Germany to build LNG terminals at ‘Tesla speed’ in shift away from Russian gas
I think we should pull that statement straight. Germany thinks…
World’s second largest bio-LNG plant for vehicles under construction
I love biomethane and bio-LNG. Most of the technologies used…
Four European gas buyers made ruble payments to Russia
No wonder the Ruble still shows itself strong while all those…
U.S. to witness the highest liquefaction projects starts in North America by 2026
So 2026 will be the year when we will see a massive oversupply…
The Defense Production Act Cannot Increase Critical Mineral Production Without Streamlining Project Permitting
It's not only project permitting. It's also legal certainty that…
China’s Interest In Shell’s Russian Gas Stake Forcing Japan To Stay
The Sakhalin LNG project was once entirely private. Gazprom forced…
Pinheads To Create Official Ministry Of Truth: Climate “Disinformation” To Be Banned
I grew up in the crazy days of the Cold War. And as an Austrian,…
Mauritania working to promote 28 offshore blocks open for bids
Aside from US shale oil and gas, this part of the world holds…
BBC’s Bogus Antarctic Heatwave Scare
Not only Antarctica is cooling. In a sense, what happens in Antarctica…
Germany to Put G-7 Coal Phaseout Push on Hold
We have seen massive fires and explosions all over Russia hitting…
Italy to Pilot Social Credit System for ‘Climate-Friendly’ Behaviour
How long do they think this is going to go? because people in…
China’s Blood Batteries
A regular Internal Combustion Engine car contains 2 or 3 kilos…
Washington DC Climate Protest Horror: Activist Burns Himself to Death
What happens in the mind of a man who sets himself on fire? Thats…
2021: The Year Renewables “Lost Last Place”
2021 was for me also the year when it became painfully apparent…
Climate Colonialists Disrupt African Pipeline, Perpetuate Poverty
I wonder if those activists ever dare to go to the countries…
Model Pinpoints Glaciers at Risk of Collapse Due to Climate Change
I wonder what those models are aiming at? Because according to…
New Study Finds Climate Change Could Spark the Next Pandemic
Yeah, I can see that. I can also see that Climate Change could…
Carbon Collect Unveils Mechanicaltree™ In Partnership With Arizona State University
Trying to filter something thats no more than 0,04% of something…
The World Has Gone Bonkers!
The world is going towards a food crisis. In the Western world,…
Study quantifies metal supplies needed to reach EU’s climate neutrality goal
Yes, and how many of those metals are renewable? We have our…
Ukraine War Gives U.S. LNG Chance to Shed Fracked-Gas Stigma
I know who can help us here. AOC once looked at the heat exhaust…
Europe Has No Immediate Alternative To Russia Gas, Putin Says
Sure he says that, what else would he say? But that's not the…
Russia hopes China can fill IOC gap
This won't be an easy one for many reasons. First, Russia needs…
Energy Myths Are Triggering a New Dark Age in Europe
I am past the 50-year mark now and I live in there middle of…
Methane leaks from small oil wells spur call for stiffer U.S. regulation
One more way for the government to make money for nothing. The…
As Germany joins LNG import race, a long and crowded track awaits
This must be the most confusing and outright insane time in LNG…
Government plans to scrap green energy levies welcomed
Yes, but for that to work not only direct subsidies must be scrapped.…
Renewable Subsidies Have Cost £78 Billion In Last 10 Years
And we are looking only at the direct subsidy picture here. What's…
Peer Review Plus
When I was a kid, there were rules in place in Vienna that if…
USA and Canada’s Plan to Silence Independent Media
Any country that seeks to tackle its media and hence the freedom…
Will the Next French President Renounce the Paris Agreement?
Looking at how fast the German Socialists and Greens changed…
Follow the Science: But Which Results? Using Same Tree Ring Dataset, 15 Groups Come Up With 15 Different Reconstructions
There should be clear rules in science as in everything. Known…
President Obama: “The First Amendment Does Not Apply to … Facebook and Twitter”
How does the First Amendment not apply to Facebook and Twitter?…
The Battle of the Trucks: H2 vs. Batteries
We all should know the videos of tiny electric vehicles bursting…
Increased Plant Productivity: The First Key Benefit of Atmospheric CO2 Enrichment
The sequence of the pictures should be reversed and there should…
Earth Day’s Failed Predictions Of 52 Years Ago & The Amazing Environmental Improvements That Have Occurred Since
It's something I have always looked at with bewilderment. Personally,…
Haynesville Shale: Record Natural Gas Production
Flaring is a disgrace and also a sign of a dysfunctioning regulatory…
Chinese Refiners Cut Output At An Alarming Rate
Do you think thats bad? It's just the beginning of what's to…
Putin tells Europe: You cannot ditch Russian gas but we’re turning east
And he says it like it's a thing of two days. You don't turn…
Shell to Write Down as Much as $5B on Russia Exit
Ahh, big write-downs due to external factors that the company…
Dead End Street: There’s No High-Tech Fix For Wind & Solar’s Hopeless Intermittency
All the fixes that had been proposed so far were utterly unrealistic…
The Elite Think Climate Action is More Important than Your Ability to Pay Your Bills
When have the elites ever cared about the little people? Actually,…
President Biden Should Own His Share of the Blame for High Prices at the Pump
I have been a lawyer in the past and I use my legal expertise…
Eni Makes Oil And Gas Discoveries In Egypt Western Desert
North Africa is probably the most potent region for more oil…
Weather Makers: How Industrial Wind Turbines Are Changing The World’s Climate
It should be basic physics. Energy cannot be destroyed - it can…
Germany should explore domestic oil and gas reserves to ‘stand on its own feet’
Any country should always explore any energy option it has domestically.…
Sasol Drops Plan to Invest in Pipeline in Favor of LNG Imports
I have long ago stopped taking anything that comes out of South…
Shale producers court European buyers in bid for key LNG market
Just a few years ago I spoke at an energy conference in London…
State of the Climate 2021
We seem to have forgotten to put the quits into the climate debate.…
Hydrogen 11 times worse than CO2 for climate, says new report
Oh my God, does it ever end? hydrogen is an extremely leaky gas.…
IPCC scientists say it’s ‘now or never’ to limit warming
How many years have we heard now or never? Aint it time to face…
Population Bombing
For once, thats a real horror story. for the last almost 100…
Friday Funny: ‘Carbon Extraction’ Only Way to Stop Climate Crisis
We are at historically low levels of CO2 in the air. Humans need…
What Would Happen if They Threw a War and it Upset Europe’s Climate Plans?
In a sense, the war in Ukraine has even reinforced the green's…
Arctic Was Much Warmer 6000 Years Ago… 90% Of Glaciers, Ice Caps Smaller Than Present Or Absent!
We have known since before I was born that the Medieval Warm…
Will China achieve its 2060 carbon neutral commitment from the provincial perspective?
Anyone who believes anything that comes out of China after everything…
NPR Wrongly Blames Climate Change for Suffering Caused by Civil War, Corruption, and Weather
Since before recorded history, there has been war, corruption,…
America’s Huge Natural Gas Reserves
Marcellus/Utica is a huge gas field. Given. But in terms of brute…
Inflation More Than Offsets 4.3% Rise in Residential Electricity Rates
When the financial crisis broke for real in 2008, I fully expected…
UK: “More Nuclear, More Oil, More Gas”
More nuclear is a good thing but first, we would have to look…