Decarbonised gas key to Paris target

More money coming out of taxpayers' pockets. Their money-crapper…

The impossibility of Windmills

What a nice video showing us how impossible those Renewable Energy…

Free speech, fake science – and why we must take the fight to the climate zealots

You can always trust that a mob will start biting the hand that…

The U.S. Is Close to Killing Russia’s Nord Stream 2 Pipeline

In 2018 I put out a wager that NS2 won't be operational by Jan…

Australia bucks the global trend, goes with natural gas over renewables

Reality has a very potent sting. Renewables are ineffective and…

Big Fund Managers Urge Texas to Ban Most Flaring

We are at the onset of a Grand Solar Minimum as it seems. If…

Shunning Natural Gas Could Drive Up Hydrogen Price 37%

I hope that hydrogen production from anything else than electrolysis…


Thats not nice - all those nice stories about wind and solar…

OPEC postpones Diamond Anniversary in Baghdad

I was born on September 14 - just 9 years after the inception…

Scrubber Repairs Needed Just Six Months After Installation in Some Cases

What did we expect? Burn some of the filthiest crap that the…

Sentinel-6 and Sea Level Rise

Tidal gauges can be looked at. Their measurements can be photographed…

Robin Hood Energy Goes Bust

A bunch of elected politicians using a pile of tax money to set…

Summer 2020

Its September now and I don't expect any more really hot days.…

To Climate Change Extremists, Free Speech on Facebook Is Dangerous

Social Media has overstepped its boundaries and people have lost…

Offshore wind power ‘so cheap it could return money to consumers’-Claims Independent

How many times have we heard those claims? And what do renewable…

Fossil Fuel Subsidies–The Truth

The topic always comes up brought up by someone who has run out…

Banging the drum for gas

Oh, some bureaucrats congregate in a plus meeting hall and declare…

Hitting the gas in South Africa

Seeing is believing. I have seen so many plans for LNG in South…

Schlumberger’s North American frac exit may signal the end of the U.S. shale boom

Its time that the shale patch sees some entrepreneurial ambition…

How investor pressure prompted oil majors to wake up to climate change

Majors are not waking up to anything. They just use this whole…

Point-by-point rebuttal of Kamala Harris’s unscientific climate tweet

Kamala just knows better than the facts. A bit like her claim…

Is Tesla Stock The ‘Largest Single Bubble’ In History?

The biggest bubble - I don't know but I know that if I owned…

Berlin faces battle over climate targets

Berlin could just do those things on its own without waiting…

Jane Fonda: “If we don’t cut our fossil fuel emissions in half by 2030, … democracy … will become impossible.”

Hey Jane, we know that you have never been a great fan of democracy.…

@CNN beclowns itself over Siberian craters supposedly caused by ‘climate change’

I assume she knew pretty well that she was peddling a lie and…

Matt McGrath’s Latest Howler!

COVID sucks up too much money that the RE developers lust after.…

Biden Says He’s Not Banning Fracking Months After Promising To Stop All New Fracking Projects

Come on man. We won't start accusing Biden of being consistent…

Something Wicked This Way Comes

People are addicted to fear porn and the left knows this. Politicians…

The doomsday lies of climate activists never stop

It's funny that every time someone confronts a climate alarmist…

California Bows to Energy Reality

Its just a short term fix. Next will be that there will be increased…

UNSW: “Climate change and the tyranny of psychological distance”

Cults like the climate movement only have traction as long as…

UK Sea Level Rise Not Unprecedented, Nor Accelerating

Look at an old map of Nantucket Island. And then look at the…

Massive release of methane gas from the seafloor discovered for the first time in the Southern Hemisphere

Methane leaks out from the ground at all times. We start to discover…

The authoritarian left never rests

Everyone should see this. Linkedin Thread

Potentially powerful pipeline precedents

All that does is forcing gas onto the streets and onto rail as…

America Needs Energy Policies That Won’t Harm Families, Businesses With High Costs, Less Reliability

In 2006 I was at a Natural gas conference where one of the speakers…

Siemens to explore leveraging wind power for hydrogen production

German companies are currently angling for a fat slice of the…

Cows, California and energy – a shocking lack of systemic thinking roils the world’s fifth largest economy

Every large complex system needs backup capacity and spares to…

Heartless: Renewable Energy Advocates Hate the Poor & Want to Keep Them That Way

Many years ago I was active in a new political party before they…

Digging It: Mines, Minerals, and “Green” Energy: A Reality Check

The best thing about coal, oil, gas, and nuclear is that they…

Worse Than Worthless: Intermittent Wind & Solar Cost A Fortune, But Have No True Value

About 10 years ago Gazprom had decided to shelve one of its biggest…

Labor Backbenchers Revolt Over Ludicrous Wind & Solar Energy Targets

Sure they revolt. They are backbenchers. They are in the firing…

Many technologies needed to solve the climate crisis are nowhere near ready

Innovation, innovation - all well and good. But there are physics…

Australia Considers a New Household Solar Energy “Export” Tax

Imagine you own a small business that produces some stuff. And…

Delay is the new Climate Denial

When I was a kid, my grandfather used to shock us with stories…

Exact climate data from the past

This all looks very impressive. But I have an easier method for…

Biden vs. Trump: The Battle Over US Energy Policy and Its Consequences

As shale proves itself to be way more resilient than even some…

NY CAUGHT Deleting Gov. Cuomo’s Order that Obliterated Nursing Homes with Covid-19

I know its not my usual cup of tea but this is beyond revolting.…

Airships to Provide Climate Friendly Air Transport

Airships - sure. Darling, I will be for a quick business trip…

German Chancellor Calls for Europe Wide Carbon Pricing on Transport and Industry

Just imagine only Germany goes for the crazy version of this…

California Power Grid teetering close to the edge of collapse

Electricity grids have been built with reserve capacity in the…

Chevron’s Answer to Climate Change: Drill, Baby, Drill!

Oil companies have gotten their asses kicked over the last 6…

Is Joe Biden Copying the Mistakes of Australia’s “Unloseable” Climate Election?

Thats not an insane comparison. Eventually, people smell it when…

NOVATEK shipped first LNG cargo to United Arab Emirates

Yamal to Abu Dhabi - just the transport cost alone must have…

Ocean acidification causing coral ‘osteoporosis’ on iconic reefs

The oceans are basic - not acidic. So ocean acidification is…

GCC plays catch-up with green megaprojects

It's easy to put big bucks o virtue-signaling green projects…

Mapping of zero-emission projects shows strong focus on hydrogen vessels

We have a solution that makes shipping emissions-free if we want…