Chinese gas outlook in doubt on weak Jiangsu demand
It's not only the pandemic. Its fundamental factors. Coal is…
Trafigura White Paper Proposes Global Levy on Bunkers to Fund Decarbonisation
I should like that. In the end, the lowest carbon hydrocarbon…
Did the Chinese President Just Save the World from Climate Change?
To this day I have yet to see members of Extinction rebellion…
More surfacestations project vindication: Strong UHI temperature biases confirmed in USA
Biased temperature measurements - how could we have guessed?…
Total CEO meets Mozambique’s president over growing security concerns
Let me put it this way: doing stuff in a warzone produces costs…
Plug-in hybrids are a ‘wolf in sheep’s clothing’
I really wish they would bring the dates forward. Why wait until…
‘Nuclear power is now the most expensive form of generation, except for gas peaking plants’
This kind of utter garbage can only be published in a PV magazine.…
Global school strike for climate change movement resumes, with protests taking place across Australia
Great, when my children are at university age, there will be…
BP stock hits 25-year low a week after its new climate strategy debuts
And thats not the end of the journey. European oil majors lack…
The Pure Evil of Hydrogen Hyping
EV's have a bad name now. Safety issues, production issues with…
Mercedes-Benz hydrogen concept vehicle will offer range of 1,000 km
1000 km on one tank filling? Great - please throw the purchase…
The Debt Crisis Is Mounting For Oil Economies
Those countries have never learned to live with what they can…
Corona-induced CO2 emission reductions are not yet detectable in the atmosphere
Sure, the human part of total CO2 emissions is very small and…
Prince Charles Calls for a Climate Action Marshall Plan
More money to the elites - says the dinosaur that has the carbon…
Potential impact of the second-lowest sea ice minimum since 1979 on polar bear survival
That was not even long ago. Polar Bears were supposed to go extinct.…
America’s domination of oil and gas will not cow China
I have been subscribed to the Economist for decades. For many…
The luxury of fossil fuels is over
Looking for the next solution after fossil fuels? By destroying…
U.S. and European Oil Giants Go Different Ways on Climate Change
So the Europeans destroy the future - thats about the only sustainable…
California Has Plenty of Electricity, It’s Just Not Being Used
Everything can be done. We could raise watermelons on the surface…
JKM globalises the gas market
A liberalized LNG market? And JKM mitigates the lack of pipeline…
Facebook Vowed to Stop Climate Change Misinformation – Then Suspended Greenpeace
Looks like they have mistakenly developed a truth algorithm that…
USA cost to go without fossil fuels: $18-29 Trillion
Proposing this with a straight face should secure anyone who…
Here’s How Trump’s Potential SCOTUS Pick Could Make His Obama-Era Regulatory Rollbacks Permanent
Now, Steven Breyer is the oldest justice and he has been put…
Justin Bieber Highlights Oil Pain
Shale has partly thrived on a massive bubble and this one had…
Energy Execs Think U.S. Oil Production Has Peaked – Fed Survey
Yeees - how many such messages have we been force-fed over the…
Energy transition could force majors to sell or swap $100B in oil and gas assets
Does that mean that the majors finally get out of Oil and Gas?…
California Governor Gavin Newsom Bans Sales of Gas Cars by 2035
Sure, California is already impossible to live in craphole and…
China Wants to Be Carbon Neutral By 2060. Is That Possible?
Chinas coal consumption beats the rest of the world combined…
Volvo sees increased interest in gas for heavy-truck operations across Europe
I remember Volvo as being lukewarm to LNG as a fuel for heavy…
Top shipping insurance group will not cover ships linked to Nord Stream 2
Those sanctions have way more bite than many consider today.…
The future of liquefied natural gas: Opportunities for growth
LNG has indeed the best of all growth prospects for the simple…
The Costs of Offshore Wind Power: Blindness and Insight
If Renewable Energy developers would have any faith in their…
Sacramento’s Hottest August (Next To Highway!)
Put a thermometer close to your hot frying pan. And the other…
Zero Carbon Commission Backs £27bn Carbon Tax
Cushioning against any rise in the household bills? What the…
Most partisan polling group ever assembled says climate change not a partisan issue!
In a sense, they are right. Most politicians today - no matter…
Low tax on heating is bad for climate, says Harrabin
Wait a minute: people have gone through (or are still going through)…
German Power Prices Rocket As Excess Wind & Solar Dumped On Neighbours
Germans are lucky to be placed in the center of Europe with lots…
Svalbard glaciers lost their protective buffer in the mid-1980s and have been melting ever since
Spitzbergen is not only the northernmost land territory of Europe.…
CEFA plans LNG hub
Any country that imports oil should look at this equation. No,…
Quiet Achiever: While PM Keeps Talking About Gas, Coal Just Keeps On Powering Australia
Will we find the bill for those marine engines on the tab for…
Some Producers Setting Records Despite Low Drilling Levels
When cash is plentiful, people tend to repeat what they deem…
OPEC Member Resorts to Desperate Measure
This is what the extreme end of the resource curse looks like.…
BBC again yawn: How the oil industry made us doubt climate change
It is actually quite amazing how easy it is to disprove all those…
Nigeria Counts on Gas to Ease Pangs of Fuel Subsidy Cuts
The rationale for using gas as a fuel in Nigeria was there for…
Qatar flexes muscles with cuts to gas prices
Qatar messing with Australia in the LNG market - thats a bit…
New study looks at space power competition through China’s lens
It's about time the US sees picks up on those developments and…
A New York Clock That Told Time Now Tells the Time Remaining
I saw some woke art in the streets of some US cities. It's true,…
The Shipping Industry is Subsidising the Oil Industry by buying Oil
And when I thought that the idiocy cannot be topped anymore,…
Wot? No Olives?
Thats a bit like Russia hoping that the northern sea route will…
The US Climate in 2019
My father was born in 1935. Thanks God, he is still among us…
Decarbonisation imperils long-term LNG contracts
LNG long-term contracts had their moment of truth coming long…
Rachel Maddow Weighs In On Climate
Good stuff for those that want to know more about the fires in…
Connecticut strives for highest electricity rates in the USA
Takes pipelines to get more Natural Gas to replace other electricity…
“I hope they all die”: Marshall University Professor Wishes Coronavirus Death on Trump Supporters
I am all in for a hard debate. I like the moment when the gloves…
A New Cold Record set at International Falls: Should we be surprised?
Oh no, oh no no no. The cooling is the result of diminished solar…
English vineyards introduce new grapes due to global heating
We always talk about the negative externalities of Climate Change.…
British FT Admits China is Using Calls for Climate Justice to Advance Their Economy
No crap - who could have guessed? China would use the gullibility…
Scott Morrison’s gas plan is an arrogant, irresponsible disaster
Here we go again. Renewables are the cheapest form of energy…
Doubling down on climate change and censorship
Models are computer games. About as realistic as a Call of Duty…
Research reveals “climate-change complacency” across Europe
It is a very loud, very obnoxious, and surprisingly small minority…