Global Ice Story: What they don’t tell you

The very fact that we have this kind of discussion at this date…

CBS Shout Catastrophe, As Extreme Weather Deaths Drop To Record Lows

One reason why we have the impression that there are more calamities…

Causation Of Climate Change: Was The Medieval Warm Period “Regional”?

This is characterized fraud and those entertaining it should…

Rare earths first? Or last?

Oh, thats a bad conundrum. All this Renewable Energy and Electric…

New LNG hub looks to displace diesel

It's 2021 and I still met plenty of energy professionals that…

Virginia Tech researchers find that removal of dairy cows would have minimal impact on greenhouse emissions

We only start to understand the gargantuan volumes of methane…

Boebert bill to block Paris climate agreement reignites Senate ratification debate

Still, the ensuing debate and media attention the issue receives…

‘Ocean Acidification’

Can we stop talking about ocean acidification? The oceans are…

Failing Computer Models

Computer models are opinions - nothing else. They dont prove…

Fracturing and the environment

Ah, common sense. I never really understood why so much oil is…

Heavy snowfall and extreme cold sweeps over Europe

Its an unending saga. After the coolest summer in a long time…

Woolly mammoths may have lived thousands of years after supposed extinction

The overkill hypothesis has never held water. Vast parts of the…

A Million Young People Wearing Synthetic Fabrics Demand More Climate Action

Thats the right age to show those kids what hydrocarbons do in…

Biden prepares to end new oil and coal leases on federal land

So, when federal lands cannot be used anymore then the shale…

National Grid Hails New Interconnector Bringing Coal Power From France!

A large part of Europe just scaped by a massive blackout event…

How the race for renewables is burning Europe’s forests

Burning biomass and calling it "environmentally sustainable"…

Trump’s Paris withdrawal was ‘reckless’ – John Kerry

Some countries? Who is he joking with? We all know that it's…

Countering China in the Middle East

Why counter China in the Middle East? I understand if Europe…

Central Asian giant faces multiple headwinds

Let's keep it real. Kazakhstan's oil problems predate COVID.…

Germany draws another line in the sand for Biden

Thats going to be a tough one for Biden. He does not have quite…

Why President-elect Biden’s energy plans could derail the American Dream

OK, let's bring this thing back to Earth. This is a huge plan…

Energy majors re-route LNG supplies from Europe to Asia

Thats Europes best contribution to the global LNG market. And…

Toyota-Backed Paris Venture Targets 10,000 Hydrogen Taxis by 2024

2024 - thats just around the corner. One thing I like about those…

Vaca Muerta Driller Needs to Make Deal with Creditors

A state-owned company with lots of overhead and slow to everything,…

Restoring profitability of mature, unconventional wells

North American fields have been extensively drilled. And I mean…

Blackout Bombshell: Unreliable Wind & Solar Delivering Europe’s New Dark Ages

There is nothing I love more than running out in the morning…

Industry heavyweights join forces to accelerate development of solid oxide fuel cells

If they can run those fuel cells with Bio-methane emissions-free,…

Green Bunkers, Eco-bunkers, Bio-bunkers, Renewable Bunker…Caveat Emptor!

You can only play with what you know. Once those vessels are…

Canada is set to have one the world’s biggest green hydrogen plants

Looks like Canada has a lot of spare cash to spend. Because this…

Sensible, sustainable nuclear power for Africa

Africa's foremost energy problem is not generation. Well, in…

Deutsche Bank: EU Green Deal can only succeed with “a certain degree of eco-dictatorship”

It's happening already now. The AfD in the German Bundestag asks…

Japanese industry leaders call for nuclear restarts

Reality bites - soon after Fukushima I predicted that Japan would…

India Sees $55 Billion Investment in Clean Coal Over Next Decade

India's politicians have understood that exiting coal is a road…

Extreme cold a chilly challenge for railway crews on trains in northern China

I am sure they would appreciate some warming if it ever hit them.…

Bristol Energy & Robin Hood Energy Go Tits Up!

Social companies - the expression itself is an oxymoron. Companies'…

Big freeze exposes Asia’s underlying energy crisis

This cold snap is the most impressive sign that Asian LNG markets…

Halliburton switches to grid electricity for Permian frac jobs

Grid electricity for upstream field development - try to mimic…

The Path to States Going 100% Renewable

I can't wait for the first state to be fully renewable. California…

China’s long-shot shale gas game

Yes, China has it much harder to get to them shale gas reserves.…

Global natural gas liquefaction capacity is expected to nearly double by 2040

Liquefaction capacity will have to more than double if we are…

Green New Deal ideologies, fantasies and realities

Politicians - and reality. I mean really, who believes any politician…

How to Destroy Reliable & Affordable Power Supplies: Just Add Subsidised Wind & Solar

We now have a couple of very potent examples of how misguided…

Resources for the Future Changing Attitudes Bait and Switch

Most people will signal virtue as long as they believe that it's…

UAE warns U.S. shale producers against flooding market with oil

How exactly does someone speak to shale? It's not like in OPEC…

Travel won’t recover until Q3, says oil’s largest trader

And when travel recovers, it won't be the way it was before.…

Polar bears can come ashore any time of year and cause trouble: a timely reminder

Oh yes, a timely reminder. The thoroughly debunked Polar Bear…

The Ocean Warming Enigma

More flesh on the bones of the theory that there were always…

Peer-Reviewed Study Confirms Antarctica Has Not Warmed in Last Seven Decades

I have seen in another post that there are 148 new studies that…

Hundreds of Pacific Islands are getting bigger despite global warming

I am sure some climate realists came there at night and unloaded…

Biden’s Bonanza: Poor Will Suffer Most From Democrats Wind & Solar Obsession

Since this whole renewable bonanza has started, a new term has…

Ship Orders Slump 50% With Owners Unsure Which Green Fuel to Use

The only sustainable, economically, and technologically sound…

Asian Freeze Sends Natural Gas Cargo Prices Into the Stratosphere

Stratospheric prices is maybe a big word. LNG at USD 17/MMBtu…

2021 Will Be A Year Of Endless Uncertainty For U.S. Oil And Gas

2021 will be a year of even bigger turmoil for the energy industry…

How activists successfully shut down key pipeline projects in New York

New York might finally not need new pipelines anymore. The state…

How U.S. shale exports forever changed global oil markets

Shale has shown us what is still in the bowels of the planet…

Pontifical Academy of Science Emails Document Vatican Hostility to Climate Change Skepticism

The Vatican prefers faith to science. How is that news? How many…

Biggest Drop In Global Temp In Years – Volcanos Worldwide Swelling – Record Snow Events

I just could not hold back. I know that I am hammering you with…