Wind Farm Backlash Grows in Oil-Rich Norway Ahead of Election

It's happening - and it's the one thing that can bring this scam…

New report looks into the ‘Future of Trucking’

I expect autonomous driving of trucks to be a big thing. In the…

Using Milankovitch Cycles to create high-resolution astrochronologies

I am still in awe of what Milankovich actually pulled off 100…

Get ready for nationwide blackouts under Biden

You can make things way more expensive - people will complain…

Pemex goes offline in oil industry’s largest climate organization

It's time the Oil and Gas industry grows a spine and some testicles.…

Government support essential to Asia-Pacific hydrogen

Government support? Hydrogen will need business models that are…

Chevron Earmarks $2B for Permian in 2021

The show goes on. At the oil price levels, we see today, shale…

Biden may have to tread carefully with energy nominees, policy experts say

Do you know the game "Nine Men's Morris"? Sometimes a player…

Coal India to invest over $760 million over four years in solar to cut costs

66 billion for Natural Gas and LNG, 760 million for solar. That…

India to see $66 billion investment in gas infrastructure

Who sees why this is a smart move? They pretend that they combat…

China Can Literally Pull the Plug on US High Tech Manufacturing and Defense Applications

No country should make itself too dependent on the outside, least…

Perth weather: City wakes to coldest summer morning in 124 years

My home city Vienna woke up to its first snow this morning. My…

New Paleoclimatology Finding Shows Earth’s Climate Was Typically Warmer than Today

The penguin story is particularly interesting. Especially as…

EU sets out vision for offshore power

Feelings are high now. Hydrogen has stiffened the Green extremist's…

DNV GL suspends Nord Stream 2 work dreading U.S. sanctions

This looks more and more like a death spell. Even if Russia builds…

Forward To The Past!

The planet currently holds about 8 billion people. Before the…

FES Costings

Renewable Energy advocates never tire of claiming that their…

Scientists consider wild plan to dim the Sun to save Earth

Contrary to all the other so-called solutions for cooling the…

We’re Saved! New Zealand just Declared a Climate Emergency

Sadly, New Zealand is just an insignificant country at the edge…

6,000 years of arrows emerge from melting Norwegian ice patch

Ahhhh, here they are again. Those pesky facts. Would those arrows…

Will Trump send the Paris Agreement to the US Senate?

That would be a nice trick of course, but then again, it would…

It took a global pandemic for OPEC to slam the door on U.S. shale

OPEC still does not get it. This is not a war between OPEC and…

Tellurian CEO departs as US LNG developer struggles to advance Driftwood project

Tellurian could have invested in developing new markets and showing…

Oil majors wipe $80 billion off books as epidemic, energy transition bite

COVID together with the ramifications of the oil price crisis…

Aussie State Tasmania Declares itself 100% Renewable Energy

My own country has astounding potential for hydropower and we…

NOVATEK Launched First Carbon Neutral LNG Fueling Station in Europe

Carbon offsets for LNG. Cheap chats instead of confronting the…

Slight, beneficial warming from more carbon dioxide!

If CO2 produces any warming at all (which is disputed especially…

Middle East Oil and Gas At The Cross-Roads under a Biden Presidency

Conventional oil producers the world over would rejoice over…

The Story Behind The Loss Making “Subsidy Free” Solar Farm

So, a Solar Farm without direct subsidies is a loss-making venture.…

Iraq seeks $2 billion upfront for oil supply contract as its economy falters

A decade ago, I was for a longer visit in Lome - Togo. I met…

Climate Activists Avoid or Regret Having Children

Sadly, we need driver's licenses to drive a vehicle. We need…

Burn It Down

The only thing those mobs manage to create is a shining example…

What is the real cost of green hydrogen?

The next media misinformation campaign is in high gear, and we…

Electric Car’s Carbon Footprint Criticised In New Report.

Reality. If carbon is what you are afraid of you should not go…

Richard Branson Launches a New Climate Action Coalition

The scam has run its course. If you can have confidence in one…

Books on the ‘Climate Emergency’ – Suggested Christmas Reading for Sceptics

What's better for the 2020 Christmas season than some books about…


One more bubble-popping for LNG? It's not that we are not used…

Massive, swift federal investment needed to address climate change, panelists say

If this would be worth an investment, one would not need public…

New York congressman asks DOT to reverse LNG by rail rule

In case of a leak or an accident, local bystanders would inhale…

Transshipment of LNG starts on harsh and windy Kola coast

Transshipment of LNG is not cheap. Especially if it's done in…

China’s CO2 emissions will be higher in 2020 than in 2019, says IEA’s Birol

How is Birol not blocked by the Media? I mean, he says what cannot…

German Think Tank: Climate Deniers are Holding Back Climate Action

Most people don't want to engage in the debate as all this is…

WMO: “impact of the COVID-19 confinements [on CO2] cannot be distinguished from natural variability”

Translation for Climate Alarmists - the current batch of lockdowns…

Step Aside, Green Hydrogen, There’s a New, Cleaner Color in Town

A clear hydrogen plant will run much cheaper than the cheapest…

A youth group helped Biden win. Now they want him to fix climate crisis

If Biden really becomes Nr. 46, he might be the most beleaguered…


Any dictatorship always tries to eliminate thoughts that might…

Germany Has No Plan To Recycle Wind Turbines: 1.35M Tons Hazardous Waste

As long as there is no plan, they also don't need to say how…

Chinese Researchers Claim Wind Resources Are Dwindling

How about that. Windmills change our world - and any change is…

‘Going Green’ Risks Destroying The British Car Industry

Only the car industry? Thats a bit short-sighted. Those people…

Industry groups push potential of bio-LNG as transportation fuel

My senses are not tingling when I hear bio-LNG. Don't get me…

Another Warm Winter Set to Weaken Natural Gas Prices

Warm winter? 2020 featured the coolest summer in ore than a decade.…

Desperate Venezuelans Attempt To Refine Gasoline At Home

Back to the 19th century with large parts of the population barely…

Germany’s climate consensus cracks as costs mount

What does a politician fear more than not getting his favorite…

The Boring Truth About Oil Prices

Oil prices will remain somewhat sluggish as the world economy…

Ocean Infinity expanding its Armada robotic vessels fleet

It's a bit of a puzzle to me that we are confident that self-driving…

Media Finally Wakes Up To Ruinous Climate Policies

One in three can't afford the cheapest electric car. Reality…

£2.5M Wasted On Solar Powered Railway

Why not try a solar-powered underground railway? I mean, this…