Hapag-Lloyd Orders Six LNG-Powered Mega Box Ships
Just last year, a single ship ordered with LNG as the fuel of…
Must-Read Article about Germany’s Green-Energy Disaster
Germany has been saved by its neighbors so far. They need massive…
China Facing Winter Blackouts
It's a hard test they are submitted to. The economic numbers…
Electric airplanes are getting tantalizingly close to a commercial breakthrough
Commercial breakthrough, really? It's a long way from a little…
Gazprom loses ground in Finland to LNG from the Baltic States
I do not understand the reason why Finland does not build its…
Alarmism Dies In The Maldives: 97% Of 186 Island Coasts Have Grown (59%) Or Not Changed (38%) Since 2005
Oh yes, all those claims made by the alarmists did not age well.…
A groggy climate giant: subsea permafrost is still waking up after 12,000 years
We know that during the Medieval Warm Period it was significantly…
Stop planting more trees!
I love trees too. I love natural forests even more and I strongly…
Nominations open for ‘The World’s Greatest Climate Hypocrite’ competition
Great initiative. Now we need to make sure that this gets the…
China’s Green NGO Climate Propaganda Enablers
It's time to pull back the blanket and take a fresh look at all…
Hydrogen ship project wins Enova funding
Zero-emission hydrogen - I want to see that. Most likely it's…
Tesla’s Elon Musk asks about converting ‘large transactions’ to bitcoin
Just look at this new stimulation bill the US has passed. Don't…
Veganuary: Go Vegan in January to Avoid Future Coronavirus Pandemics
I have seen a lot of this world in my life, lots of different…
Eastern Alps may have been ice-free in the time of Ötzi the Iceman
There were many passes also in the Alps that were unusable for…
UK Windfarms Break Record (For Subsidies Paid Out!)
Imagine this - people in the UK are miserable. COVID has shuttered…
Biden Will Inherit a Strong Hand Against Xi, Thanks to Trump
He is going to make a short show of it - a show for the masses,…
Carnival Takes Possession of First LNG-Powered Cruise Ship in North America
Thats a new area of shipping. It's unconscionable to see black…
Bankruptcies leave a smaller, financially-healthier energy industry
Smaller energy industry? Just for a brief moment of shock. All…
Long-standing Eco-warnings Against Renewables Reinforce ‘Planet of the Humans’
I understand why big companies and the finance world loves Renewable…
These Trees Are Not What They Seem
This cheap buying of indulgences should be called out for what…
Globalists Discover Life On Venus
Voila, the power of models. They can discover life on Venus even…
Toyota’s Chief Says Electric Vehicles Are Overhyped
I was afraid that there is no car maker anymore that would dare…
GE – Building a world that works – really?
What a great company GE once was - and now they are reduced to…
Wrong Again: 2020’s Failed Climate Doomsaying
This was really one year - this 2020. Who would have thought…
China Suffering Mass Blackouts Following Aussie Coal Embargo
Blackouts are really hard to stomach even for a totalitarian…
Climate change: Have countries kept their promises?
This should be the moment when the populations of all signatory…
From the Bleeding Obvious Files: U.S. Army Still Relies on Carbon-Based Fuels
I am quite sure that America's enemies would love nothing more…
Google Deepmind AI Project to Improve Renewable Energy Reliability Quietly Disappeared
Oh dear - have we found out that the flicker factor in renewables…
How rich it is for privileged green politicos like Selwyn Gummer to make the poor pay for their eco-zealotry
Elites cannot possibly understand what an average life is like.…
China’s Covid-19 Recovery is Not Green Enough
So, according to China coal, oil and gas create jobs and the…
Former Bank Of England Chief Urges Central Banks To Become ESG Watchdogs
Laissez-faire only exists for big corporations. True entrepreneurs…
‘Can’t make this up’: North Face refuses to supply jackets with company logo to oil & gas producer — even though the jackets are made from oil & gas
Companies that do this should be put on a pillory of shame. Make…
Vopak, ExxonMobil to conduct South Africa LNG terminal feasibility study
Many LNG projects have been considered in South Africa, but the…
Tapping into the data revolution
We are collecting massive amounts of data. Making sense of it…
Shell says a successful energy transition hinges on pressure from Biden
If something is truly successful or not does not depend on politicians.…
U.S. shale should be worried about ‘very aggressive’ policies coming from Washington, energy secretary says
A potential Biden administration would have more important things…
Greta Thunberg Slams New Zealand’s Unambitious Climate Emergency
Let me guess. As New Zealand already takes aim at targets that…
The Replication Crisis
There was a time when scientists worked to provide proof in the…
RE Reckoning: Germans Suffer Europe’s Highest Power Prices – 300,000 Families Can’t Afford Electricity
Energy poverty is a real issue in many cities in Europe now.…
Modern Iceland’s Climate Is Colder With More Ice Than Any Other Time In The Last 8000 Years Except The 1800s
How can we ever get an honest debate on this? Because those are…
The End of Big Cities? The Hill Blames Coronavirus for the Exodus
Coronavirus is a convenient excuse for all the ills that have…
Green groups are China’s “useful idiots”
A much younger me was idealistic. I dreamed of an ideal world.…
H2Accelerate: Daimler, Iveco, Volvo, Shell, OMV boost hydrogen trucking
Will they also create a magic dust manufacturing facility? Because…
The dirtiest fossil fuel is on the back foot
The Economist is firmly in the alarmist camp - no two ways about…
China Looks To Boost Shale Gas Development
They need shale not to clean up their air (in a sense they do…
Climate Activist Aussie Politicians Leap to Rescue Vital Coal Power Plants
Ah, the wonderful learning effect of pain. Let your kid touch…
President Xi’s Con Trick
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool…
HadCRUT5 Adjusts Temperatures Upwards Again
They are constantly adapting historical temperatures, and then…
Venezuela stuck on repeat
US sanctions have nothing to do with the humanitarian disaster…
Politicizing Business: From CSR to ESG
CSR and ESG are nothing but dressed up protection money schemes.…
Where is the Outrage Over Climate and Energy Policy?
I have done that for years. Brought it down to the personal level.…
Did Climate Change Cause World Heritage Listed Fraser Island to Burn?
First, they oppose any measure that would have prevented the…
The Unstoppable Momentum of Outdated Science
Once a lie or even only a mistake has taken root, it's very very…
The impact of elevated CO 2 on yield of vegetables
Greenhouse growers know that. Increase CO2 inside the Greenhouse…
Why and how NASA and NOAA manipulate climate data
We must force the alarmist fraction into a no-punches-pulled…
What happens to gas and LNG if the energy transition accelerates?
Party time. The more vigorously the forces of energy transition…
Madrid bus operator will abandon diesel for good, it acquired 520 NGVs
Once you tried Natural Gas as a fuel (no matter if CNG or LNG)…
Knocked Out: Irish Delighted at Decision to Rid County of Hideous Wind Turbines
Time is up for wind, solar, and also Electric Vehicles. Soon…
Canada’s Trudeau Promises $170 / Ton Carbon Tax by 2030
Yes, why not killing off the remainder of the Canadian industry…
Telegraph’s Puff For Green Energy
This is the kind of propaganda that makes credulous youngsters…