“Big Oil vs The World”: BBC Exposé Fails
And yet, the oil industry fails to hit back in kind. It's just…
Virginia Child Climate Lawsuit Bites the Dust
The activists have not learned the lesson yet. Courts are dangerous…
Leaked Plans for a Global Carbon Tax
Ah yes, when I was a kid there was a joke that one day they will…
Russia says Nord Stream pipeline leaks were in US zone
So, where is the US zone in the Baltic Sea exactly? I don't remember…
Please Donate Towards Dr. Tim Ball’s Funeral Expenses
A personal hero of mine has kicked the bucket, he breathed his…
Wave Of German Insolvencies Picks Up Speed…”Tenfold Increase in Gas, Electricity Prices”
The German minister for the economy said that he did not expect…
America Is Successfully Pursuing ESG = Extreme Shortages Guaranteed
America is looking at the Midterms and there is a reasonable…
Collapse Of Energy, Food, Transportation Systems Prompt Calls for Government Nationalization of Industries – Echoes 1930s Push for Great Reset Style Reforms
Yeah right, because public policy is completely irresponsible…
The Guardian Downgrades the 1.5C Global Warming Panic
Is that fear that I am smelling here? Fear from the wrath of…
California And New York: Do Not Back Off Your World-Beating Green Energy Schemes!
I fully agree. The same thing should happen here in Europe. Germany…
Honda: Lithium-Ion EV’s Won’t Reach Price Parity With Gasoline Cars
Where are most lithium-ion batteries made? Yes, in China. And…
German Anger Spills Over as Countries Balk at Gas-Sharing Deals
Gas sharing deals? What for? For allowing Germany an easier exit…
Why the Energy Transition Will Fail
Oh yes, it's like trying to convince a crocodile to eat you last.…
German economy minister says ‘bitter reality’ is Russia will not resume gas supply
What an outstanding opportunity to cover up old sins and mask…
Europe’s gas crisis could last several winters, Shell CEO says
Several winters - likely. A lot of winters - not if we started…
Russia Gives Power Burn a Whole New Meaning
An oil and also a gas well is no water tap. You can't simply…
The Inflation Reduction Act Can Get Real Results
The inflation we see right now is still a mild version of what's…
Europe Could Solve Gas Supply Problem With Return To Shale
That was the mother of all dirty words just 6 months ago. It…
Climate Activists Plotting To Negate Manchin Oil Lease Mandate
It is hard to believe - after all the broken words, the worthless…
Renewables Rejected: Germans Embrace Nuclear Power Like Their Lives Depend On It
The best remedy for stupid has always been giving people lots…
Toxic Blade Time Bomb: New Study Exposes Scale of Wind Industry’s Poisonous Plastics Legacy
Weren’t we told that those wind-turbine blades would be recycled…
Europe Optimal Market for Senegal’s Gas, President Sall Says
Yes, for the moment it is. Just don't forget that LNG is a long-term…
Bizarre ‘Fact Check’ of World Climate Declaration Claims No Natural Climate Change For Almost 200 Years
My grandfather was born in 1899. He told me about a hot period…
Vancouver’s New Virtue Signalling Fire Engine–Useless, But At Least It Won’t Wake The Neighbours Up!
There is absolutely no common sense in those people's heads.…
Matt McGrath Fiddles, While Europe Gets Ready For Blackouts
Yes, the gas would have gone to Europe and yes, it would have…
Climate change tsar is hauled over the coals after warning Liz Truss against lifting fracking ban amid energy crisis
Every single fight against reality always ends the same way.…
No, we don't need to understand the why. Powerful people do things…
We are all living in Greta’s world now–Ross Clark
Very few people live in Greta's world. Greta has grown very rich…
Texas to begin plugging 800 orphaned wells with $25 million of federal funding
How many oil spills in Russia or China have you heard about so…
Plug Power to supply Amazon with green hydrogen
Liquefied Hydrogen - I would love to see how Amazon deals with…
US LNG exports can reach 200mn t/yr
If they really reach 200 mn tons a year we are in serious “Russia…
Green Energy Fail: British Union Boss Predicts Riots, 1990s Style Uprising
Not only in Britain. Misery is a very bad reward for a feel-good…
Arctic Ice at Decade-High Level: Can Doomsayers Explain?
That must be virtual ice. Or imagined ice. It cannot be real…
Fracking ban will be scrapped in the UK
It is starting and you can be sure that everyone is watching.…
Putin Responds to Truss / EU Energy Price Cap: “Keep Freezing”
Europeans won't freeze - well most are not going to freeze. Bills…
Systemic Error in Global Temperature Measurement
Strangely, all errors always benefit the climate alarmist narrative…
Amazon Rooftop Fires Prompted Solar Panel Shutdown
When you have those contraptions on your roof, do you care who…
The Guardian Accuses the Woke Aussie Government of “Climate Denial”
Thats not a first - the revolution thats supposed to save us…
Electric Cars Are Not “Zero-Emission Vehicles”
Any form of human activity uses energy and we better ought to…
Gazprom Releases a Sinister Video Taunting Europe Over Winter Gas Shortages
Sure they do. They count on public sentiment that life will be…
Neil Oliver: Persuading Generations of Children They Are a Plague Upon the Earth Is Unforgivable
I heard this one when I was a teenager. Thats long ago and it…
Australian Academy of Science Demands Dissent be Silenced
They should be renamed into “Australian Church of the one and…
Climate Concern is a Mostly Left Wing Issue
The Austrian Green movement started to earnestly raise its head…
Royal Hypocrite: Climate Warrior Prince Harry Flew in a Private Jet, then Waited for the Car
I am waiting for King Charles to break the iron silence of his…
Liz Truss is the New UK Prime Minister: How Will This Affect Climate Policy?
I don't trust politicians. No matter where they come from. I…
Biden Fail: US North East Winter Energy Rationing? Biden Urges Export Cuts, Increased Production
In theory, the first and most crucial task of any politician…
Fuel-cell maker Hyzon Motors craters after disclosing financial troubles
I don't know for Hyzon Motors but the entire hydrogen sector…
Republican states are planning an all-out assault on woke banks: ‘We won’t do business with you’
It's the only thing that works against the “Virtue Signal Industrial…
Elon Musk slams Wikipedia for restricting edits to “recession” page
He can slam it all he wants, the cabal will never let loose.…
20 Million American Households Are Behind On Energy Bills
If in America, where energy is a lot cheaper than in Europe,…
Carbon Capture Didn’t Make Sense 12 Years Ago And It Doesn’t Make Sense Now
Imagine you mine for metal and for every 4 kg you get, you have…
Why US gas can’t solve Europe’s energy crisis
Thats true, but neither does the US want to. What most people…
Germany’s Scholz to sign hydrogen deal on Canada trip, discuss LNG
Just imagine you are in the most urgent disaster relief mission…
France Unexpectedly Joins Germany With Shrinking Economy
It's an issue that all of Europe will have to grapple with. We…
Revived Sahara pipeline still faces hurdles
Let's face it - this pipeline will never happen and even if it…
Norway Mulls Curbing Electricity Exports to Avoid Shortages
Who would have imagined that virtuous Norway would be experiencing…
Europe’s carbon price hits new record as natural gas becomes scarce
Another element makes energy way too expensive for normal people…
An Inconvenient Truth: ESG Is Fueling Inflation Woes
You think? I have seen so much idiocy around this issue called…
We’ve Made It Nearly Impossible to Build in America
Same here in Europe. Rules and regulations around building stuff…
Report Confirms Near Billion Barrel Oil Find
When the world comes to its senses and this whole climate scare…