Amazing Grace Saves A Wretch

I know university professors who are essentially highly educated…

Renowned Green Activist Apologizes For The Climate Scare

Interestingly, the article was pulled from Forbes mee hours after…

Extra £14bn needed a year for climate, report says

If you look behind the scenes you see that it's mainly the companies…

Chesapeake Energy, a pioneer in the U.S. shale revolution, files for bankruptcy protection

Its time the golden boys hype abates and their creations go away.…

How America Can Win the Critical Minerals Battle Against China

China is able to produce those only because they don't give a…

Minnesota Sues Exxon, Koch Over Climate Change

How about EXXON and other energy companies agree to help Minnesota…

Oil Market Optimism Downplays DUCs

It's not surprising that shale players try to pep up the short…

The Climate Model Muddle

When I still worked as a manager in the energy industry, I had…

Select House Members push “Climate Crisis” Action Plan

So, it's pretty clear They want to push another tax onto the…

Is the hydrogen tech ‘revolution’ hope or hype?

The overwhelming majority of the hydrogen used today is made…

UK could hit 40C ‘regularly’ by end of this century

Really? I am asking because the heatwave 120 years ago was hotter…

Gazprom starts building ice-resistant platform for extreme conditions of Arctic field

The first to be implemented in such extreme ice and climate conditions…


We start to find out that 80% of the people have real problems…

Oil Shock Upends Shale’s Newest Powerhouse

It's a good thing when states feel that the bounty could end…

Guyana must embrace transparency to realise oil wealth

I remember the early days of oil production in Ghana. I was in…

Regulation needs to catch up with hydrogen development

Hydrogen embrittles the steel Natural Gas pipelines are made…

Out of Nowhere, Something Just Rocked Earth’s Magnetic Field

The evidence starts to accumulate. We are going into a super-solar-minimum.…

New Climate Assessment Suggests No Dangerous Warming

Looks like India has come to understand that fighting for a lie…

Now crystal clear: the left is weaponizing science for its benefit

Does anyone remember the 12-year claim? It's over folks. We are…

UK Government: “we must seize the opportunity to make the COVID-19 recovery a defining moment in tackling the climate crisis”

Boris did a great job making everyone believe that finally, Westminster…

Increase Taxes On Cars & Home Heating, Says Gummer

It looks like life is too easy for the average citizen. Otherwise,…

Increasingly Cheap Natural Gas Will Help Power Economic Recovery

Oil will go back to between 50 and 50 USD. If Natural Gas remains…

China’s energy weakness will lose the New Cold War

Its always said that China has its hypersonic missiles and therefore,…

$190 oil sounds crazy. But JPMorgan thinks it’s possible, even after the pandemic

Well, 190 USD ae certainly on the extreme end but eventually,…

Democrats eye tax credit assistance for renewables in infrastructure bill

Hey, hey, hey - what's going on. Wind and solar are the cheapest…

Energy industry eyes new opportunities with federal approval of LNG by rail

Considering that activists often block the construction of new…

Bland LNG contracts need a bit of seasoning

Smart contracting is not going to solve the fundamental issues…

3 Years and $3 Trillion Could Shift the Climate Change Narrative

The world has been on an unprecedented money printing binge for…

Demand for Vegan Soy Driving Climate Change, Brazilian Habitat Destruction

Just like Greta's vegan Bananas - grown in a greenhouse in Sweden.…

Getting Expensive for Mann

Oh man - that must hurt. Winds are turning - slowly so but they…

Scientific American: “Nuclear Power Will Replace Oil By 2030”

I like nuclear. I have learned recently thats it's not all plain…

Coal Plant Closures During Trump-Era Surpass Those During Obama’s Last Term, Data Shows

Cheap Natural Gas combined with highly subsidized renewables,…

Buffett and Gates: America Is Already Great, Thanks to Immigrants

Yes, it was immigrants that had a huge part in making America…

China’s Oil Industry Is In CrisisChina’s Oil Industry Is In Crisis

China is trying frantically to keep its economy humming. But…

Shell’s $12 Billion LNG Experiment Becomes A Big Headache

I hate to say this as I rather admire Shell for its balls. This…

Global Man-made CO2 emissions 1965 – 2019, BP data

I personally don't have a problem with CO2. I like more of it…

Minerals Council of Australia Fails to Appease Climate Activists

Trying to appease green activists with gestures and concessions…

NSW Government Offers Subsidised Infrastructure for Renewable Energy, Overwhelming Response

Australia is setting itself up for much more trouble. It will…

Judges Acknowledge how Climate Litigation Proponents Try to Undermine Rule of Law

This litigation costs a lot of money. Where does that come from?…

German hydrogen economy to spark traded market for imports: consultants

The only thing this has done is opening the floodgates for windy…

An Inconvenient Truth: Gore Proven Spectacularly Wrong on Glacier National Park

How was that again about "no more snow on Mt. Kilimanjaro by…

We still need coal to ensure power grid reliability

Most people don't appreciate the flickery nature of wind and…

Oil Prices May Not Reflect Demand Signals

Oil price have not reflected real demand signals for many, many…

French hydrogen mobility project passes major milestone

OK, let me get this straight. They have passed a major milestone…

OPEC+ and Iraq come to terms on cheating, strengthening the deal

You cant stop cheating. Most OPEC countries have very thin reserves…

Swallowing the Green manifesto leaves a nasty taste in Ireland

Its a big watershed moment and I get it - most big political…

New Website For Wind Farm Data

In Austria, we have a saying: "Lies have short legs". Wind energy…

Blood Batteries? Climate Advocates Grappling with the Gruesome Human Cost of Renewable Energy

Ethics - in the same sentence with Renewable Energy? Thats a…

When ‘Social Justice’ Comes to Investing

    And spineless managers will bow to them.…

Accelerating demand lifts WTI crude futures above $40/bbl

Just a few weeks ago, WTI was negative and the oil world was…

Disproofs of the CO2 Emissions Global Warming Theory*

A pretty good read and full of logical explanations. I just ask…

Russia remains warm on Arctic projects

When the Soviet Union looked at their gas fields in Western Siberia…

Failing Cities and States use Climate Change Lawsuits as Fiscal Escape Hatch

Thats what it has always been about. Money. Those cities have…

Global Warming: Facebook Thinks its Opinion is Better than Yours

Social Media Companies have so successfully monopolized public…

To Halt Climate Change, We Need an Ecological Leninism

Economic Leninism - sure - complete with execution commandos…

Desperate Policymakers Rushing Into Inefficient Hydrogen

Hydrogen is hard to produce, hard to store, hard to transport…

Fauci: Americans “Don’t Believe Science”

I don't like this whole belief thing. It belongs to the spiritual…