Energy Crunch Fuels Calls for Rethink of EU Green-Shift Design
I don't think that the pain is enough yet. I can't talk about…
Biden renews OPEC outreach as oil prices climb 10% in September
I can't even imagine in what parallel world Joe must be living…
China’s Power Crunch Is Next Economic Shock Beyond Evergrande
In 2016, just a month or so after Donald Trump was elected President…
Europe’s Gas Stocks Show First Signs of Decline as Crisis Worsens
Ok, let's see. European gas companies don't want to put gas into…
UK Energy Secretary Appeals for Faith Leaders to Save COP26
How very fitting - a representative of the new religion asking…
Treasury Secretary on European Wind Drought: “Energy Storage … Can Be Deployed”
Very few people have a realistic idea of how incredibly expensive…
Soaring Energy Prices Become Major Headache For China
The energy prices are only the dusting on the cake for China.…
Oil majors see 2030 tipping point for clean hydrogen
Sure, and they expect all of us to pay for their bubble programs…
South Pole Sees Record Cold Winter, Smashing 1976 Record …WaPo Admits “Chill Was Exceptional”
The entire year 2021 was so far an exercise of record-smashing.…
EV buyer’s beware – fires, scarce charging times, and parking restrictions
EV's had years to build up some momentum - this multiplying problems…
World’s Biggest Renewable Energy Battery Becomes World’s Biggest Joke
Many people know what intermittency means those days. They might…
Homes may have gas cut off if they refuse to take part in hydrogen trial
When I was a kid my Father and my Grandparents told me about…
Why are we facing an energy crisis when we’re sitting on a gold mine?
I always expected Germany to become the sick man of Europe in…
Shell Goes Full BP – Part Deux
Who is surprised now? I guess everyone as it was expected that…
Here’s Why Climate Alarmists Are Ignoring All-Time Record Crop Production in India
Higher concentrations of CO2 are what is going to save us from…
“Fossil-Free” Energy: India’s Aluminum Industry In Peril
When I was a teenager I believed that there would be technology…
And It’s Not Even Winter! Europe’s Energy Supply Debacle Already Here: Painful Prices, Shortages, Blackouts
It is almost comical but the European gas crisis is not necessarily…
Confirmed – all 5 global temperature anomaly measurement systems reject NOAA’s July 2021 “hottest month ever” hype
Pretty much all people on Earth can feel on their own bodies…
Activists Get A Recent Paper That Threatens Climate Alarm Narratives Removed From Journal
If you have an opinion and find that your opinion is well supported…
Sea ice growth after the summer minimum begins in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago
Gimme a break. Ice can grow when there is ice in the first place.…
Soaring gas prices could see dual-fuelled ships switch from LNG to diesel
I have seen the very beginnings of dual-fueled vessels in the…
New Documentary Reveals How Corrupt And Destructive Green Energies Are: “This Is A Broken System”
Governments provide colossal sums of money as an incentive to…
How CO2 Saves the Earth: Greenhouse Gas have Vital Warming & Cooling Effects
The concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere is a measly 400 parts…
The New Yorker Asks, Should the Climate Movement Embrace Sabotage?
Only a few things are needed to bring any nation to the highest…
China Suffers Widespread Power Blackout Chaos as Strict Climate Targets Bite
The fundamental strength of free markets and free societies is…
Don’t Blame the ‘Energy Transition’ for the Damage Being Caused by the ‘Energy Transition’…
Sure, I also use gasoline first to extinguish a fire. What else…
Heat Wave Versus Cold Wave Deaths in The U.S. and the Pacific Northwest
Every single evolutionary period when life thrived and developed…
Prince of Hypocrites Strikes Again!
Winston Churchill once said that the best argument against democracy…
David Rose Exposes China’s Obsession With Coal
What's to expose here? The raw numbers speak a very clear language.…
Stop Knocking Down Buildings
How about a next step - no new construction. And it will go on.…
Green Energy Companies Fold
And this is just the tiny beginning. We have built much of our…
Citi Not Ruling Out $100 NatGas
What comes to mind? Yes, of course - Natural Gas becomes really…
Hydrogen threatens to drive wedge between Democrats, climate activists
I love those moments when the wiggle room goes away and people…
Green Gas Mobility Summit: natural gas is the only mature alternative to decarbonize heavy transport
Does anyone see the problem I have with this headline? A gas…
US industry calls for immediate LNG export limits
North America could use its gas to convert many vehicles to methane…
Ultimate Climate Hypocrisy: Coal Burning BoJo Demands the World “Grow Up”
I grew up with lots of animals. And we also always had dogs -…
Aussie Federal Treasurer Pushes for a Climate Unicorn Powered Economy
What happens to those politicians when the results of their decisions…
German auto giants bet on hydrogen cars
The German car industry had one thing going for them. They were…
Europe’s ambitious net-zero pledges hit home—with eye-watering energy bills
Europe might be a potent lesson for the rest of the world. It…
China’s Achille’s Heel: Economy Tracks Population
No matter how much glitter China throws onto the world to wow…
IEA calls on Russia to be a “reliable supplier” and send more gas to Europe
Europe has gambled its energy security by putting down fossil…
Evergrande Default Could Rock China’s Entire Economy
Evergrande is just the very tip of a huge iceberg. China has…
Deserted factories show how China’s electric car boom went too far
What happens when the two biggest Ponzi schemes of the planet…
Environmentalists Send Cease-And-Desist Letter To Wintershall Dea
The policies of OIl & Gas companies to deal with the green…
Biden Looks Into Why Gasoline Prices Are So High
And when he looks he will surely find what he wants to find.…
IPCC Model Scenarios Compared To Actual Measured Temperatures
We seem to be addicted to prophets making claims that never ever…
The Impossibility Of The 1.5C Target
For 4500 million years, the planet had evolved from a ball of…
BoJo Scolds World Leaders for Lacklustre COP26 Climate Finance Commitments
Oh yes Mr. Johnson, the world is chaffing under the burden that…
Britain considers government intervention as gas crisis roils energy firms
There is a crisis and the government considers jumping in to…
Centrica Demand Billions Of Taxpayer Money
Here is an immediate advantage of Brexit - the Brits will have…
The Masking of the Servant Class: Ugly COVID Images From the Met Gala Are Now Commonplace
Common sense would dictate that this would go down very badly…
Germany’s hydrogen dream needs gas for transition, industry says
If you know what I know, you rad this the right way. Natural…
Europe’s Gas Extends Record Rally on Russian Supply Woes, Wind
A couple of years ago I made a prediction. I predicted that Russia…
Climate change: Fossil fuels must stay underground, scientists say
And so will all economies that follow the green alarmist principles.…
Body Of Evidence: All Of Antarctica Is Cooling… Peninsula Cooling Since Long Before Greta Was Born
Ahh, those pesky facts. Antarctica is far away and very few people…
Record Power Prices & Blackouts Hit Germany
And we are just at the beginning of the real pain. Because sure…
The Obvious Delusion Of ‘No More Natural Gas’
Not only does gas not go away into the night. The renewable crazy…
Gazprom sees China’s total 2021 gas imports at 160 bcm, says CEO
Thats a big volume - no doubt. But the real issue is how much…
Powering the Future – The Promise of Batteries
When I was a kid I loved Star Trek - I waited for it every week.…
US highlights China coal consumption
Looks like China has slipped to the bad side of the US as in…