African Energy Chamber: Fossil Fuels, Please
And why would they not go for the one thing that helped us all…
Uncertainty over Russian supply sends European gas prices higher
You think thats uncertainty? Let me open another can of worms…
Evidence The Expertocracy Is Real
A younger me was the most meritocratic being of all. I strongly…
Nigel Farage Demands a UK Net Zero Referendum
Never hold a referendum when you cannot be damn sure what the…
Manhattan Contrarian Announces The Arrival Of “Peak Oil-Hysteria”
Early in my life, I learned that everything works in cycles.…
@COP 26: Tokyo Hasn’t Seen Any Warming In October In 30 Years…No October Warming In Sapporo Either
And what's worst for them is that it starts to get cold enough…
Greta Thunberg brands UN climate summit ‘a failure’ & ‘a PR event’
The more I see of Greta, the more I like her. Just like with…
China and India Demand a TRILLION Dollars to Reduce CO2 Emissions
Great stratagem to delay action on their side pretty much indefinitely.…
China Mocks Joe Biden’s Powerlessness at COP26
I don't blame them - the entire COP26 show was so embarrassing,…
Supreme Court To Consider Limiting EPA’s Power To Regulate Climate-Changing Gases
I am most certainly no expert on US constitutional law but with…
U.S. unveils crackdown on methane, starting with oil and gas rules
It's a sign of struggling leaders when they bring out lots of…
Spain’s Algerian Gas Imports Via Morocco Stop as Deal Expires
The end of an era? Yes, Algeria has a newer gas pipeline to Spain…
Nigerian domestic gas plans advance
In 2010 I had a meeting with Nigeria*s then Minister of State…
Energy Policy Advocates Files Suit Against State Department Seeking “Special Climate Envoy” Kerry’s Ethics, Recusal Records
One fundamental problem of politics is its incredible intransparency.…
China’s oil inventory hits four-year low ahead of OPEC meeting
Thats not hard to understand. They have filled up when oil was…
EU must be joking! VDL shamed for 31 mile private jet flight while hailing climate deal
It is not very different from celebrities living on properties…
COP26 And The Hubris Of Our Political Overlords
Do those people have any shred of common sense left in them?…
Nat gas trucks enjoying ‘great interest’ thanks mostly to renewable natural gas surge
Yeah, renewable gas surge. Absolutely. Never mind that the volumes…
More than half of 2022′s solar projects threatened by spiking costs, new report finds
Just imagine - solar energy gets a ton of subsidies, they are…
Energy-consuming nations consider response if OPEC doesn’t boost oil output
They don't get it - OPEC can't do very much to manage this. Yes,…
Miliband Wants To Stop Domestic Flights
A member of the European Parliament said it the right way just…
Seth’s Nature Trick
I love Tony's videos. All of them are very well researched and…
Climate Change Fueled Witch Hunts… Then and Now
Yes, human history is full of examples of Climate Change events,…
Halloween Horror: Naomi Oreskes Just Called for WG1 Climate Science to be Shut Down
Sure thats what she wants. Their models fail, their results are…
Swiss Analysis: Climate Models Running Too Warm, Falsely Calibrated…IPCC Needs “To Review Its Findings”
And thats all the so-called evidence those people have - models…
Texas State Geologist Scott Tinker: The Bad Assumptions Underpinning COP26 and the Impending Energy Train Wreck
Yes, the energy crisis is already here. Or in fact, it has been…
Corporate Restructuring Is Needed To Accelerate Europe’s Energy Transition
This entire endeavor costs more money than we have no matter…
What If We Had Subsidized Nuclear Power Like Renewables?
Anything that depends on subsidies is unsustainable in the long…
Majority Of Brits Unwilling To Give Up Planes, Cars And New Clothes For Climate
Who wants to live like a beggar on the street? Yeah right - no…
Germany must build new gas power stations to guarantee energy security – Scholz
The next German government will most likely be a coalition of…
Uncertainty hangs over Permian permits
Yes, uncertainty hangs over drilling on federal lands. But it…
Several German cities halt use of e-buses following series of unresolved cases of fire
This is horrible for all advocates of electric vehicles. The…
U.S. natural gas prices soar 10% as cold winter forecasts develop
You call that soar? The spread between the European average and…
Hello, I’m From the Government and I’m Paid by Leftists Billionaires
Yeah right - it's like "I am from the government and I am here…
It’s Time for America to Embrace Carbon Border Adjustments
Funny - Democrats always opposed any notion of a Border Adjustment…
‘They Need To Breed Less’: The Darkness Of Climate Zealotry
China has shown with its one-child policy where this leads. Much…
Do you rip off your shingles before finding out if new ones are available? It’s painful to watch those that do
The activist's zeal to destroy anything that makes life possible…
New Data Refutes Cheap Offshore Wind Claims
One thing I learned very quickly when I entered the energy world…
Top UN Climate Official: World Conflict and Refugee Chaos if you Disobey
It has not come to the attention of those bureaucrats yet that…
Chinese President: COP26 a “wake-up call … to mankind”
By now it should be obvious that China only tries to induce guilt…
Texas to United Nations: Pound Sand
Texas is a prosperous state because of its light regulatory hand,…
Actress Joanna Lumley Calls For Rationing and Social Climate Credits
Another member of the elites cannot fathom why mere mortals should…
The Ancient Greeks Caused Climate Change by Killing Belief in Dryads
It's about time that the Climate fanatics show their real faces.…
Telegraph Calls For Referendum On Net Zero
The politicians, media operatives, lobbyists, big corporate and…
Climate Change Contributes to Another Year of Record Crop Production in India
No, it's not Climate Change. It's more CO2 in the air. Anyone…
Fact Checkers Fail To Refute Polar Bear Number Increases Despite Extensive ‘Expert’ Rhetoric
It is about time to make Factcheckers bear the consequences when…
Biden’s Climate Agenda Dies In The Senate
If Biden cannot pull off a miracle in the Virginia race, he is…
COP26 Document Leak Reveals National Interest Manipulation
Did anyone actually expect this to be a fact-based discussion?…
The Will of the Swiss People Be Done! What Will? Which People?
In my lobbying work, I am constantly exposed to all kinds of…
The promise and perils of the solar energy boom
56 square km for a little more than 2 Gigawatt - a similarly…
Science, Non-science & Propaganda
At some point in time, more than 10.000 years ago, some paleolithic…
Kerry says legislation not essential to climate goals
When I was in my teen years, Austria built its one and only nuclear…
Americans are Paying $144 Million More for Gas Per Day Under Biden Than Under Trump
No matter how much money one throws after a political campaign,…
Kamaz and PVGazprom plan LNG vehicle conversion project in Vietnam
I was once asked at a conference if LNG was not a rich world's…
Google’s CEO: ‘We’re Losing Time’ in the Climate Fight
Carbon-free you say? Fine, then at least have the guts and honesty…
Europe made its energy bed and now must sleep in it — shivering
Europe has no energy bed to sleep in - the nations of the continent…
Developing Countries Say No To Net Zero
And the developed world will scramble to find a way to release…
Germany not interested in joint EU gas purchases
Those most interested in joint purchases also have some of the…
Surging wholesale gas prices force German power provider Ziegler to cease operations
All top-down regulation always benefits the very large players…
New York Times Threatens Senator Manchin With Witchcraft If He Obstructs Democrat “Climate” Agenda
How crazy and desperate must one be if they resort to open threats…