Should Government Control Scientific Research?

Our natural reflex will be to create some public policy body…

Green Campaigner Exempts Herself From Her Own Climate Demand

Over the last couple of years, I bumped into quite many of such…

German government row over Nord Stream 2

Just to remind you - this government is only weeks old and already…

What if democracy and climate mitigation are incompatible?

Yes, they are. Because democracy is fundamentally incompatible…

Qatar pulls LNG investment trigger as crown slips

Is the volume crown really that important? I don't think it is.…

Sadiq Wants To Charge London Petrol Drivers By The Mile

When the UK scampered out of the European Union, it had a chance…

ESG = Extreme Shortages Guaranteed!

Where are the activists pushing for all those policies causing…

Brent remains on top for LNG term contracts

What is TTF - the Dutch Natural Gas hub. As such it's a regional…

Climate alarmism is doing terrible damage to the young

I am past the half-century mark and I have fond memories of my…

Is Climate Finance the Next Bubble?

When China needed more work for its over-bloated industries,…

Russia denies responsibility for Europe’s winter energy crisis

I know, we like to go down the easy route. We like to pretend…

Global warming has saved 500,000 lives in England and Wales in the last 20 years

Humanoids have roamed the plains of Africa for more than 2 million…

European Union Fiddling Their Own Rules to Fund the Climate Revolution

I don't want to give you any cute stories about my past. When…

How Much Manmade CO2 is in the Atmosphere, Really?

There is a thought I have carried with me for a little while.…

Germany faces ‘gigantic’ task meeting energy, climate goals

Thats not a gigantic task as this implies that there is something…

What Critics Get Wrong About Energy Choice

What banning certain sources of energy does is push those who…

It Is a Good Year To Be Selling LNG

No, it is not. because high prices for LNG create high expectations…

Following Shell victory, South African environmentalists target Searcher project

Sure they go further after a win - who would not? Thats not astonishing.…

Luxury Yachts To Be Exempt From EU’s Carbon Pricing Plan

In 2020 something happened to me - something important. As a…

Fossil Fuel Generation Outpaces Renewables in 2021 – IEA

Of course, it outpaces renewables in 2021 - and it will do so…

“Hansen vs. The World” (Richard Kerr on uncertain climate science in 1989)

On January 16th, 2022 every single model that has been thrown…

World’s Woeful Wind Power Output Spells Doom For Renewable Energy Rent Seekers

Wind and solar´s intermittency require us to have a 100% second…

What is an LNG-powered cruise ship?

What mental images does a cruise ship evoke in you? White beaches,…

Shrink to fit: the year Big Oil starts to become Small Oil

It's about time for big oil to go away. I actually like their…

Chinese gas forecasts leave LNG uncertainty

If LNG had started to put more business development effort into…

OPEC targeting oil prices below $100, Oman’s oil minister says

Ah, here they go again. OPEC still does as if what they do has…

Existential risks

I had many ups and downs in my life. Yes, things were not always…

The World Has Been Getting Much Colder For The Last Six Years

And it's getting very noticeable. When I walk in the street today…

Wind will be Competitive! (Secretary Chu from 2011)

How many years have we heard this? More than a decade now it…

University of Houston: More Renewable Energy to Prevent Another Texas Ice Storm Outage

That's perfect common sense I would say. When you do something…

BoJo’s Green Energy Britain: Cuddle Your Pets for Warmth

When I was a teenager, I asked my grandfather how it was possible…

Swiss Researchers Use Brain Electrodes to Stimulate Climate Concern

What sick mind even dreams up experiments like this? And what…

UK Inches Closer To Eliminating Private Car Ownership

Private car ownership was nothing that was dreamt up by some…

Europe Is Desperate for LNG While Asia Has More Than It Needs

Thats a hard one-winter problem very likely. Because when this…

Texas: Wind Fails, Media Blames Natural Gas… Again

Let me make a prediction: as long as you look at the wrong causes,…

Norway’s Power Surplus Disappearing Rapidly

Cockiness is rarely ever a smart thing. Norwegians felt smart…

Austrian Climate Researchers Excited About Manipulating the Minds of Children

I always had mixed feelings about my own country. Thats why I…

The Economist: EU Should Embrace Tougher Carbon Pricing

The EU is on the road to economic hell and total irrelevance…

Heat Pumps v Hydrogen: (Scalded Or Burned!!)

The best way to inoculate people against BS is to let them have…

Does the CCP Control Extinction Rebellion?

In the past, communist regimes were known to foment dissent in…

EU: Natural Gas and Nuclear are now Green Energy

You think that reality starts to creep into the minds of Brussel…

Three in five Brits reject higher taxes to reach Net Zero

Higher taxes to reach net-zero? Folks, you have not even seen…

Net Metering Rethink: Rooftop Solar in Trouble (a hidden subsidy in addition to ITC)

I have said for years that current rules for feeding sur-production…

The Urban Heat Island Penalty Grows, Especially at Night

It's a phenomenon known to anyone who lives in a country where…

Salem State University: New England Climate Change Faster than Average

Of all places, it's Salem to declare that Climate Change hits…

Russia’s weak December oil production signals lack of capacity

In January 2017 I wrote a long blog post on the prospect of Russia…

Denmark wants to end fossil fuels in domestic aviation by 2030

Oh, is that what they want? Denmark is not really the biggest…

Germany’s New Government Plans To Use 10% Of Country’s Land Area For Wind Turbines

I have seen analysis that this 10% figure refers to the total…

2021: The Year the Electric Vehicle Batteries Burned

Indeed, and what a year of change it was. One year ago, the Electric…

Norway’s Power Surplus Disappearing Rapidly

I grew up with tales of a fantastically rich country in the far…

New Annual Temperature Data Show No Warming In Tokyo In 45 Years…Hachijō-jima Island No Warming In 71 Years!

And the deeper we go into the Solar Minimum, the colder it will…

Snowfall EVERY DAY Atop Kilimanjaro – Where Is Al Gore?

I was on the summit of Mt. Kilimanjaro in 1992. Back at the time,…

Aussie Eco-Warrior Fury over Wind Farm Wilderness Devastation

Let's assume that wind and solar would really be the solution…

RGV environmentalists sue Army Corps of Engineers after LNG, pipeline projects receive operating permit

What they say essentially is that no matter what you do, o matter…

Climate Alliance Falls Short When It Comes to Shareholder Votes

Those shareholder representatives are in a pickle - they want…