Nobody’s Fools: Angry Locals Reject Wind Power Outfit’s Massive Cash-For-Silence Deal

Cash for silence - thats what it takes to bring locals around?…

Mozambique to unveil fresh oil and gas bidding round

Prices have gone up to levels where people seriously look into…

BBC and Met Office at War over ‘Deep Freeze’ Winter Weather Forecasts

One clear sign that the endgame is in full swing is that those…

Bad Weather Station Siting – Even on #Yellowstone

If you hang a thermometer close to the ceiling of a room and…

Fred Pearce on Climategate Revisited

When that scandal broke I fully expected changes. I expected…

Noam Chomsky Slams Biden’s Climate Policy Response

Having an overcooked spaghetti where one should have a spine…

Solar Variations Controversy

Solar panels on planet Mercury would yield more than 6 times…

When The Costs Hit Home, Nobody Will Give Up Fossil Fuels

This cost bubble will take time to sink in. Decades of prettied-up…

Biden Advises Americans Who Can’t Afford Gasoline to Buy an EV

What is that? You poor buggers cannot afford bread to eat? Eat…

Sea Level Alarmism Unravels As Earth’s Coastlines Are Observed Expanding Since 1984

All sea level data needs to be consumed with a boatload of salt.…

UK PM Explains how Old Soviet Catchphrases Apply to his Green Revolution

Boris has come a long way - or has he? I actually appreciate…

Shale Making Too Much Money to Rescue Biden

Shale drillers are afflicted by the same hubris OPEC is afflicted…

Europe’s major gas suppliers in war of words

Apparently, Russia wants to return to the good old days when…

Climate Change EXTRAVAGANZA! Debunking 50 Years of FAILED “Expert” Predictions

It's a bit confusing as it's long and lots of different things…

We don’t actually know how much CO2 humans are emitting each year

There are persistent rumors that during the seventies South Africa…

Jailed Insulate Britain protester went globe-trotting in a gas-guzzling 4×4 pick-up truck

It is quite telling that those who claim the moral high ground…

Amazon buys more than 1,000 IVECO CNG trucks for European operations

And while Jeff Bezos flew to Glasgow for his virtue signaling…

Europe’s first winter cold spell already straining natural gas supplies

For the last 20 years, we were told that Europe must transform…

Germany Suspends Procedure to Certify Nord Stream 2

Total madness in Germany? We just had a first taste of what this…

Why Everything You Believe Is Wrong w/ Dr. WM Briggs

I joined the gas world with a lawyer's mind. Thats where I came…

White House misses mark with call for oil and gas probe

When people are under intense pressure they tend to lash out.…

Hydrogen will reach diesel parity in 2025 – Sinopec

Diesel parity? Not even 3 years ago there were figures circulating…

Shell moves HQ to Britain, drops “Royal Dutch” from its name

Weren't we always told that Brexit will make companies based…

COP That Wind & Solar: Nuclear Power Drives French Renewables Resistance

France has its nuclear power plants and they allow it to play…

Permian shale output expected to set a record in December

Thats the one thing conventional oil producers are at pains to…

Oil prices would be twice as high without OPEC, says UAE’s oil minister

How quickly we forget - just about 18 months ago, oil prices…

Climate Changed Abruptly at Tipping Points in Past

When one looks at temperature charts for the last 10.000 years,…

Net Zero “Strangling” Oil and Gas Producers

If only 5 years ago someone would have told Europeans that Blackouts…

Aussie ABC: “A renewable energy revolution is powering Australia’s $720bn mining and resources industry”

Not quite bringing out the bubbly yet would be a smart move.…

Early Arctic Freeze Threatens to Strand Ships.

I find it fascinating how new times broaden our minds Now, vessels…

Researchers find repeated link between volcanic eruptions and dynastic collapse in China’s Imperial Era

The USGS lists 1350 potentially active volcanoes of which 500…

The Vilification Of Oil Producers Continues Apace At COP26

In the normal world, one would expect that oil producers will…

COP26 Ends In Humiliating Failure

Eventually, it would have to be clear that the piper must be…

BBC and Sky are acting as the ‘PR department of Greenpeace’

Not only BBC and Sky - pretty much all mainstream media is riding…

EU’s Climate Chief Signals Natural Gas Will Be Included in Green Transition

Oh no no no - thats a chicken game. I personally prefer them…

The Fossil Fuel Crisis

That turned out to be a long one. For those with time to kill…

USA Should Have Enough Gas to Avert Energy Crisis

North America goes through its own set of energy problems but…

Gas-Hub Plan Turns Urgent for Tanzania as Climate Concerns Rise

Gas hub? I have seen many over-ambitious plans. Most of them…

Pitfalls of Energy Transition on Full Display in Europe

A bit more than 6 years ago I had a little strategy fight with…

Biden “looking at” tapping strategic oil reserve, Energy Secretary says

More short-term fixes. This won't do much to take the edge off…

Low wind speeds mar offshore wind profits

Oh, thats how it goes. Renewable energy is really the cheapest…

Netherlands May Pull More Gas From Giant Field Just When It Was Supposed to Shut

Let's dabble in predictions for a moment - shall we? Germany…

Russia’s Gazprom Argues It’s Not to Blame for European Gas Crisis

And they are not to blame for it at all. It was our own hubris,…

The Role Of Critical Minerals In The Clean Energy Transition

Most people have an idea that the minerals needed for those green…

Record Snowfall in China

Thats really embarrassing when events in the real world make…

A Potted History of Glaciers

Glaciers have shrunk - no doubt. They have not disappeared as…

Dozens of nations back pledge to slash methane emissions at COP26

One thing those people never really get to is how much methane…

COP 26: Ask not for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for LNG

Yeah right - with electric mobility plagued by safety problems…

Post-Renewables Europe: Coal Prevents Mass Blackouts As Great Wind Drought Continues

And just like any pouty child worth its name it kicks and screams…

Are we heading for a net zero crash?

No, no, no - wait a minute here. We are heading for a financial…

Granholm Comments on Passing of Infrastructure Deal

The last 5 years have been a roller coaster ride for me. At least…

Look For Continued Pacing Towards $100 Oil

Yes, we are pacing towards $100 but don't think that this is…

China sweeps up lithium supplies in acquisition blitz

This shows us that planned economies cannot react in time to…

Science Publisher Retracts 44 Papers for Being Utter Nonsense

There is an entire industry that produces studies with a scientific…

Presidents Xi and Putin (and the Hedge Funds!) are laughing at us

Thats what we think and in a sense, they have plenty of reason…

Electric cars to get more expensive as battery costs soar

Oh, you think that was it already? Think again. Electric Vehicles…

Facebook Considering Editorialising Climate Change Posts

I like that. I have always said that someone on a rampage will…