Solar Subsidy Farming
Most of the renewable energy projects I see around me remind…
Paul Ehrlich Got Almost Everything Wrong, but We Should have Listened to his Climate Warning
It took me a really long time to accept that those who almost…
Britain can’t rely on France and Ireland to keep the lights on
Just like Germany can't always rely on Belgian and French nuclear…
Letter from London: Shipowners propose carbon levy
Oh, sure they do. This makes sure that everyone is treated by…
LNG shipbuilding capacity to tighten
And it will tighten some more. It's curious that so many see…
Australia rebuffs Biden, Boris and the UN and vows to keep mining coal
Thats what happens when reality seeps in and people (as well…
XR Leader Drives A Diesel!
This is pretty hilarious. She always comes back to the point…
Beijing demands US fulfill wish list of demands in exchange for cooperation on climate change
Who expected anything else? Seriously, the biggest polluter on…
Young People Flocking to Climate Change Political Activism Careers
Everyone wants to get money for nothing. Politicians have made…
Capitalism Is Dead: Long Live The Expertocracy. Burnham’s The Managerial Revolution at 80
I don't even agree with the term expertocracy. When I was a teenager…
Climate Policy Should Pay More Attention to Climate Economics
Whenever I hear or read about climate change economics, I always…
Developing SA’s gas potential requires multiple lines of enquiry
Developing SA's gas potential requires dropping the endless political…
Hyundai Motor vows to make hydrogen cars as cheap as EVs
Its important to always use the correct oxymoron. The words "cheap"…
Scrubbers Can be Adapted for Low-Level Carbon Capture ‘Relatively Quickly’
A scrubber is in reality a pretty complicated chemical plant…
Blueprint for Bipartisan Climate Action
Bipartisan you say? I can's see anything bipartisan in DC anymore…
LNG-fuelled vessel orders approach 30% of Gross Tonnage on order
Not even 10 years ago, LNG as a marine fuel was an oddity. Lots…
Democrats Alarmed CEOs Not Rushing to Support Climate Bill Trillion Dollar Corporate Tax Rises
Now, thats a surprise. It really is - corporate CEOs were so…
23/25 Top GHG Emitting Cities are in Red China
I guess Greta has her marching orders. This is where the global…
Asia’s coal prices hit new highs as global utilities scramble for fuel
And they will rise some more. Coal is an incredibly reliable…
Ballard Power Systems and Quantron AG announce a strategic partnership for the development of hydrogen fuel cell electric trucks
Come on - I read about fuel cells for trucks when I was in my…
Britain forced to fire up coal plant amid record power prices and winter squeeze
Green patina ambitions and renewable energy have a rendezvous…
Australia can Live the Renewable Energy Dream – All We Need is a Trillion Dollars of Government Loans
When I was in my teens I wanted to rip a tear into the fabric…
Guardian: “Climate change deniers are as slippery as those who justified the slave trade”
I can see the writing on the wall. Soon we will have to wear…
The White Elephant of Green Hydrogen
It is far worse than a white Elephant. The long-term president…
Is Joe Biden Killing Fracking for EVs?
Considering where Biden's popularity figures are (even the friendliest…
Woke companies must wake up on ESG
Companies have maneuvered themselves into a corner. Because all…
Germany Has No Plan To Recycle Wind Turbines: 1.35M Tons Hazardous Waste
Not only there is no plan - even more important there is no money…
Forcing Renewable Operators to Pay for Network Upgrades is Impeding the Green Energy Revolution
They are the single cause for those costs. Without flicker energy…
California to Build Temporary Gas Plants to Avoid Blackouts
Temporary gas plants - hats what they call it now. How long is…
Emerging oil nations reject climate curbs on exploration, pursue rapid development
Sure they do. They have not had their chance to cash in on the…
Russia May Be Gloating But It Faces Major Problems In Afghanistan
Gloating? Not for long. Painful memories of their own retreat…
Aramco Chief Sees Perception Crisis for Oil Industry
Perception crisis? You think? You have helped to create this…
Strong Demand For Jackets…Northern Europe Sees Very Little Midsummer Warming Over Past 2 Decades
The last 2 summers should have been an indication. In 2015 I…
UK Relying On Europe For A Fifth Of Its Power
Countries like the UK have in essence exported the brittleness…
LNG Will Not Save Europe from Winter Gas Crunch
The only thing that can save Europe from a gas crunch is storage.…
Oil Heads for Longest Run of Losses Since March
Really? After what the world's economies have been through over…
Green-push dilemma – China’s steel curbs could cripple price control efforts
China's emissions commitments are not worth a lot. We have still…
Denmark pursues plan to store CO2 in empty oil reservoirs
There is no such thing as empty oil reservoirs. Any reservoir…
US LNG players boosted by offtake deal surge
US LNG producers could be the first real full-service LNG hubs…
GM recall of Chevy Bolts will cost $1.8bn
Nobody knows how to evaluate the real risk coming from those…
Express Readers Rebel Against Its Green Agenda
If you live inside the cushy bubble of the elites, you usually…
Guardian Demands a 100x Increase in British Climate Investment
Sure it demands that - the real problem is that public finances…
The coal price has skyrocketed in 2021 – what does it mean for net zero?
What it means is that coal becomes sexy again for those catering…
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Use of the Social Cost of Carbon
We always talk about the social cost of carbon - why don't we…
U.S. Oil Companies: “Preparing for a life after fossil fuels” by doubling down on fossil fuels
Sure they double down - because deep at heart energy companies…
Worst Frosts Hit Brazil Adjusted Away!
And the cold continues to come. Has anyone noticed that in spite…
3000-Year-Old Trees Excavated Under Glacier
Those tree stumps were buried for about 3000 years and I imagine…
Challenging UN, Study Finds Sun—not CO2—May Be Behind Global Warming
You can slice it, you can dice it, you can bury it deep but in…
XR Priest Sews His Lips Together to Protest Murdoch and the Climate Crisis
It is very clear that those people are convinced the world is…
Climate Change Brings a Flood of Hyperbole
I am just a bit more than 50 years old and I have already lived…
New Spanish Record Temperature Set At “Laughably Poor” Weather Station
There are no standards for temperature measurements. I saw measuring…
Heat pump grants for the rich and gas taxes for the rest could bring down Boris Johnson
It's pretty impressive. Boris had a good nose for issues that…
While they were asleep, their Teslas burned in the garage. It’s a risk many automakers are taking seriously.
I have asked this question many, many times. How many ICE vehicles…
National demand for electricity reaches all-time high, cities plunged into darkness to reduce load
Populations that are basically comfortable often go along with…
Prince Charles to address Cop26
Does he come with his private jet? Or with the children's bicycle,…
Asia coal demand surge in stark contrast with U.N. climate warning
Sure it surges. Asia has understood that the woke green cult…
Could Oil Still Hit $80?
The only thing that can and will crash oil prices again is going…
Oil Groups React to USA Call for OPEC to Do More
Thats what politicians want. They want to be admired for having…
Norway Parties Brace for Oil Showdown
It's easy for a politician or even a party to take the perceived…
Era of Cheap Natural Gas Ends
It ends for some. If one looks at US gas prices they are still…