U.S. Set To Become Largest LNG Exporter In The World
It does not matter much who is the biggest LG exporter in the…
U.S. companies committed to 100% renewables still rely on fossil fuels
Isn't it nice to be able to signal virtue to the entire world…
Enough is Enough: After Nearly 40 Years It’s Time to Slash Massive Subsidies to Wind & Solar
The picture is very misleading. If this bike would be a renewable…
U.S. Wants Nord Stream 2 Halted If Putin Were to Invade Ukraine
North Stream 2 is not going to hold Putin back from grabbing…
Vauxhall Mokka Electric
I now know more than one person that owned an electric vehicle…
NY Times Claims Brazil Is Turning Into Desert, As Foliage Growth Surges
Every glasshouse farmer knows the effect. Buy some commercial…
Who funds Extinction Rebellion? American & UK millionaires – ‘Some of America’s most famous families, including the Kennedys & the Gettys’
The entire Green Alarmist movement is nothing but one giant Ponzi…
More Inexpert Climate Change Reporting Required
Let me come clean - I believed in experts. I believed that experts…
How the War on Fossil Fuels Will Kill People… Urea Edition
Activists live in a dangerous dream world. When Greta took the…
Mouse Squeaks at Lion
It is telling that climate activists have such a strong need…
China and India Must Invest $21 Trillion into Green Energy
India does not have that kind of spare cash and neither does…
Could Prove Disastrous … But Might Be Required
On March 8th, 2014 an entire airliner of Malaysia Airlines disappeared…
In court filing, Facebook admits ‘fact checks’ are nothing more than opinion
What a surprise - as if anyone who has already been adorned with…
Alarmists Say the Funniest Things! Hawaiian “Blizzard” Edition
There are rumors that Al Gore was seen at the Mauno Loa slopes…
Japan Building 22 New Coal Power Plants
Here we go - COP26 is over and the first big developed countries…
Fossil Fuel Restriction Dam Starting To Break
I know it's pretty funky but one might be forgiven to think that…
Renewables – Fossil Fuels = Energy Poverty: European Edition
Every society that rose from the lowest levels of subsistence…
Greece Puts Coal Power Plants Shut Down in 2019 Back Into Operation…To Avert Winter Blackouts!
Why would Greece not be doing what countries like Germany do…
“Civilisation is Going to Crumble”: Elon Musk Slams Overpopulation Narratives
Civilization has its issues and some of them are horrifying.…
Aussie Labor Promises a Rerun of the Climate Election (They Lost)
It speaks for the reality distortion bubble they live in. Makes…
US LNG Exports Hit New Record Highs
The one limiting factor is transmission infrastructure which…
Kudlow: ‘America has oil. Lots of it’
The entire planet has a lot of oil. What the US has is a unique…
Passing the Spending Bill Could Doom Biden’s Presidency
Build Back Better is like pouring buckets of gasoline on a dumpster…
‘Pipelines will be blown up,’ says David Suzuki, if leaders don’t act on climate change
In the 70ies, a terror group called the Baader Meinhoff Gang…
Japan Is Backing Oil and Gas Even After COP26 Climate Talks
Japan has gone through decades of economic half-misery. Its population…
Benny Peiser: “We are Entering a New Phase in the Climate Debate”
Mee weeks before the collapse of the Soviet Union western analysts…
The Geopolitical Game That Could Transform Gas Markets
Yes, while Europe pretends to go green and officially shuns anything…
Winter May Spark Gas-Storage Crisis in Europe, Pipeline CEO Says
Europe does not have a storage crisis. There is plenty of storage…
Trader Super-Cycle Belief Has Been Dented
Yeah right - a supercycle again. I had a lot of work with quants…
Sen. Elizabeth Warren challenges U.S. gas producers on exports
As weird as this sounds but Elisabeth Warren has a point. In…
What Meeting Net-Zero Emissions Targets Without Nuclear Power Will Cost You
When I was a kid, I had long conversations with my grandfather.…
Jordan eyes renewable power exports
Renewable Power exports you say. If Jordan looks at something…
U.S. tries to improve relations with OPEC after oil-price scuffle
Improve relations with OPEC - thats a good one. Let me tell you…
BEIS Respond To Net Zero Petition
Referendums are no magic wand to resolve issues. They do produce…
Electric, Expensive & Useless–The New Audi e-tron
Politicians and other decision-makers can use those useless wastes…
University of Manitoba Publishes an End of Snow Prediction
Oh my dear lord - another prediction hat is supposed to make…
Tapping the Strategic Petroleum Reserve: “A really futile and stupid gesture”
I do understand that humans are, not the most rational beings…
Not enough done to prevent another winter blackout
People have very short memories and soon after the last disaster…
Are You Now Or Have You Ever Been a Climate Denier?
That is no innocent letter. That is coercion as often those innocently…
Small Modular Reactors are needed in African countries
Not only in African countries. I am no expert in nuclear energy…
Electric Vehicles Won’t Save Us — We Need to Get Rid of Cars Completely
I live in a very central, very well connected quality part of…
President Trump: Boris Johnson is Making a Big Mistake Backing Wind Power
I must confess that Boris got me on this one as well and many,…
Complete Madness In The Biden Administration: Energy Policy
Investment theory says that once someone is down a certain path,…
Claim: More Work Required to Study “Settled” Climate Science
Imagine the chutzpah - Climate scientists have humored us with…
The Wire Criticises the “Deep Adaptation” Climate Doomsday Narrative
In the Monty Python movie "The Holy Grail" there is a scene where…
Weather Lulls: Germany Forced To Burn 20% More Coal, The Very Energy Source That’s To Be Phased Out
Oh, did you think that's bad? That was no more than an amuse-bouche…
President Biden’s Nuclear Option Against OPEC+
So Biden wants a nuclear option against OPEC+? Let me give you…
David Viner’s Thing Of The Past Comes Back To Haunt Him (Again!)
Today we had our first bout of snow here in Vienna. Snow in November…
Help, what is happening with our universities?
Our universities have become anointment factories long ago. They…
Modelers Got Aerosols All Wrong…CO2 Climate Sensitivity Likely Another 0.4°C Overstated!
How would anyone get all variables in a chaotic system ever right?…
‘Battery arms race’: how China has monopolised the electric vehicle industry
This is not a race. China does not get into races. A race would…
Regressive Energy Taxes Hit Poor and Lower-Income Families, Creates More Inflation
All taxes are always paid by the normal population. I always…
New shipping fuels need lifecycle emissions analysis
Lifecycle emissions analysis is nothing but another theoretical…
Anti-OPEC+ Officially Emerges
This is not an anti-OPEC. Those are politicians that have thrown…
President Biden’s Latest Oil Directives Lead To Nowhere Very Fast
It speaks to the disconnect of politicians from the normal population…
Climate Fanatic Teacher Refused Kids Aircon
A teacher is a service worker. There is a work order and this…
World’s largest offshore wind farm ‘unprofitable’, government-funded report confirms
It is incredibly easy for politicians to lie as they have no…
New German Coalition Caves In To Greens
I predict this new German government to hold up for no more than…
Filthy Future: Wind & Solar’s Toxic Waste Legacy Problem For Next Generation
In the ancient past of the il industry, companies drilled holes…
Dozens of ships stuck in Arctic as ice freezes early
Thats not possible - I am sure it's virtual ice. Those sailors…