Energy firms planning to use smart meters to turn off your central heating

Full consent of the consumer - yeah right. It will be a checkbox…

German Electricity Imports Hit New Record, Rise 43.3 Percent in First Half Of 2020!

Thats part of the reason why RE advocates can claim that they…

Friction Growing within OPEC+

I am actually surprised that it held up that long. Some members…

Eni hits new gas discovery offshore Egypt

Those lads are the masters of the universe in this part of the…

Venus: Possible evidence of life in the clouds?

OK, the potential for bacterial life in Venus's clouds is very…

A rebuttal to the Washington Post’s smear of David Legates appointment to NOAA

That smacks of a lot of desperation. The elites are so used to…

The End of Oil is Near, or Maybe Not

In 1980, the economists Julian Lincoln Simon and Paul Ehrlich…

Scientific American Goes Full Anti-Science

1933, Nazi sympathizers organized massive book burnings when…

Cooling The Hothouse

We have yet to reach the high points of the Roman Warm Period…

Australia pushes gas growth to boost economic recovery

What's the best remedy for the green madness? Exactly, do lots…

Florida utilities want to gut solar. Here’s why

Utilities have to provide a very expensive service essentially…

More hydrogen, less meat: EU’s new climate plan targets every aspect of modern life

Modern life? This has nothing to do with modern life. If you…

Cruise Firms ‘Must do More’, Says Environmentalist

Maximalist positions - I like it. Firms of all ilk will go alone…

Jerry Brown on a California Exodus: ‘Tell Me: Where Are You Going to Go?’

Mr. Brown, you seem to think that all places in the US are as…

Europeans Don’t Care Enough about Climate Change to Act

Most Europeans have real problems to take care of. They don't…

World’s first hydrogen train enters regular passenger service in Austria

See whats possible with an endless stream of cash from the taxpayer?…

Do Government Policies Favoring Fossil Fuels Hamper the Development of Wind and Solar Power?

All developed economies levy taxes on all stages of the fossil…

New Challenges to the Liberal World Order: Reassessing Controversies Surrounding the Energy Charter Treaty

There is nothing truly liberal about the European Green Deal.…

Roman Warm Period Was 2°C Warmer Than Today, New Study Shows

The Romans were great administrators and bookkeepers. And today…

Fossil fuels account for the largest share of U.S. energy production and consumption

Imagine, all those trillions thrown at the energy system and…

BP Says the Era of Oil-Demand Growth Is Over

How short memories are. Just before the COVID panic spread, oil…

Merkel Scrapping Nord Stream Would Unravel German Gas Strategy

German gas strategy? What's that? 10 years ago there was something…

A nanotechnology-based system that can transport methane at lower pressure and cost

I like innovation but then lets stick to the facts. LNG is transported…


Loos like we only scratch the surface of climate and temperature…

Renewable Energy is The Scam We All Fell For

I like this lad's presentation of things. Kinda hits the spot…

Witch Hunts and Climate

Thats what we are in right now. If you don't swim with the SJW…

Arctic warming up — in 1955 — reports Chicago Tribune

Is there any alarmist out there that wants to have a stab on…

Why It Is Risky to Have a Woke CEO

Big corporations are no for-profit companies anymore. They are…

Permian in for Prosperous and Bright Future

The best thing about US shale is that privately-owned subsoil…

BP and Shell Call on Texas to End Routine Flaring

Ending all flaring everywhere will be hard. Some flares simply…

Fukushima still looms over energy decisions

Japan is between a rock and a hard place when it comes to energy.…

US LNG: Cooperative rather than swing producer

The current oversupply situation in LNG has its roots 15 years…

Joe Biden on the West Coast Fires: “climate change poses an imminent, existential threat to our way of life”

If one looks at pre-Columbian America, whats today California…

Longtime Climate Science Denier Hired At NOAA

Legates has done the science and found that the climate alarmist…

Speaker Hoyle Wants Lockdowns For Climate Change

It's pretty telling. Those people are so removed from normal…

State of Delaware Lies About Willie Soon (as a scientist)

Go back to the beginnings of the Nazi party in Germany and you…

Tucker Carlson: Democrats, fires and the climate misinformation campaign

Tucker Carlson's show is top-rated - this means lots of eyeballs.…

Facebook Answering Biden’s Call to Help Defeat Trump

So much for unbiased and apolitical. Linkedin Thread

49 NASA Scientists Tell The Truth

In Austria, when we want some politician telling the truth journalists…

Running Heavy-Duty Transport on Batteries

Thats a great way to accelerate the movement of the HAVE's out…

Mines, Minerals, and “Green” Energy: A Reality Check

When we import stuff, we import appalling environmental standards…

Hydrogen’s Future May Follow Path Blazed by Natural Gas

As if they were even similar products. Let me put it like this:…

Nobel prize-winning economics of climate change is misleading and dangerous – here’s why

Thousands of years ago, the high priests of ancient cities shrouded…

Historical climate fluctuations in Central Europe overestimated due to tree ring analysis

Let me suggest something: let's throw some chicken bones in the…

China Plans Strategic Boost to Vast State Commodity Reserves

Reserves cost money. Strategic reserves cost more money. When…

Saudi Arabia’s Financial Woes Mean It’s Squeezing Cash Cow Aramco

Sure they do - what choice have they got? Even a country like…

Trafigura Envisions East Africa Supply Hub

The Eastern African market needs a lot more energy products and…

Nearly half of British public say they will never buy an electric car over charging fees

Who is surprised now? In spite of all those subsidies (bribes)…

Turtles: Back to the Future!

30 years of traveling all parts of the globe have shown me a…

Cleaner LNG one answer to climate change crisis, O’Regan tells investors

Yes, thats what we all need. Some high pitched speech by some…

Natural Gas Is the Rich World’s New Coal

Not long ago, Natural Gas was the green solution. TV ads praised…

Qatari expansion: Build it and they will come?

Right now hat must sound crazy but think again. The world won't…

Climate elite say thee, not me, must $acrifice for the planet

Yeahh, like all those Hollywood grandstanders that tell us how…

Oil Market Sentiment Turns Sour

Instead of dreaming of higher prices, the oil industry would…

Technical snags and changing markets hamper Australia’s $200 billion LNG boom

Hey, how about some honesty for a change. Some of the Australian…

Simulators help shape new universal drilling language to reduce human factors

There is still a lot of room at the bottom of oil and gas drilling.…

Work starts on world’s 1st large containership LNG conversion

Converting existing ships is not an easy matter and its very…

Honest Government Ad | Renewable Energy

This video is a little more than 2 years old. In the meantime,…

Overnight change to green finance ‘just not reality’

All virtue-signaling companies discover that the alarmist pressure…

Merkel Open to Action Against Nord Stream

I really did not think that I would win my second wager when…