Politico Fears Most Chinese Solar Panels Include Components Manufactured by Uighur Slaves

Thats a bad problem to have. If we cannot use slave labor produced…

A bad energy law says much about Mexico’s president

AMLO gets rid of 26bn USD of bad energy infrastructure and gives…

Texas Bill Would Require Pipelines to Winterize

Winterizing pipelines they say? Thats good, but far better would…

Wetterforscher entlarvt Klima- und Energiewende-Schwindel

Everyone should see this. Then again, I have shown similar footage…

Big win for common sense: New York City Loses Appeal Seeking to Hold Oil Firms Liable “Global Warming”

Judicial activism has two sides - those activists seem to forget…

Professor Qingwei Ma seeks to unlock the potential of marine wave energy

When I was a young boy there was a project that sought to exploit…

Greta Thunberg rips Biden’s climate policies: ‘Not nearly enough’

Biden shreds the US economy to pieces with his Green New Deal…


New York seems to be on a drive to get everyone with some means…

Vehicle mileage tax could be on the table in infrastructure talks, Buttigieg says

So thats supposed to come on top of what is paid in fuel tax…

Friendship deal buoys fresh Caspian hopes

This is very nice. I don't want to spoil the party but has anyone…

Shipping faces tough decarbonisation choices

It's not a difficult choice. It's pretty easy to see that the…

In the deep sea, the last ice age is not yet over

Atmospheric methane is today about 1,8 ppm. Thats about 2 molecules…

Europe’s Depleted Gas Storage Is Traders’ Hot Spot This Summer

Not only this summer - combined with plenty of regasification…

Shell predicts free gas forever for Gorgon and Prelude LNG

Free gas - sure. But is it wise to draw the attention of politicians…

Great Barrier Reef Set to Disappear Because of Global Warming

Well, for a start the reefs have already survived the Medieval…

New NightShine Solar Panels “Game-Changers” In Fight Against Climate Change!

Nice try for an April 1st joke but you know what?  Some renewable…

As the Shift to Green Energy Speeds Up, Shell’s Big Natural-Gas Bet Is at Risk

How convenient to be able to blame climate change for some bad…


Green air travel a reality - sure. They will work on it provided…

Mozambique and LNG projects threatened by Islamist extremists

That might be the death spell for the LNG projects in Mozambique.…

Only authoritarian rule can deliver Net Zero, Lord Deben admits

The best remedy against ruinous policies is giving the people…

Drought Getting Worse In Scotland (As It Gets Wetter!)

The same is happening here in Austria. Media outlets continue…

Five strategies for energy transition: how do the supermajors stack up?

All the supermajors are on the virtue-signaling train. The funny…

Australian state rejects AGL Energy’s plan to import LNG

Expected shortfall in gas? People don't react to such statements…

Update On Michael Mann v. Mark Steyn Litigation

A most interesting court case but the really interesting question…

Saudi Arabia unveils campaign to tackle climate change

If Saudi Arabia wanted to reform its economy it would foster…

Russia Urges the World to Consider the Arctic as an Alternative to the Suez Canal

Oh boy, sure Russia would like the world to use the northern…

Scrap VAT On EVs

Sure, scrap it. And replace it with - nothing? Or will you just…

The Latest Subsidisaster Paper

Ahhh, the good old subsidies issue. Sure Alarmists and their…

African countries deem EU carbon border levy ‘protectionist’

Protectionist - yeah it sure is. In a sense, the EU tells the…

Boris Johnson: The Anti-Trump

That pretty much sums it up. Boris is a career politician and…

U.S. shouldn’t threaten friends over Nord Stream 2, says Austria’s OMV CEO

Wait a minute - Trump was bashed viciously for his opposition…

Gas Upstart Jaguar Wants to Help Mexico Depend Less on Texas

Thats a very good initiative. That being said, are they really…

Suez ship congestion could delay 10 LNG deliveries to Europe, analysts say

This is going to be a far bigger problem for Asia than it is…

On the Climate Front: Tensions Where Green Jobs Meet Blue Collars

I know a thing or two about being a contractor, having shelled…

Tesla Has A Temperature Problem

Thats hard to swallow, ain't it? Physics cannot be argued with,…

Direct Observations Confirm that Humans are Throwing Earth’s Energy Budget off Balance

Earth and naure have never been in any form of balance. The biosphere…

In the developing world, coal is still the king

Try explaining someone who goes hungry every evening the benefits…

Leaked EU files show Brussels cover-up and collusion on Putin’s Gazprom abuses

Has anyone doubted that? We have known about Russian gas pricing…

Ayers Rock Waterfalls

Maybe we started to listen to those that have lived there and…

Feasibility study on export of South Australian green hydrogen to Rotterdam

South Australian hydrogen - thats a mouthful. Australia has a…

If 80% of Australians care about climate action, why don’t they vote like it?

Either we don't understand it or we don't want to understand…

Mining Billionaire Takes on Musk in Hydrogen Versus EVs Debate

And the real winner (in terms of who is right) is - drumrolls…

Questioning Spending Trillions on Climate Change Gets you Cancelled

I just experienced that. I got suspended on Linkedin for my stance…

It takes big energy to back up wind and solar

It's a simple fact that all advocates for wind and solar have…

Major Earth Satellite to Track Disasters, Effects of Climate Change

Nothing wrong with satellite data but what really happens is…

Greenland And Iceland Mean Winter Temperatures Continue Cooling Since Start Of The Century

How very inconvenient. How does that chime with the hockey stick?…

US oil producers could surprise Saudi Arabia, Russia

Last year's standoff between OPEC and Russia (have we already…

The IEA Sees Peak Oil Demand! Yawn

How many times have we seen such projections? And how many times…

Texas’ Blackouts Blew In on the Wind

As long as unreliable power generation assets are just a tiny…

Dark Future: Wind & Solar ‘Transition’ Means Learning to Live Without Power When You Need It

This is not whats communicated to the population. Even the activists…

Essity turns to LBG for fossil-free production

This is an excellent strategy to move through these stormy times…

EU Carbon Pricing Pushing Power And Gas Prices Higher

Carbon Pricing is nothing but an additional tax on everything…

The French Interconnectors

Better interconnection between the different countries of the…

Oil CEOs Pledge Climate Collaboration with Biden Admin

They feed a crocodile hoping that it would eat them last - but…

UK news media campaign against oil and gas exploration

Media lives from drama and disaster. In our fast-paced world,…

Permian leads the shale charge

Wait a minute - just one year ao we were at single-digit oil…

Aramco rolls with the Covid punches

Aramco has an unenviable role. It must provide enough cash to…

End of Snow? Finland Thinks Their Winter Snow Might Not Melt This Summer

Snow might not melt this summer until the winter returns. When…

The Carbon Commissars are watching you! Companies face compulsory green auditors

All that does is giving large corporations even more leverage…

Humanity Unbound: How Fossil Fuels Saved Humanity from Nature and Nature from Humanity

What most people completely ignore is that some time in the early…