Michael Mann: Russian Web Bots are Causing Climate Activists to Fight Each Other
As with any incoherent group that only sticks together by the…
China Oil Reserves Close to Capacity
I always had a weird feeling about those Chinese oil storage…
Fears over China’s Muslim forced labor loom over EU solar power
Right now industrial countries are rapidly deindustrializing…
German Hi-Tech Firms Driven Offshore By Unaffordable & Unreliable Renewable Energy
Industries have been going for cheaper fields for a while and…
Climate Policy Is a Money-Making Opportunity for the Elite
I understand why the elites want it and push it. Just look at…
Oregon climate activist wants to ban diesel fuel
Yes, please ban diesel in Oregan, and while you are at it also…
“Earth’s Oxygen is Rapidly Running Out…” We’re Doomed!
So we have only 1 billion years left before we run out of oxygen.…
Texas Tragedy Highlights Need to Increase Grid Resilience Nationwide
Texas really had it coming. And it's not only because of its…
New EU Moves Against Scrubbers Could Ultimately Help Them
It sounds strange but we talked about this more than 10 years…
Saudi Arabia to Ship Gas to South Korea and Take CO2 Back
Just some questions: will the same vessels that transported the…
Renewables Roulette: How Wind & Solar Generators Game the Power Market at Your Expense
This system of guaranteed grid-capacity is the single biggest…
Biden’s New CEQ Climate Hire Wants to Make Climate Action Affordable
It's a sad sign of the times we live in. People believe in wonderland…
OPEC shocks oil markets with plan to keep crude output constrained
Brent was close to USD 70 today. WTI not far behind. Those are…
Will Gummer Ban International Food?
It looks and sounds funny but this is only the tip of the iceberg.…
Argentina’s Vaca Muerta to grow with LNG exports to Asia
Argentina is on the wrong side of South America for exports to…
How do you Extinguish a Lithium Battery Fire?
You can't. Have you seen an Electric Vehicle burn? It's a very…
Meat prices WON’T rise as Boris Johnson rules out tax hikes for Sun readers under his green agenda
Every announcement that is not immediately followed by a very…
Why Simple Models Are Better Than Complex In Finance, Climate, Coronadoom & More
Models are dangerous. It takes strong minds to make good use…
Great Reset Architects Celebrate The Orderly Quiet of Covid Lockdown Cities
Orderly quiet - this reminds me of something else thats very…
Opposing Natural Gas Pipelines Means Opposing Natural Gas Users
States and countries that follow very restrictive gas policies…
UN Security Council rejects climate alarmism
When I was a kid I learned to dislike the Russian veto in the…
Lincoln completes project to use biogas as vehicle fuel
Just imagine - they use methane ad are in compliance with all-climate…
New Zealand looks to Australian LNG imports
Just imagine that - New Zealand has the potential to be an exporter.…
The Green double standard on coal and China
OK, those investments are for China to make. Those projects are…
Do Islands Float?
Careful when you read this. I am really used to some hard un-educatedness…
As Asia LNG price retreats, China storage looms as key issue
Yes, a lot more underground gas storage would do wonders and…
Trucking Liquefied Natural Gas Across 1,000 Kilometers Is A Hot New Business
I like pipelines. They are an outstanding way to transport large…
Historical UK Sea Levels
If we looked back a little further towards the Middle Age, we…
Nigeria gasps for new LNG investments
Nigeria is not in a very enviable position. It has the potential…
Wind Subsidies Help Freeze Texans
Thats the real culprit. In a normal world, companies would allocate…
Modern Grand Solar Minimum will lead to terrestrial cooling
How much freezing will it take for people to realize that the…
Germany concerned about Poland’s nuclear energy plans
Germany should think again. Germany is an energy leech - because…
It Costs $532,000 to Decommission A Single Wind Turbine
Here we go - thats what it costs and this figure still is not…
Australia will pay the price for not joining the climate club
A healthy economy is not an export economy. A healthy economy…
Solar panels in Sahara could boost renewable energy but damage the global climate – here’s why
Urban areas are a good deal warmer than the surrounding countryside.…
Israel, Egypt May Build Gas Pipe as They Eye European Market
A pipe to Egypt - makes a lot of sense. It's just around the…
Mexico begins receiving LNG as gas supply via pipeline rises
Theoretically, Mexico would be in a great position for US gas…
“Acceleration” in Sea-Level Rise Found to Be False – An artifact of Switching Satellites
A tidal gauge station is a simple thing. Imagine a stick in the…
Psaki Won’t Say If Biden Agrees With Kerry That There Are ‘Only 9 Years Left’ To Save The World From Climate Catastrophe
That clock has run out so many times, it's hard to believe that…
Any economy that thrives also has access to reliable, safe, and…
Miami’s beaches ‘will be all gone,’ Bill Gates warns, and corrective action must be drastic
Is that as reliable as the prediction made by Hansen in the 1990ies…
Australian shale gathers steam
Shale in Australia - I have a feeling that Australians are at…
Belgium To Shut All Nuclear Plants
Germany won't be happy. Why do you ask? Thats a Belgian power…
Bill Gates on Climate Change: All the Coral and Trees will Die
One would be forgiven to assume that with all his money Bill…
Oil-based marine fuel demand to drop as ships cut emissions
I love those projections - they are telling us what the demand…
Wind Power Did Cause The Texas Blackouts!
The discussion on the culprit of the Texas debacle is pretty…
Public Chargers Will Increase Driving Costs
In the end, we will have to start charging the true costs to…
Oklahoma alligators frozen in the ice
We see the traces of the new Solar Minumum everywhere by no -…
The Guardian: “The Paris Agreement is Failing”
Sure the Paris agreement is failing. Any politician trying to…
Whispers of $100 Oil Return
Just imagine what's going to happen when that happens. Imagine…
Natural gas exporters race to have the least polluting fossil fuels
Oh, we want the whole value chain evaluated to determine how…
Russian LNG, natural gas shouldn’t compete in export markets, Gazprom says
How would they go about ensuring that in a world where destination…
John Kerry Disappointed Australia Wants to Keep Exporting Coal
I will start taking Kerry seriously when he goes to China and…
Why its snowing in West Asia
Who would have thought this? Texas, Northern Africa, the Middle…
New Zealand to Impose Carbon Taxes on Tourism?
When everyone else has already run away, you tax what is left.…
Chipmakers lament high taxes and levies on electricity in Germany
When I was a kid I grew up learning that Germany was an export…
The blackouts have only just begun
Oh you thought it is over? You can - of course - take your chance.…
Call to accelerate battery and hydrogen offerings
Let me translate this to plain English: the government needs…
Nikola Two Truck Will Run 900 Miles on Tank of Hydrogen, Company Says
Is this the truck they cheated invstors with? Who remembers the…
Solar panel fire season is all year round and it’s getting more intense in Australia
Now honestly, would you have factored the increased risk of fire…