Europe could operate 40,000 km of hydrogen pipelines by 2040: operators

This may sound like spoiling a party but aside from the massive…

Shell, Equinor Call for Tanzania to Act Quickly on LNG Project

Sadly, many newbie oil and gas producing (and exporting) countries…

MWP & LIA In The Ross Sea

Has anyone forgotten the phrase "we need to get rid of the Medieval…

Some In California Want To Slow Rooftop Solar Adoption — Does That Make Sense?

Rooftop solar meets reality. Utilities and people wake up to…

Letter from the US: offshore gets that sinking feeling

It's not only the drilling moratorium. It's the business environment…

New LNG markets prove tough nuts to crack

Many developers seem to believe that opening a floating terminal…

Why South Africa’s electricity blackouts are set to continue for the next five years

South Africa is a prime example of what happens when everything…

Germany’s Windexit…Old Wind Turbines Dismantled Without Replacement…Looming “Massive Power Outage”?

Germany is going towards a massive energy crisis. This won't…

Climate Catastrophe In The 17thC – Geoffrey Parker

I am some sort of freak for history. thats why my bookshelves…

Cities, Countries, and Economies were built with derivatives from oil, not by electricity

Let's just cut to the chase. Without fossil fuels, the world…

Biden Plan Targets Fossil Fuel Subsidies Worth $35B

If only Biden targeted real subsidies. There are some for coal…

Colorado Firm Urges Gas Industry to Fix Its Brand

Yes, gas needs to fix its brand but it's not a new abbreviation…

John Kerry – Arctic To Be Ice-Free By 2014

Every single prediction made by those gurus turned out to be…

Hawaii NIMBY fight reveals Biden offshore wind challenge

As long as those contraptions were an oddity out there, people…

Humans are causing climate change: it has only been directly proven for the first time

Another proof for ACC that proves nothing. I must have asked…

Blot Out The Sun Say Our Friends & Benefactors, The Scientists

They come at the right time with such a proposal. They have a…

US embarks on a new kind of industrial policy

Shall we be surprised? It's hard to invest in infrastructure…

Malcolm Turnbull Claims Climate Change Deniers Conspired to “Take Him Out”

The bullies are o the green alarmist side. About 7 years ago…

Tanzania: President Samia Directs Speeding Up of Stalled LNG Project

Thats not the way those things work. I wonder how long it will…

P&O Opens New Cruises Including for Future LNG Mega-Ship

Cruising on ultra-clean ships that provide all amenities will…

Finnish Border Guard tests bio-LNG as marine fuel for patrol vessel

Tell me about some smart people. It's still not really on the…

Green hydrogen to cost less than natural gas by 2050

The weather forecast for tomorrow has a pretty decent likelihood…

Unplug Democrats’ Tesla Tax on the Poor

It's always astonishing how blind to reality some people can…

Apple to build battery-based solar energy storage project in California

Please make sure that it's real, not one of those green virtue…

OXY CEO Rejects USA Carbon Tax

There are still major oil companies with a healthy pair. Most…

Suez crisis highlights bottlenecks

COVID should finally have shown us that a global economy does…

U.S. senators push bill to boost LNG export

LNG exports - yeah. Thats - important without a doubt. A big…

Will John Kerry Sell Out Chinese Human Rights to Win a Global Climate Agreement?

The Uighur issue is only one in a big pond. I guess China did…

Elengy in France’s first LNG delivery by rail

It has taken a lot of time and it will take some more but finally,…

Climate change poses ‘existential threat’ to financial markets

Oh no no no, let's pull this one straight right now. Climate…

Ramping up wind power off British coast will cause loss of marine life by ‘urbanising the sea’, experts warn

Turns out that all those contraptions have a negative impact…

Is the $1 Trillion Coastal Housing Market a Future Financial Crisis?

I guess Obama and Gates and all the other supersmart elites will…

Environmental Justice campaign to replace New York City peaking power plants

Sure, plagued New Yorkers need that now. They love it so much…

NO GLOBAL WARMING : Global Temperature Now 0.01 Degrees Below Average

Thats what happens if someone messes with reality. It always…

New Mexico slashes routine gas flaring allowances

As much as I understand that we need to cut a new venture (and…

Antarctic Sea Ice Grows 2 Million Sq. Km – Area As Big As Saudi Arabia. And: Hamburg Spring Arriving Later…

Ouch, that must hurt. Shouldn't we lose ice? I mean thats what…

U.S. operators working down DUC backlog

Yeahh, they are making those holes they drilled before pay. But…

Drilling rig count climbs at fastest rate since the pandemic began

People seem to live in la-la-land. Haven't we noticed that oil…

Politico Fears Most Chinese Solar Panels Include Components Manufactured by Uighur Slaves

Thats a bad problem to have. If we cannot use slave labor produced…

A bad energy law says much about Mexico’s president

AMLO gets rid of 26bn USD of bad energy infrastructure and gives…

Texas Bill Would Require Pipelines to Winterize

Winterizing pipelines they say? Thats good, but far better would…

Wetterforscher entlarvt Klima- und Energiewende-Schwindel

Everyone should see this. Then again, I have shown similar footage…

Big win for common sense: New York City Loses Appeal Seeking to Hold Oil Firms Liable “Global Warming”

Judicial activism has two sides - those activists seem to forget…

Professor Qingwei Ma seeks to unlock the potential of marine wave energy

When I was a young boy there was a project that sought to exploit…

Greta Thunberg rips Biden’s climate policies: ‘Not nearly enough’

Biden shreds the US economy to pieces with his Green New Deal…


New York seems to be on a drive to get everyone with some means…

Vehicle mileage tax could be on the table in infrastructure talks, Buttigieg says

So thats supposed to come on top of what is paid in fuel tax…

Friendship deal buoys fresh Caspian hopes

This is very nice. I don't want to spoil the party but has anyone…

Shipping faces tough decarbonisation choices

It's not a difficult choice. It's pretty easy to see that the…

In the deep sea, the last ice age is not yet over

Atmospheric methane is today about 1,8 ppm. Thats about 2 molecules…

Europe’s Depleted Gas Storage Is Traders’ Hot Spot This Summer

Not only this summer - combined with plenty of regasification…

Shell predicts free gas forever for Gorgon and Prelude LNG

Free gas - sure. But is it wise to draw the attention of politicians…

Great Barrier Reef Set to Disappear Because of Global Warming

Well, for a start the reefs have already survived the Medieval…

New NightShine Solar Panels “Game-Changers” In Fight Against Climate Change!

Nice try for an April 1st joke but you know what?  Some renewable…

As the Shift to Green Energy Speeds Up, Shell’s Big Natural-Gas Bet Is at Risk

How convenient to be able to blame climate change for some bad…


Green air travel a reality - sure. They will work on it provided…

Mozambique and LNG projects threatened by Islamist extremists

That might be the death spell for the LNG projects in Mozambique.…

Only authoritarian rule can deliver Net Zero, Lord Deben admits

The best remedy against ruinous policies is giving the people…