Winter is coming but Germany’s Scholz leaves Canada with no promises for LNG
I really don't understand why Scholz goes to Canada of all countries…
Germany Risks a Factory Exodus as Energy Prices Bite Hard
All of Europe faces the death of industries and if we don't get…
Germany May Resort to Nuclear Plants to Plug Russian Gas Gap
More than 5 years ago I predicted that Germany will restart nuclear…
How China Dominates The World’s Solar PV Supply
Protecting the environment and using techniques and production…
Ex-Cabinet minister Lord Frost says there is no ‘climate emergency’ and Britain should end focus on ‘medieval’ wind power
The shift is palpable in Austria and in Germany too. Climate…
Is That True Or Did You Hear It On The BBC?
Does anyone remember when Adam Schiff lied about a phone call…
Climate activist Steven Spielberg’s private jet has burned $116,000 worth of jet fuel in two months
The competition is brutal so Steven Spielberg better ratches…
Europe’s power crisis overtaking gas crisis
Renewable electricity advocates always tried to find something…
U.S. shale on track for $200 billion year, could erase its debt by 2024
Not so long ago, shale was set to shrink as there was no path…
The role of Algeria, Egypt, and Nigeria in Africa’s search for European gas market share
3 very large African oil and gas producers. Also 3 countries…
RAG bullish on hydrogen storage conversion
RAG also works on another storage option where you put hydrogen…
Western turbine firms in the doldrums
Weren’t we told all those last years that wind energy now is…
The Fall Of A Culture In One Minute Ten Seconds
One day in 1994 I just sat in Austria, waiting for another turn…
The Difference Between Variability & Uncertainty In Risk
There is a difference between “knowing what you don't know”…
Great Idea for U.S. Energy Policy: Let’s Follow the Example of Germany!
When I was a kid it was said that the US is about a decade ahead…
Barbados Plays the Climate Card
Human idiocy and the universe are infinite - we should not be…
Oh No – The Guardian is too Climate Alarmist even for Michael Mann
It's a fine line to walk. Just imagine people coming to the realization…
Ocean Acidification Cut Down to Size
I still have a problem with this word. In my mind - and I guess…
Another Bad Day at Black Rock
When the Warsaw Pact countries fell one after another in 1989,…
The New World Energy Order: A Battle Of Attrition
Battles of attrition (or better wars of attrition) are never…
German Electricity Prices Spiraling Out Of Control…Tripling Since 2000… Blackouts, Unrest Loom
And Climate Alarmists just have found the perfect culprit for…
Green Energy Nightmare: German Politician Labels Poor People “Enemies of the State”
Not only in Germany. Frances President Macron just announced…
Green Britain Fears Crime, Deaths and Riots Over Soaring Bills
Austrian politicians have proposed to dim public lights at night…
About the Newly Approved Nuclear Microreactor
I am not an expert on nuclear power and I am sure I am missing…
Guardian: We Should Consider Prepping to Survive the Climate Apocalypse
We should be preparing to survive the mayhem we bring upon us…
The “Coming Climate Anarchy”… Run Away!!!
Who is better prepared for anarchy? The inner city gender studies…
A Total Victory for Socialism Could Save us From Climate Change
Every single socialist experiment the world had ever played with…
Thanks, Guardian, For Questioning the Virtues of Biomass
Among all the idiocies that Climate alarmists have proposed to…
Carbon Dioxide: “The Gas of Life”, Douglas Lightfoot
Most people I meet and tell about CO2 and its role in life and…
Michigan State: Recycle Wind Turbine Blades as Gummy Bears
I saw a Charlton Heston movie when I was a kid that reminds me…
Rice University Prof: Biden’s $433 Billion Incentives for Clean Energy aren’t Enough
Thats the nature of a Ponzi scheme. 3 digit billions are not…
China Demand: Respect the One China policy, to Restore Climate Talks
Is China not going down the drain if the world is roasting to…
Blockade Australia Climate Protest Sad Face – Facing Possible Jail Time
I strongly support the right to free speech and the right to…
Back to the Future
Methane is a natural consequence of any energy evolution. It's…
Energy Crises In Germany and Texas Are Exposing The Folly of Renewable Energy
Just imagine an opinion piece like this one year ago. Newsweek…
Mining Firms’ Cautious Spending Threatens Shift to Green Energy
Just like oil and gas companies, mining firms make decadal investments.…
China to Post Record Decline in LNG Imports as Economy Slows
It's the one thing everyone seems to factor in. Will China's…
POTUS, Don’t Make This Energy Crisis Worse
Fundamental decisions that affect everyone deeply and change…
Power of the Gas Weapon Is Rapidly Declining
The power of any weapon declines pretty drastically once it's…
China’s Hunger for Commodities Is Wavering After Years of Growth
And it will go down a lot more. In fact, I can see a time coming…
Why Big Batteries Can’t Cure Wind & Solar’s Hopeless Intermittency
Batteries are expensive. And they can only store minutes of power…
Global Cooling, Anybody?
Having a global reference temperature is beyond madness even.…
Putin has Europe where he wants it
If this is really where Putin wanted Europe, then he is much…
Justin Rowlatt Thinks We Never Had Droughts!
Newspapers are full of the drought in Europe. Here in Austria,…
Why The “Climate Emergency”?
It's more like an admission of naked fear. Climate extremists,…
Does the Biden Administration Get Why China Dominates Intermittent Wind and Solar Manufacturing?
What did anyone think about why wind and solar enthusiasts are…
The New York Times Fails to Report….
Two-thirds don't trust mainstream media. I think those numbers…
The Utopian Vision Driving Green Energy Enthusiasts
The pull is still strong, especially among those making a living…
British MET Climate Change Clergy Face Unprecedented Social Media Uprising
Two years ago I just hinted at the possibility that people eventually…
Elevated CO2 Reduces Temperature Stress in Plants
It's a secret every greenhouse grower knows. Increase CO2 intake…
China Demands Preferential Treatment on Climate Change
The world's biggest polluter by any measure demands that it shall…
Victoria’s Green Zealots Banned Gas Fracking – Now Running Out of Gas
Looks like a hard case of “Careful what you wish for”. Australian…
Reuters: How to Lie with Facts
Reuters again. Who remembers the Reuters scandal in Lebanon where…
Corrupted Climate Stations
So-called real-world data is corrupted everywhere - not only…
BRICS In the New World Energy Order: Hedging in Oil Geopolitics
When my own country Austria joined the EU about a quarter century…
Claim: Offering a Premium for Reliable Energy Would Hinder the Green Transition
A premium for reliable energy? How far have we come? There should…
100 Vehicles Catch fire in Delhi’s Electric Vehicle Charging Station – India
After more than a decade of subsidizing the hell out of Electric…
LNG explosion shines light on 42-year-old gas rules
LNG has an outstanding safety record. In more than half a century…
Alaska LNG advocates see reasons for optimism, but some industry watchers still skeptical
Some people seem to believe that just because there is LNG printed…
Soaring Global Coal Use Is Obliterating Emission Reductions Achieved in the U.S. Since 2005
One very large volcanic eruption produces a very large share…