
There is absolutely no common sense in those people's heads.…
Matt McGrath Fiddles, While Europe Gets Ready For Blackouts
Yes, the gas would have gone to Europe and yes, it would have…
Climate change tsar is hauled over the coals after warning Liz Truss against lifting fracking ban amid energy crisis
Every single fight against reality always ends the same way.…