Elite Opinion Is Never Wrong
It everywhere. Some years ago I was at a meeting of the energy…
Unhaltable global warming claim withdrawn by Scientific Reports journal
At the moment when the untenable claims are made, they make the…
Asian prices fall amid record high U.S. exports
It just took a couple of weeks of rising prices in Asian LNG…
Texas Takes Action to Reduce Gas Flaring
I know that there is a saying in oil drilling. The bad news is…
BP May Run Refinery Unit with Wind Power
Run a refinery with windpower - I want to see that. Please make…
San Francisco Imposes Natural Gas Ban
New housing? At the rate people are fleeing California, I imagine…
Port of Rotterdam: shipping sector embracing LNG as fuel
Shipping companies are hard squeezed. They look forward to possibly…
Airbus Hopes to Be Flying Hydrogen-Powered Jetliners With Zero Carbon Emissions by 2035
Knowing how dangerous hydrogen is, would anyone want to travel…
Time to launch carbon plan for shipping is now, industry says
All thats going to do is pushing shipping even faster towards…
Green energy to draw $11 trillion in investments by 2050
I can literally see the water running down their mouths. 11 trillion…
How the Northeast Passage is helping Russia sell more natural gas
I almost feel sorry for them because they seem not to be aware…
BP, Stricken by Low Oil Prices and High Debt, to Sell London Headquarters
Yeahh, they should rename to "Beyond Profits". Oil and gas are…
Reliable electricity? Bah humbug!
As I said many times. Eco-extremists can be trusted with one…
The Coming Energy Shocks under a Biden Administration
Some people say that considering how bad things are, how could…
US CO2 Emissions From Electricity Generation Down to 1980’s Levels… Frac On!
It's CH4 - not Gore. The shale gas revolution has caused the…
West Virginia voters laud Trump for trying to save coal
We are going into a solar minimum. It gets colder - so much is…
BP seeks to use wind power to run hydrogen plant in Germany
Just imagine BP would have to pay the actual cost this wind power…
South Korean and Japanese ambitions face political hurdles
Asians cherish their jobs and their economic forthcoming. Take…
Into The Black: Calm Weather Leaves Britain’s Power Grid At Risk Of Total Collapse
Some hours of darkness every other day or a protracted period…
The contradictions of Green policies to limit CO2 emissions
Biomass - who is going to be fooled by this? We are razing ancient…
Scallop fishermen threaten to sink Emmanuel Macron’s wind farm
They struggle to overcome opposition from some stubborn opponents?…
Pennsylvania Gov. Wolf Ignores Legislature and Scientific Testimony in Joining States’ Climate Pact*
Gov. Wolf seems to be quite a dude. The man clearly has no consideration…
China’s Coal Power Rising Again
We have been served so many obvious lies by China that anything…
Prince Harry: Max Two Children for Climate Change
Another bored royal celebrity living a billionaires life including…
Revealed: Covid recovery plans threaten global climate hopes
The Guardian has no qualms with having a couple of millions jobless…
The Conversation: “International Momentum” and Green Jobs will Persuade Republicans to Back Biden’s Green New Deal
It looks like the Republicans will have a majority in the Senate…
Utility-Scale Battery Costs “Fall” to $625/kWh
Another one throwing out lots of figures that look shady. How…
Facts and Theories, Updated
The fact that its radiates off energy does not make CO2 a greenhouse…
First hydrogen-powered commuter train in the U.S. under development
Electrifying a track has a cost element. You only do that if…
The future of nuclear: power stations could make hydrogen, heat homes and decarbonise industry
How much money have we left after COVID to be thrown at fancy…
Fresh snowfall in Lahaul elates hoteliers, farmers
Reports on early snow from all over the Northern hemisphere.…
Aramco maintains dividend, shrugs off 45% profit drop and rising debt
Does anyone still remember the putative Aramco IPO? Yes, I know,…
Reefs at WA’s Rowley Shoals make surprise recovery from ‘significant’ coral bleaching
Sure it recovers. Some of those reefs are millions of years old…
China’s Green Offensive: The Obama State Department
China has learned the lesson well from Stalin. They know that…
Scientists Propose a Way to Feed 10 Billion People By 2050 Sustainably
We don't need scientists for that. Today we barely scratch the…
Perhaps the dumbest article title ever: “The Arctic hasn’t been this warm for 3 million years”… AEUHHH???
Every historian knows the Roman and Medieval Warm Periods. They…
Tax Meat to Hit Paris Agreement Climate Targets
Here in Vienna where I live things have become extraordinarily…
EU Targets LNG Exporters via Green Deal
There will be some virtue signaling gestures but on balance,…
WHO Presses for More Action on Climate Change
Smells like the WHo needs a new topic they can drum out when…
Diamondback CEO following a go-it-alone shale strategy
Bigger is often nothing but a recipe for hiding underperforming…
Biden as president would pursue climate ‘cheaters’ – and Australia could be among them
Biden will pursue climate cheaters? Good, if this means an end…
Ahh, that must just be local weather. Like, the entire Northern…
Britain faces green energy disaster as lack of wind triggers new blackout warning
Busy people don't like to think a lot. They are busy doing -…
Australian coal exports hold up despite China ban
So the largest coal user on the planet boycotts a very large…
We need to talk to our kids about the climate crisis. But courage fails me when I look at my son
The Baader Meinhoff gang was a bunch of mindless savage butchers.…
Ditch Paris—and Save America
Watching the aftermath of Nov. 3rd, I am nothing short of amazed.…
Norway wealth fund says it’s hard to find right green energy projects
And it will get a lot harder still to find appropriate investment…
China Proposes Max $4,500 Fine for Carbon Market Violations
The virtue-signaling must go on. But let's assume that China…
The Global Hub for Trading Natural Gas Moves to the Netherlands
I remember when NBP was the big monster hub and TTF plus Zeehub…
OPEC Poses Threat to Itself
The pain starts to drive some members crazy. Patching over glaring…
With little left to cut, oil majors must wait for a recovery
When the pain becomes so strong that big corporations see no…
How Not to Land an Orbital Rocket Booster
In a sense, thats what the essence of entrepreneurialism is.…
IVECO & ZF Logistics further deploy natural gas trucks on German routes
The feeling I get is that hydrogen is one giant figleaf and that…
William Can’t Sleep Because Of Climate Change!
I wonder what would keep the Prince awake at night if he wasn't…
Why the next financial crisis could be green
I grew up in the sticks, scion of a family of small handicraft…
Deloitte: Australia to Lose Trillions Unless We Act on Climate Change
What are GDP figures good for? Exactly, they provide people like…
Report Your Neighbours: British Police Urge the Public to Inform on Covid-19 Lockdown Breaches
It's good training for the people. When a population spies on…
Does selling ‘stranded assets’ lower global carbon levels?
Selling stranded assets means that someone else has made the…
Italy’s Snam takes first step into Israel with LNG, hydrogen plans
I am not very keen on the hydrogen part but I guess it's a fig…
Unusual and Unprecedented Warming – Presentation to the AAPG ACE 2020
Everyone should see this. And I would like alarmists to sit down,…