‘The Weaponization of Weather in the Phony Climate War’
One of the reasons why we sometimes have the impression that…
Allowing LNG to boost liquidity
Oh no, its the other way around. Not LNG shall provide liquidity…
Sweating It: Renewable Energy Crisis Means Australians Can’t Run Air-Conditioners During Heatwaves
Get used to the idea of ration cards. Together with smart meters…
Choose Hydrogen for Shipping Because Other Industries Will Pay for Infrastructure: Shell
As if this would take care of the fundamental economic problems…
Spreading Asbestos Fibres and Running Fans Might Help Combat Climate Change
This sounds like a great idea. Let's spay cancer-inducing fibers…
Renewable Natural Gas Challenges “One-Size Fits All” Vision of Electrification
The terminology in energy has never been the smartest one. If…
Surprising science – There’s no such thing as clean energy
I think we need a new term - zero impact energy. I said it many…
Russia and India plan to join forces to encourage LNG as vehicle fuel
Common sense - something that has gone awry in the more developed…
“Zimbabwe and Puerto Rico … provide models” for our Renewable Energy Future
No average European or American can even start to imagine what…
Polish watchdog fines Gazprom $7.6 billion over Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline
Poland has fined Gazprom for having broken what law? I never…
NextDecade Targets Carbon-Neutrality at Rio Grande LNG
Do we also get a price for this mythical LNG? Because CCS is…
Qatar is winning the last great fossil fuel gold rush
The moment when everyone wakes up with a huge headache and the…
The dimmest state of the Sun: TSI and Global warming
Since I was a little boy I had known that eventually, the Sun…
Hydrogen Hyperbole: Debunking Overblown Claims That Hydrogen Can Save Intermittent Wind & Solar
A couple of years ago I was invited to come and see a wind park…
Aussie Government: “we don’t need a [carbon] price because renewables are too cheap”
Its true - if renewables are the cheapest form of electricity…
Carbon Tracker Fantasy: “Cleanup of abandoned oil and gas wells could cost Texans $117 billion”
This reminds me of the moronic IMF report that claims trillions…
Boris’ Wind Power Speech
What did we expect - Boris is a career politician and those go…
GAZ Group launches first bus in Russia certified to run on LNG
Russia has a lot of gas it sends to China without really making…
Earth’s Optimal Temperature?
The oceans are full of hydrothermal vents, so-called black smokers,…
Full stream ahead! Denmark removes final hurdle for Russian gas pipeline to Europe
The real question is if this still matters? Because the US sanction…
Saudi Arabia Pegs Budget to Oil at Around $50, Goldman Says
OK, thats good for the figures but does it solve the real problem?…
What Would A Biden Presidency Mean For Coal?
There will be a day when we come to rue the day when we stopped…
Why U.S. Shale Gas Could Emerge From the Pandemic Stronger Than Ever
As I said many times before, shale is fast. It reacts to changes…
Prince William’s personal warning on ‘drastic’ effects of climate change
Sure thing. How did anyone expect any of those Royals to have…
BP fleshes out net-zero pledge
I just wrote about the crazy new strategy of Shell but it's not…
Forget The Russians! NATO To Combat Climate Change!
Trump has often said that the old system of alliances the US…
Amazon Commercial Illustrates the Environmental Devastation of Wind Turbines
Strangely enough, if we placed enough wind turbines on the surface…
Michael Mann: “A second Trump term is game over for the climate – really!”
Mann is doing Trump a favor. Because all this vilification goes…
Mandating electric vehicles without a plan will be devastating to California’s economy
Without a plan you say? Because I don't see what this plan is…
Peak Oil Demand and the Middle East: Even More Bad News?
Peak Oil Demand is Bogus and the world will find out soon enough.…
Restoring Scientific Debate on Climate
Debate? What debate? There is no debate. I cannot count the number…
Shell Shares Hit Lowest Point Since 1995
I always had a lot of respect from Shell. Like every oil major,…
Total CEO Calls for Aid in Fighting Islamic State
The problem of Daesh cannot be solved by constant interventions.…
The Making of a Market
Making of a market - of sots only. Because EV's are expensive…
On noes! Antarctic sea ice may not cap carbon emissions as much as previously thought
This is what happens when you substitute real data with models…
GREAT BARRIER REEF : Still Colourful Corals and Curious Fish
The oldest reefs are hundreds of millions of years old. The planet…
Italy experiences the coldest September in 50 years – with snowfall
2020 was easily the coldest summer we had in Vienna for the last…
Australia battles to become renewables superpower
Plenty of subsidies and other incentives handed out by the governing…
Levelised costs will settle the blue-green debate
If those RE enthusiasts had any balls on them they would skip…
To Believe or Not to Believe? Breaking Down the Hype Around Tesla’s Battery Day
Electric Vehicles benefited from a slew of drivers that have…
Shell to cut 11% of its workforce as virus speeds low-carbon shift
Shell does what it needs to do. I see lots of commentaries that…
Prince Charles Wants Military-Style Response To Climate Change
After WW2, Europe was a destroyed continent. People scavenged…
Are Small Scale Plants The Future For LNG?
ssLNG is still very expensive. Especially when it comes to liquefaction.…
‘Climate emergency’ soon to justify ‘house arrest’
Big brother is watching you. George Orwell only got the years…
Carnival’s largest ever cruise ship starts sea trials
Anyone who has ever done a cruise knows that the postcard pictures…
A second alignment plane of the solar system has been discovered
Just today somebody commented that orbits are stable. This person…
Nigeria’s pioneering gas flaring plan risks going down in flames
I have been watching Nigeria (the whole Gulf of Guinea actually)…
Richard Betts Misunderstands Basic Science
The driest place on Earth is a valley in Antarctica. A seal once…
‘This is the moment for the EU to lead the way,’ says EU chief Ursula von der Leyen
Energy-intensive industries will leave Europe behind - and it…
UN Economist Proposes Climate Lockdowns
I like the way those folks go about things. They don't mess around…
Claim: the ocean has become more stable and stratified thanks to global warming
Ahh, Global Warming is good for us. We should have more global…
The trillion-dollar question: how will Asia Pacific meet power supply needs in the next decade?
Is there really anyone who asks himself? Then you have not paid…
Religion of Green
All fanatic mass movements work the same way. There are no fundamental…
Wind Turbine Farm Installation From Scratch
Just look at this. The sheer amount of stuff that goes into one…
Global Warming Hiatus (aka “The Pause”) Was Real
Thats not going to go down well with the Global Warming folks.…
South and Southeast Asia to drive LNG demand growth
LNG has seen a roller coaster for the last 20 years or so. And…
China: Ministry of Environment OKs Westport’s HPDI natural gas engine
I would love to see this beast on European roads. What's holding…
The US Natural Gas Industry’s Commitment to a Cleaner Energy Future
They are still feeding a crocodile that will eat them - no matter…
‘No more wind.’ WA state utility questions efficacy of wind farms for power generation
Nothing brings people back to their sense faster than some concentrated…
India May Peg Local Gas Price to Asia LNG
What does JKM have to do with the market realities in India?…