Oil declines as Iran, Russia and fed jostle for limelight

How long is such a headline still going to matter for the United…

Tesla’s Incendiary Mega-Batteries: The Bigger They Come, The Longer They Burn

I don't want to pin this on tesla only. They just happen to produce…

Did Putin plot with eco-warriors to halt UK fracking

It's not a stretch of the imagination to assume that someone…

Climate tipping might not always be disastrous

The expression "Tipping Point" suggests that Earth before-humans…

Climate Model Democracy

The one core issue I always had with democracy is that there…

‘Climate Impacts’ of Fossil Fuels

Thats a rather surprising outcome but I have no problem with…

Climate Research Strike Falls Flat, Colleagues Choose Sharm el-Sheikh

Oh yes, when there is a big party to be had, Climate activists…

Satellite and Surface Temperatures

One of the worst obscenities we have done to science is replacing…

BBC Climate Advice: Misery for Ordinary Britons, to Avoid the Need to Frack

We have the exact same issue here in Austria. The East of Austria…

African states eye EU gas opportunity from Ukraine crisis

I would love for that to play out but Europe is pressed for time…

Uniper resumes plans for ‘hydrogen-ready’ German LNG terminal: Fortum CEO

If Germany was really serious about getting more gas in quick…

Elon Musk Says We Need to Increase Oil Output Now

This is the time when many of the so-called visionaries of the…

European Fertilizer Output Cuts Pose Risks for Food Prices

Europe will be hit hard by high energy and food prices. Europeans…

Costing a Russian oil supply gap

We cannot cost estimate this as trying to put a tag on it would…

Does Germany really need LNG terminals?

That really depends on what kind of nation Germany wants to be.…

America Needs to Mobilize Domestic Energy to Help Families, Lower Inflation and Punish Putin

Every country on Earth needs to mobilize its domestic energy…

Europe is on a wartime mission to ditch Russian oil and gas

In a real wartime mission, we would find no-nonsense people trying…

PM Overrules Energy Regulator

My own country Austria imports most of its Natural Gas from Russia.…

Climate radicals fuelled Europe’s reliance on Putin’s gas. Now they want to make it worse

Does the implementation of more wind and solar energy amplify…

What Ukranian Refugee Crisis?–John Kerry

Any person with half a brain and even a smidgen of humanity left…

Climate Obsessed Biden Administration Seeks Oil Deal with Venezuela and Iran

The correct reaction to the current oil and gas calamity the…

Tipping points in Earths geophysical and biological systems

Yes, there are tipping points. Any system has them. That said,…

Japan Sees NO WINTER WARMING In Decades…Tokyo Winters Haven’t Warmed Since 1984!

It's almost mid-March now and I remember many times when I could…

Biden War Against Domestic LNG (gas-by-rail)

I have heard many discussions about what's wrong with politics…

Temperatures and Yields

If one looks at a vegetation map of the biggest country on Earth…

Well-preserved fossils could be consequence of past global climate change

Most people I show a graph on temperature developments over the…

Jen Psaki: “There are 9,000 approved oil leases that the oil companies are not tapping into currently”… Aeuhhh?

How about providing some legal certainty to those that advance…

Democrat Senators Demand That Oil Companies Increase Production

One of the first things I learned when I joined the O&G world…

“Freeze To Hurt Putin” Sounds Better Than “Government Rationing Gas,”… German Pols Look To Sell Hardship

Humans are animals of habit. We like our little comforts and…

Israel to begin exporting gas to Egypt via Jordan

It's easy to forget that this pipe was originally built as an…

Why the LNG ‘gold rush’ could soon turn to dust

LNG has not even started to take on the biggest and best vanilla…

This is the Only Thing That Can Restrain Oil

And let's be real about it. The Americas will, in time, decouple…

Germany aims to get 100% of energy from renewable sources by 2035

Renewable energy is very much the most important source of pain…

EU Could Survive Without Russian Gas Next Winter, Study Says

Could the EU survive a full winter without Russian gas? Sure…

War in Europe reinforces logic for tapping North Sea gas

Thats actually one of the best calls Europe can make to get its…

America’s Emerging Energy Crisis

For decades two factors have conspired to wreck the grid. On…

Green hypocrisy hurts the poorest

The worst issue for me is that most people won't ever know it.…

Europe Gas Rises 60% With Traders Backing Away From Russia Deals

I have bad news for all of you here. If anyone thinks that we…

Drilling technology: Autonomous drilling comes to life

I have seen many kinds of energy professionals in my life. Some…

These Climate Scientists Are Fed Up and Ready to Go on Strike

If there really is going to be a strike of Climate Scientists,…

The Reason Why Floods Are So Bad–And It’s Not Climate Change!

I remember when I was a kid, I grew up on the banks of the Thaya…

German Green Party Embraces Coal, LNG and Nuclear

See what a dose of reality can do. The greens are in a pickle.…

Ukraine And Energy Realism

High prices for energy are just one part of the total problem…

No Energy Realism In Bidenland

I am a generation X'er. I have grown up in a world of Cold War,…

Britain’s Steel Industry Hammered by Climate Change Taxes

There won't be a British steel industry for long. There won't…

SMH Pushing Climate Friendly All Electric Houses During Major Aussie Storms

I have a lot of tools at home. Because I do a lot of things myself.…

Frackers Push Into Once-Dead Shale Patches as Oil Nears $100 a Barrel

New acreage - yay. Then again - I am way more excited about what…

The West’s Climate Policies Invite Third World Conditions

I can still remember the Seventies. I was a kid then and life…

Fracking in Poland

We in Europe have been living in a state of eternal bliss. We…

Hawaii relies on Russian oil — but clean energy could change that

One thing I find revolting is that the US is the biggest oil…

Biomethane produced in Europe is now 30% cheaper than natural gas

Energy infrastructure is expensive. It takes a while to build…

Europe Could Look To Africa If Ukraine Conflict Threatens Gas Flow

Europe has looked to Africa for a long time when it comes to…

North Sea Tax Revenues

The tax landscape is going to change dramatically in countries…

African Energy Chamber advisor says significant hydrocarbon opportunities lie ahead

Yes, there is a lot of opportunity in Africa. And not only in…

Will the Ukrainian Invasion Accelerate European Decarbonisation?

It will be a very short conversation because when it comes to…

Green Revolution? No Sanctions Planned for Russian Energy

It's starting to get so obvious, it hurts. I have personally…

John Kerry fears Russia-Ukraine war will distract from climate change

That was not the war. COVID did that as it has destroyed whatever…