The US government should end its war on natural gas

It's hard to understand for me that successive US governments…

Explainer-Should Europe use more long term LNG contracts?

Did Europe gamble its energy security? Yes, it did. Would having…

IHS Markit report says LNG imports to Europe would be sufficient to overcome shutoff of Russia gas flows through Ukraine

Losing the gas flow through Ukraine would not be a massive hit…

All Coral Reefs will Die if 2C Climate Target Breached

There are reefs that have been around since before the dinosaurs…

Why aren’t investors piling in to build new LNG projects?

LNG projects are expensive. They cost a lot of money to build…

Putin unveils new gas deal with China’s Xi as Moscow squares off with West

Many do not really understand. they think that Russia can send…

Young People want Climate Action More than Money

They don't want the money. they only want the things and the…

Who Needs Russian Gas? We’ve Got Windmills!

I am pretty sure that the other European countries would not…

How “Climate Actions” Actually Kill People, Not Save Them

If there is one thing the COVID pandemic has taught me, it's…

More Focus On The Impossible Costs Of A Fully Wind/Solar/Battery Energy System

Just take countries that have already now a relatively high proportion…

Get Woke Go Broke: Green Crusading Facebook Share Price Plunges

History is chock full of examples - companies - that have judged…

Green Wrecking Ball: Germany Clearing “Undisturbed” 1000-Year Old Forest, Make Way For Massive Wind Park

Has anyone ever tried to calculate how much carbon was sequestered…

New German leader proposes a ‘climate club’ of leading economies that would punish free riders like Australia

Oh yes, thats what he wants? What other "leading economies" does…

U.S.-Russia rift over Ukraine could spark $100 oil, industry historian says

Spark USD 100 oil? We are just USD 10 shy of that mark now without…

Arnold Schwarzenegger Gets a Sunburn

It is hard to believe that there was a time in my life - luckily…

EU: Commission Puts Fossil Fuel Subsidies Under Spotlight

Ah, the old subsidies issue again. I am sure we will see a whole…

Berlin looks for alternatives as German gas storage hits record lows

Now, suddenly, it must all work out in mere days - when Germany…

The Pause Lengthens: No Global Warming For 7 Years 3 Months

I was asked many times if I would find anything positive in the…

Rocketing Energy Prices Were Part Of The Plan All The Time

Oh, are renewables happy now that hydrocarbon prices are so high…

Texas upstream oil and gas economy experiences year of recovery in 2021

If you think that 2021 was good for shale then you will be stunned…

Forever Subsidised: America’s Wind & Solar ‘Industries’ Biggest Fear Is Real Competition

When one is so deep in trouble, fear is not the right word. Fear…

Morocco Aims to Import Chilled Gas Via Spain After Algeria Snub

Yes, on the face of things that makes a lot of sense. The pipe…

Forget President Biden, Climate Change is Causing Inflation

When I look at how many people have fallen for even the most…

Social licence needed in a decarbonising world

Yes, I fully agree. Oil and Gas companies will have to do a lot…

Russia, Saudi Arabia and the US – what next for oil markets?

In the early 2000s, activists have forced OMV out of Sudan because…

UK Gas Production Could Plunge 75% By 2030 With No New Investment

I don't think this is a resource problem. I am not an upstream…

The Snow Hits the Fan on Saturday: Global Warming Alarmism to Follow

During my wild youth, I worked for some time for a very wealthy…

New Mexico Climate Activists Fighting to Kill Hydrogen Economy Bill

I have often commented on the supposed hydrogen economy and I…

Obama Judge Throws Out GOM Lease Sale

Judicial independence is problematic but not having judicial…

Facebook Spamming Climate Posts with “Climate Science Center” Propaganda

Not only Facebook does that. But thats one of the rare good things…

Climate Change in the Early Holocene

Most people ignore the timelines involved in evolution - that…

We Should Not Compare Electricity Sources Using Nameplate Ratings

Nameplate ratings should come with a disclaimer saying that this…

Blade-Runners: Wind Industry Illegally Dumping Discarded Turbine Blades Across America

Where are the green activists? Where is Greta? Who blocks trains…

Qatar to regain its top slot in LNG exports by 2026

The question is - does it matter? I know, it is tempting to wear…

Are U.S. LNG Exports Leading to Higher Prices? Yes, Say Consumer Advocates

No, and yes. Sure if one siphons off gas at one end that leaves…

Energy poverty in Europe is linked to expensive renewables

The real problem is that persons that live income-wise inside…

Woke Capital Won’t Save the Planet – But It Will Crash the Economy

We must be clear about one thing - our economies will crash.…

Europe Carbon Price Rises to Seven-Week High on Ukraine Tensions

The title talks about Carbon price and right in the first sentence…

Tanzania hires U.S. law firm to advise on $30 billion LNG plan

You can hire the best lawyers and the most outstanding consultants…

How About A Pilot Project To Demonstrate The Feasibility Of Fully Wind/Solar/Battery Electricity Generation?

I have often argued that the world needs a pilot where an entire…

Asian LNG demand growth set to slow

We all think that Asia is a juggernaut and it will always grow.…

Ottawa, Canada is following Germany’s failed climate goals

Following Germany's energy choices is about as smart as bringing…

Good Housekeeping: Don’t Have Kids, Because Climate Change

I know quite a number of people that plan on never having children…

Southern Ocean storms cause outgassing of carbon dioxide

Yes, I know, because you can fly from London to New York in less…

Ukraine’s energy options limited in case of conflict with Russia

It should have been clear for many years now that Ukraine cannot…

The Power of Capitalism

There is the quaint assumption that there is a struggle between…

China Looks to Resell LNG

China finds out that gas cannot be stored as easily and conveniently…

Japanese firms seek domestic offshore gas

Japan sure could do with some domestic energy sources. The country…

New England Will Freeze If Sleepy Joe Gets His Green New Deal

People have already died as a result of green policies. People…

John Cook: Climate Deniers Falsely Claim Activists are Anti-Freedom

Many around the world had a very potent and nasty taste of what…

Europe’s Smelters Call for Action to Combat Soaring Energy Costs

Forget processing anything energy-intensive in Europe. You would…

Ghana plans to become West Africa’s gas hub with import terminal

Ghana wants to become a regional hub? Then listen up. West African…

Beyond Contempt: Bankers Back Net-Zero & Condemn World’s Poorest to Eternal Poverty

This single aspect of the green revolution should get a lot more…

Grid Balancing Costs Rocket

The cost for balancing the grid is not increasing per unit of…

US Politicians Pin Green Hopes on a Geothermal Energy Breakthrough

I am no specialist for geothermal energy but as novice as I am…

Climate Change CAUSED the Tonga Volcanic Eruption

This may be a snicker but if you put it in line with countless…

BoJo’s Political Weakness Endangers Climate Action

It's not BoJo's weakness. Anyone who embarked on any of those…