Coal & Gas Keep The Lights On Tonight

Sadly, all those opposed to hydrocarbon energy enjoy the exact…

Record Low Temperature In Spain Today

Oh my god, this is coming in so thick one can barely follow all…

Do not smooth times series, you hockey puck!

There was a time when scientists wanted as much data, as much…

10 Million Jobs At Risk From Net Zero Pledge, Says New Report

Putting 10 million jobs at risk at a time when every single national…

Hide the decline – satire on global warming alarmists

I can say with absolute certainty that the past 7 days were among…

Shale Needs More to Boom Again

And it will boom again. Faster than anyone else in the oil industry.…

Does China Pose a Threat to Global Rare Earth Supply Chains?

It's not China that poses a threat to rare Earth supplies. It's…

LA Times Demands a Fossil Fuel “Non Proliferation Treaty” to Combat Climate Change

California might be our most visual example of what a future…

Pakistan’s new pipeline with Russia to increase LNG import capacity

Building a pipeline for a floating terminal is quite a call.…

Green power needs to account for all its costs

The Renewable Industrial Complex will never own up to the costs…

White House Brochures on Climate (There is no climate crisis)

Damn, I wished so much we would get 4 more years. If only because…

No Warming in UK since 2006

No warming since 2006 - thats a full 14 years flatlining at best.…

Beijing’s Coldest Spell Since 1966 Is Spurring Energy Prices

Ain't that funny. We are being inundated with news about the…

Fort Simpson moves toward dropping diesel for LNG

They will find out something else as well. Diesel has one big…

The Russia Top Brass Coordinates On Blue Hydrogen

Putin will find out very quickly that hydrogen is not Natural…

The many colors of hydrogen

When my younger son discovered the color system and how many…

Changing Climate Debate History

There is absolutely no debate with Climate Alarmists. There can't…

Financial Review: Companies, Directors face a Wave of Climate Lawfare in 2021

Time to build up an armory allowing those companies to face those…

Climate change caused mangrove collapse in Oman

Lost within a few decades. Rapid Climate Change it seems. The…

A Monster Wind Turbine Is Upending an Industry

When the wind does not blow, the large wind-turbine will stop…

Solar now ‘cheapest electricity in history’: How much will it matter?

I just posted on a wind turbine saying that as it needs backup…

Why President Biden Won’t Be Bad For Natural Gas

Biden will also destroy a lot more legacy reliable power generation…

After 2020 We Are All Dead

Thats a nice collection of predictions that have not come to…

n 2021, let’s challenge green tyranny

During the Cold War, Western countries knew what to focus on.…

Michael Mann gives himself a tongue bath

COVID has stolen the limelight so the climate catastrophists…

Which of These is 2020’s Greatest “Crime against Humanity”

We may turn and twist it the way we want but the one single greatest…

UK Company Develops Climate Change Masks for Cows

The atmosphere has been dealing with significantly more methane…

Greta Thunberg: “we are not listening to climate scientists”

It would be very good if the world listened to climate scientists…

World Leading Engine Expert: Combustion Engine Remains The Future, “Hydrogen Will Be Nada”

Austria has its share of stupid politics and horrible public…

Inconvenient Truth: Climate-related death risk down 99.6% over 100 years

Oh, thats so uncomfortable. A large part of that is certainly…

New Evidence That the Ancient Climate Was Warmer than Today’s

I am always impressed with the methods some scientists develop…

Go Native, Orders Prince Charles!

I am truly sick of those elitist hypocrites that live bigger…

To Promote Climate Alarm, Good News Is Regularly Portrayed as a Disaster

Looks like climate alarmists don't like life. Any life at all.…

Pandemic Denial Shows Rising Climate Deaths Might Not Lead to Action

And we can be sure that some governments will take the cue and…

EU Turns to Magic to Progress their Clean Energy Agenda

The EU has turned to magic and magic dust powered economies a…

Model used to evaluate lockdowns was flawed

Once again we experience the unmitigated power of mathematical…

Oil price rally fades as OPEC’s plans overshadow U.S. stimulus

OPEC+ members are in a world of pain. They have suffered like…

What’s That White Stuff, Mummy?

In Vienna, we had some early snow as well and it's cold now,…

Tesla Model S erupts ‘like a flamethrower,’ renewing old safety concerns

Thats a personal vehicle - comparatively small and benign and…

Biden’s Assault on Fossil Fuels Jeopardizes America’s Military Strength

That may be some crazy conjecture but this might be also exactly…

Pakistan to buy costliest LNG amid increasing gas shortage

Pakistan learns a hard lesson now. If you want to play on the…

Soaring Asian LNG prices to boost EU gas in Jan

Asia is not going to bolster gas prices in Europe. Remember,…

Wind and solar are losing ground to gas

In the end, people will go for the thing that works without constant…

A Social Conscience Is Nice, But Business Is Business!!

We have been messing around with a lot of different funny ideas…

Autumn In United Kingdom, Ireland Has Not Warmed Since 1995 …Cooling Tendency

The cooling trend becomes perceptible to regular people now.…

Baker Hughes US Rig Count Edges Upward

Oil is barely at USD 50. That was considered a dead zone not…

Boiling Point: The coal industry comes tumbling down in the American West

Yes, coal is hurting in the developed world as it is hit with…

Floating ‘mini-nukes’ could power countries by 2025, says startup

A nuke on a boat going to a developing country - what can possibly…

Companies Seek to Green the Grid With Trash Gas

Bartertown in Mad Max ran on swine manure derived methane. It's…

Climate change: Threshold for dangerous warming will likely be crossed between 2027-2042

Could it be that AOC is very much of an optimist? She gave us…

China recolonizes Africa

Chinas colonization efforts are not even very concealed by now,…

Russia Reopens Soviet-Era Lab To Develop Weapons For Arctic Sub-Zero Conditions

Looks like Russia does not really believe in global warming.…

Shell aims to become world’s largest electricity company

There was a time, not long ago, when Shell was at the forefront…

China’s Dystopian Lake–Courtesy Of The World’s Lust For Rare Earths

And here is another face of green energy. Protecting the environment…

Over 500 animals slaughtered as Portuguese estate makes way for massive solar energy park

Here is some more environmental protection. German forests razed…

New York can’t buy its way out of blackouts

All countries, states, regions or cities that put their faith…

Iced Covered Wind Turbines Hamper China’s Efforts to Retire Coal

When someone uses something very expensive but unworkable instead…