Joe Biden’s Climate Plan Would Be a Disaster for the Environment

Today, environmental protection has been replaced by Climate…

Removing CO2 could spark big rise in food prices

Worry not - this stuff is so hideously expensive that it won't…

Where Did Earth’s Water Come From? Study Casts Doubt on The Current Meteorite Theory

Enstatite chondrites - how interesting. Taken together with deep…

Here’s what Exxon’s removal from the Dow says about the energy sector

The world is in eternal flux - and exposed to change. Do we want…

Tougher EU climate target technically, economically feasible, researchers say

Economically feasible by bleeding Europeans white. Europe is…

RWE wants coal phase-out compensation paid quickly

Let me guess: they must feel that government largesse can't last…

Cleaner but not clean: Why scientists say natural gas won’t avert climate disaster

Still asking the wrong questions. It's clear - Natural Gas won't…

Death of Shale Postponed… Again

In a fight between redneck cornered entrepreneurs and giant bureaucratic…

Are tipping points suitable concepts for developing environmental policies?

Tipping Points are great for dramatic storytelling. There is…

Gizmodo Blames Natural Gas for California’s Rolling Black Outs

The fact that this brain fart makes it into the news cycle says…

Solar Panels Are Starting to Die, Leaving Behind Toxic Trash

Mountains of beryllium panes coming up for the scrap heap. No…

What’s the Green Fuel of the Future for Shipping?

How I like those pros/cons lists. So easy to compare stuff -…

Chinese Government Urges Dam Operators at Maximum Capacity to Hold Back the Flood

Those rains look like the wrath of God. And Chinese leaders react…

Green California Faces Dark Future

Oh, thats just perfect. Right before the election, people get…

An Industry Out of Control: 13 Major Climate Reports in 2020, and 42 Minor Reports

Money, money, money, money - and for what. reports that are wong…

Kamala Harris and AOC craft crazy climate law

It's a good thing to see madmen (women) for what they are. Democrats…

Media Try To Discredit Inconvenient Record Temperature In 1913

If your narrative is "it's getting hotter every year" then a…

Big Oil Asset Write-Downs Are Not The End Of The Oil Age

Wasn't that the perfect opportunity to clean the balance sheet…

How eco-warriors are using Covid as an excuse to drive cars off the road

I saw an interesting opinion piece some days ago that NY city…

Guardian warns ‘last chance’ on climate change, after many other ‘last chances’

I am back from my recess and the first topic that hits me today…

Wave of N. American oil and gas bankruptcies to continue at $40/bbl crude

It's important for the bankruptcies to continue. There is an…

High Stakes

We need more business in the business world. Public corporations…

‘Deniers’ of the World, Unite!

I have kids in school age. I handpicked the schools with my wife…

Japan to limit financing of overseas coal power plants

Sure they do - they need the money for their own brand new coal…

Energy Transfer refuses to shut Dakota Access pipeline, says judge “exceeded authority”

You cant have an arrangement, a compromise with extremists. They…

Post-Pandemic, a Sustained, Essential Recovery Will Depend on Energy

The US has a number of opportunities right now. It could develop…

Weaknesses of solar and wind, Myths and Questions that require an answer

Wind and solar advocates will raise hell that those costs are…

China as Economic Bogeyman

China's original business model was simple. My workforce is cheaper…

Shell’s shipping study confirms LNG as transition fuel

A transition towards what? Towards no shipping anymore? Because…

Facebook Accused of Allowing Climate Deniers to Promote Their Views

If Facebook blocks out opinions that differ from a certain policy,…

Latest deadly Mozambique attack raises stakes further for LNG projects

The real problem of those LNG projects is not that there are…

Japan To Build 22 New Coal Power Plants

Surprise, surprise - let me guess. The Japanese Prime Minister…

Rebuilding the energy base for real economic growth in South Africa

South Africa has a way more urgent task at its hands. It must…

BBC Worry That 1.5C Target Might Be Breached

The 1,5 degrees have been breached many times in the past in…

Report renewable energy risks, too

What Biden would do is nothing but a giant shakeoff of the Oil…

RE Rent Seekers Become Virus Victims: Wind & Solar Investment Collapses Post-Pandemic

What is so surprising about this. If you run on taxpayer money…

France, Germany and Two Paths to Cut Carbon

Germany needs to be shamed from using any coal electricity and…

“We Could Quickly Get Used to Climate Chaos”

Climate chaos is what we have lived through since life emerged.…

Climate Activists Step Up Calls for Imprisoning Climate Realists

When after WW2 the Iron Curtain came down on Europe, the leaders…

Remember when we were told: “The Arctic Is On Fire, and We Should all Be Terrified”? It’s SNOWING there now.

So where is the big news now? Abnormally cold weather in Siberia.…

The Quick Brown Scientist Jumps Over the Lazy Hack

In Austria, it's an open secret for years. If you want to have…

We Can’t Solve Climate Issues Without Talking About Black Lives Matter

I thought the planet is dying. I thought we are all in this together?…

Boris Johnson Warned That Tone Deaf Carbon Taxes Risk ‘Poll Tax’ Fiasco

There is some thinking going on right now. Policymakers start…

Stop making sense: why it’s time to get emotional about climate change

You cannot stop what you have never done in the first place.…

11 industry majors pave way for accelerating energy transition

And first of all, they have come together to shale down the taxpayer…

The Death Of U.S. Oil

Some people don't see the forest because they stare at one tree…

Shale Gas: A Game-Changer for US Manufacturing

Who relates to those recommendations for real? Here is something…

Europe’s Green Hydrogen Revolution Is Turning Blue

Its called the Green Hydrogen Revolution so keep the blue out.…

Goodbye, diesel exhaust. California adopts nation’s first zero-emission truck rule

Expect a lot of fudges around this rule. Because battery trucks…

Saudis Threaten New Oil-Price War With OPEC Brethren

I always suspected that the real target never was shale but rather…

It Doesn’t Have to be This Way: Australia’s Energy Crisis, America’s Energy Surplu

It sounds like a joke that a resource-rich country like Australia…

Petronet to set up 1,350 LNG dispensing stations across major highways

LNG is cheaper than diesel which makes India save on diesel imports.…

Nord Stream 2 Could Sever Transatlantic Ties

Germany must be free to buy its energy from wherever it wants.…

U.S. natural gas exports to Mexico set to rise with completion of the Wahalajara system

Mexico is a natural market for US gas (yes, also for LNG), and…

Why the Color of a Colorless Gas Matters for Green Energy

Capacity? Thats what they worry about? Has anyone ever looked…

What Does the Future of Offshore Wind Energy Look Like?

The future of offshore wind? It's going to be a neverending fight…

As Gas Prices Sag, Nigeria Plans to Pump More to Global Markets

Nigeria imports a lot of diesel fuel. It costs the country a…

Citigroup says oil demand will never reach pre-pandemic levels

It will not only reach it, but it will also far exceed it. The…