Trump plans to transform America into manufacturing superpower

Just recently I pointed out how it can be done. The most important…

LNG and hydrogen fuel option to help shipping meet IMO targets

Just yesterday I talked to a friend who works in marine logistics.…

Plastics ban hits Alberta’s gas strategy

Yeah, thats smart. Because COVID just showed us how much we need…

The Guardian: A $20+ Carbon Tax would Boost Economic Growth

What is economic growth? Can you eat it? Can you pay rent with…

The truth behind renewable energy

Humanity started to develop in earnest when energy started to…

It’s a Good Time to Be Born

My father's father was born in 1899. He was born into the Austro-Hungarian…

Why Saudi Arabia May Be Forced To Start Another Oil Price War

Wanna get tough again? Well then do it - and do it now. Because…

Oil Drilling in Russia Could Fall 20% Next Year

Not surprising. Dilling for new oil costs money and thats in…

US LNG could face pressure from EU’s new methane plans

No, it aint. US LNG producers look at the requirements of the…

How green hydrogen can become cheap enough to compete with fossil fuels

The words hydrogen and cheap should never be used in the same…

China as Climate Change Saviour: The Triumph of Hope Over Experience?

Just imagine someone knocks on your door. You speak to the person…

Surprising science – There’s no such thing as clean energy

The term "Clean Energy" is as misleading as a term could possibly…

ExxonMobil misled the public about the climate crisis. Now they’re trying to silence critics

I was the head of business development of a gas trading company.…

Hydrogen Future Would Triple Energy Bills

If they go for what they call green hydrogen, the triple cost…

Cliffs in Ancient Ice on Mars

The same geological principles that produce massive amounts of…

“Proxies” Claim Half the GBR Corals Dead – But Not in Real Life

The oldest reefs on Earth are many millions of years old. They…

New UN Climate Row: Alarming Report Contradicts Its Own Data–De Telegraaf

I worked for the United Nations once as a peacekeeper. It was…

The Case for Climate Reparations

Redistribution of wealth - where have I read this before. Oh…


Quick, tell Al Gore and Michael Mann - they have a special super-sized…

Where Do the Plastic Bottles Go?

I grew up with this BS. When I was in my twenties and I tried…

Apicorp sees more woes for Egyptian and Algerian LNG

The market is going to come back so don't worry about them long…

Cattle Methane is a moooot point in global climate

Nature produces methane in gargantuan volumes. We do not yet…

Trump Didn’t Save Coal or Steel. To Be Fair, No One Could.

Wanna revive coal and steel in the US? Thats actually not so…

BP’s new Azeri gas flow will add to Europe’s already glutted supply

Pipelines have economic lives of many decades. A lifespan of…

Boris Johnson Announces 200% Rise in Electricity Prices

I have a feeling that COVID did something to Boris. But on the…

Real Power, Real Jobs: Unions Demand Nuclear Power and End to Offshore Wind

People that are afraid of their jobs are likely to vote for political…


France is not alone with this. I hear cold stories from all over…

The Great Energy Non-Transition

When I was a schoolkid, I learned that millions of years ago,…

E. Antarctica Was Up To 6°C Warmer 1,000 To 2,000 Years Ago

Antarctica was up to 6 degrees warmer than today? And this without…

The Arctic “Death Spiral”: Lamenting the Collapse of a 4000 Year Old Ice Shelf

Bad news - according to Hansen the Arctic must be ice-free by…

The deep sea is slowly warming

0,02 degrees Celsius - over a decade. If you asked me to establish…

Wallenius Marine Joins International Windship Association

Shipping companies are for-profit companies. If wind propulsion…

Trump Hits Biden on Fracking in Appeal to Pennsylvania Voters

Every person with half a brain knows that all politicians lie.…

EU considers binding methane emissions standards for gas

How do they verify that? Methane concentration in the ambient…

Solar Power Costs 2-3 Times As Much As Wind, Fossil Fuels and Nuclear

Just minutes ago I commented on an article that claims solar…

Solar energy reaches historically low costs

Thats why we can observe that any region, state, or country that…

Mozambique Outlines Fund Plan for $96 Billion Gas Windfall

Because that worked out so well in other African countries. Mozambique…

China’s reported ban on Australian coal escalates dispute beyond mere nuisance – Russell

That could be an opportunity for Australia to rekindle the entrepreneurial…

Gazprom Unveils New Gas Deposit

More gas from Yamal - not really surprising at the resource base…

Amid Challenges, Natural Gas Remains Growing Part of Energy Mix

Some folks start to find out an uncomfortable truth. They despise…

Washington State blows away wind fantasies

You can sugarcoat a turd and if you mask the smell it might even…

Fusion energy ‘four times cheaper than nuclear’

Could be, would be - another one of those statements affirming…

The West Intends Energy Suicide: Will It Succeed?

Aia seems to not be part of the west as they go fully coal and…

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Approves First Ever Small Modular Nuclear Reactor Design

This is great news. I am no expert on nuclear so I cannot make…

Pennsylvania Lawmakers Resist Governor’s Executive Actions on Climate Change

The pain from the action on CO2 must become discernable. Because…

LNG goes from doghouse to podium as weather fears stoke rally

How fast things can change. Just a week o so ago everybody still…

Gazprom sees European gas glut in 2021, blames U.S. LNG

Don't worry Gazprom. More renewables destroy your real competitor…

Gas Market Buys Merkel and Putin Time on Nord Stream 2

As if they would be concerned about the gas market. Because Putin…

Opec rejects projection that global demand for oil has peaked

For once I do agree with OPEC. Yes, I know why they say that…

Nigeria pushes gas into fast lane

I cannot count anymore how many times I have heard such things…

Shrinking U.S. Oil Stocks Point to Market Rebalancing

This obsession with a balanced market flies in the face of everything…

Study: “mitigation costs of limiting global warming … are higher than … avoided damages this century”

You may call it mitigation if it does anything at all to redress…

As China And Russia Grow Closer, America’s Energy Sector Loses

Let them do it - America should not be dependent on a customer…

Media Finally Wakes Up To The Problems With Wind Power

We have a saying here in Austria: "a turd will eventually float…

What the pandemic has taught us about science

When I worked for big corporations I had a rule. Every team of…

Permian Enters Uncharted Waters in Better Shape than Most Regions

The oil and gas industries are still longterm plays. Yes, I know…

Climate change could mean fewer sunny days for hot regions banking on solar power

They know that their contraptions are money munching, value-destroying…

It’s Past Time to Bring Critical Supply Chains Home From China

China has become a malignant player in the world's trade system…

What China’s climate push means for Australia

Australia has much worse problems than a phony marketing stunt…

Climate Change: The Facts 2020

People are suffering, people are dying - true words. What was…