Massive, swift federal investment needed to address climate change, panelists say

If this would be worth an investment, one would not need public…

New York congressman asks DOT to reverse LNG by rail rule

In case of a leak or an accident, local bystanders would inhale…

Transshipment of LNG starts on harsh and windy Kola coast

Transshipment of LNG is not cheap. Especially if it's done in…

China’s CO2 emissions will be higher in 2020 than in 2019, says IEA’s Birol

How is Birol not blocked by the Media? I mean, he says what cannot…

German Think Tank: Climate Deniers are Holding Back Climate Action

Most people don't want to engage in the debate as all this is…

WMO: “impact of the COVID-19 confinements [on CO2] cannot be distinguished from natural variability”

Translation for Climate Alarmists - the current batch of lockdowns…

Step Aside, Green Hydrogen, There’s a New, Cleaner Color in Town

A clear hydrogen plant will run much cheaper than the cheapest…

A youth group helped Biden win. Now they want him to fix climate crisis

If Biden really becomes Nr. 46, he might be the most beleaguered…


Any dictatorship always tries to eliminate thoughts that might…

Germany Has No Plan To Recycle Wind Turbines: 1.35M Tons Hazardous Waste

As long as there is no plan, they also don't need to say how…

Chinese Researchers Claim Wind Resources Are Dwindling

How about that. Windmills change our world - and any change is…

‘Going Green’ Risks Destroying The British Car Industry

Only the car industry? Thats a bit short-sighted. Those people…

Industry groups push potential of bio-LNG as transportation fuel

My senses are not tingling when I hear bio-LNG. Don't get me…

Another Warm Winter Set to Weaken Natural Gas Prices

Warm winter? 2020 featured the coolest summer in ore than a decade.…

Desperate Venezuelans Attempt To Refine Gasoline At Home

Back to the 19th century with large parts of the population barely…

Germany’s climate consensus cracks as costs mount

What does a politician fear more than not getting his favorite…

The Boring Truth About Oil Prices

Oil prices will remain somewhat sluggish as the world economy…

Ocean Infinity expanding its Armada robotic vessels fleet

It's a bit of a puzzle to me that we are confident that self-driving…

Media Finally Wakes Up To Ruinous Climate Policies

One in three can't afford the cheapest electric car. Reality…

£2.5M Wasted On Solar Powered Railway

Why not try a solar-powered underground railway? I mean, this…

Don’t let the “Climate Grinches” ruin your holiday

I am a lawyer. I am quite used to all kinds of lies and deception.…

Electric Car Charging–A Dose Of Reality

And thats just one example of where the fun goes into an end-spin.…

Cold snap arrives in California! Chilly records set, snow falls in Sierra

California - not a place known for lots of snow and ice. And…

Taxing the Poor to Benefit the Rich

I can't remember exactly what year but at some point in the last…

Groundbreaking for 50 LNG stations in India, 1,000 sites expected by 2023

I have been in Dheli talking about such a thing in 2010. I may…

Kindersley Records More Snow in Two Days Than in Four Months Last Winter

Good luck staying warm and safe with renewables - it's getting…

Saudi Arabia Seeks to Become Top Hydrogen Exporter

Saudi Arabia already is a top hydrogen exporter right now. Hydrogen…

Millions in Africa Being Sacrificed to Extreme Poverty, Premature Death on Altar of ‘Green Energy’

Sadly, thats very true. Making energy more expensive just inflates…

Bright future for Suriname and Guyana

Theoretically, thats a very nice thing for both countries. They…

Maersk: No Big Role for LNG Bunkers as Transitional Fuel

They may think that they will be able to suckle the subsidy pot…

EIA: “About 25% of U.S. power plants can start up within an hour”

Renewable energy advocates like to hide this very fact but their…

German joint project confirms LNG boosts transition to clean mobility

LNG is a great replacement for diesel and other liquid fuels.…

New footage reveals Netflix faked walrus climate deaths

The arrogance of those companies and people is breathtaking.…

The End Game

Those playing the game underestimate the silent majority. Oh…

Germany’s Growing Gas Demand Shows No Signs Of Slowing

Not only that demand is not slowing - Germany will need ever…

Europe’s delivered LNG and TTF prices diverge

Europe is not the market sink for excess LNG cargos. Only a small…

Biden’s White House staff pick with ties to oil called a “betrayal” by progressives

That was a fast one. Biden does not even know for sure if he…

Peat landslide linked to wind farm raised in Dáil

Just about 5 years ago, every single windmill was seen as a good…

The great heresy: is the green revolution huge fake news?

Hydrocarbons made a large population world where many can live…

‘Hypocrites and greenwash’: Greta Thunberg blasts leaders over climate crisis

In a sense, I like it. I want all those who feed the crocodile…

Countries are piling on record amounts of debt amid COVID-19. Here’s what that means

You won't make me say that debt is any good. On a personal level,…

Hormuz threats lose their sting

Closing Hormuz clearly does not have the same snappy ring to…

Children and the Insect Apocalypse

When the mind does not have real problems to deal with, it creates…

The Great American LNG Comeback

US LNG producers have an infinitely large market right on their…

The Chump Effect

When I was a boy, I learned that playing by the rules brings…

Uncertain Certainty: Germany’s Potsdam Climate Institute Humiliated After One-Year El Nino Forecast Model Flops

Over the past 20 years, I have seen scores of prestigious institutions…

Microbes might be gatekeepers of the planet’s greatest greenhouse gas reserves

The planet produces vast amounts of methane gas through abiotic…

“China has started to ‘walk the walk’ on climate crisis”

Walk the walk? Who is walking anything hee? China still expands…

CO2 Coalition: Clean Coal Technology Can Fight Energy Poverty in Africa

It's quite some while back by now but I remember when the Austrian…

START Bus, Proterra Unveil First Electric Buses

Using a lease to bring down costs is like using gasoline to douse…

Climate Refugees: Dutch Families Abandon Homes To Escape Excruciating Wind Turbine Noise

I bet many people did not think about falling real estate prices…

Go Back To Work–The Planet Needs You!

How long will it take people to realize that they are feeding…

Road Charging Moves Closer

No big surprise here. Money gets scarcer and big tickets need…

The Conversation: How do we Protect Venice from Flooding and Sea Level Rise?

Venice has been sinking into the water for centuries now. Yes,…

Snow Totals and Records Broken

According to Alarmist scripture, we are living in a warming world.…

Plunging shale acreage values may create new Permian M&A wave

One thing I learned about Americans is that they mess up and…

Lockdowns lead OPEC to lower oil demand projections further

I can hear the bones crackling already. Most oil-producing nations…