What The BBC Don’t Want You To Know About Miami’s Rising Seas
This article takes quite some time to get to the real juicy bits.…
Swift production declines may keep shale operators on oil rebound’s sidelines
Keep this message pinned to your desktop for a few months. Prices…
Wind farms paid record £.9.3m to switch off their turbines on Friday
But when you talk to a renewable advocate, thats not a subsidy.…
Mexican President Stands Firm on Renewable Energy Ban: “One of the typical scams of the neoliberals”
It's refreshing to see a leading politician stand up for what…
Six Teenagers Win Court Appeal In Colorado Fracking Case
Anything humans do changes the environment. We like to dream…
Ancient ocean oxygen levels associated with changing atmospheric carbon dioxide
Most people do not have a clue how minute those traces of CO2…
Prioritizing climate over pandemics
That is true for many other domains that deserve much more attention.…
Naomi Oreskes, the Golden Opportunity
This just shows how woefully unprepared the Climate Realist side…
The Looming Failure of Wind Energy
I have a new word for Australians. Load shedding. Don't know…
Greenpeace Climate Activists Take on Silicon Valley: Slam Big Oil Connections
The tech giants thought they can muddle through this with some…
Qatar Says Big Natural Gas Expansion Plans Remain Despite Global Glut
It's very good to see that at least some players in the market…
Labor wants Australia to go green during economic recovery
Whats cheap gas? As compared to upstream costs in Qatar or as…
There is no Climate Emergency !
Any person with half a brain looks at this and must logically…
China To Boost Oil & Gas Exploration, As EU Prepares To Commit Suicide
The only reason why China was keen on Renewable Energy up to…
Is Rig Count a Reliable Production Gauge These Days?
I am no driller but even I understand that not every rig is equal…
Natural Gas Prices Could Double Next Year
Many tend to forget that much of the Natural Gas produced is…
42 faith groups in 14 countries announce divestment from fossil fuels
Thats is very fitting. The Climate Cult has become a quasi-religious…
Snow Job: Giant Pumped Hydro Scheme Set to Destroy Australia’s Favourite National Park
Just imagine an oil or gas operation would destroy an entire…
China’s central planners could jump-start commodity demand in Friday meeting
Renewable Energy developers are racing to erect all their installations…
Renewable energy transition to accelerate on drop in power demand
Wow, thats reality rejection at its best. Renewable Energy needs…
Polish consortium to decide on small-scale LNG terminal in Gdansk
Could that be a blueprint for many other similar such facilities?…
Fracked gas contains high amounts of methane
Who would have thought that? Some people should go easy on regulated…
The Oil Rally Is Running On Fumes
The recovery is going to take more than 2 months, thats safe…
It Turns Out COVID Isn’t Helping The Climate
And we also find out that not only are CO2 emissions not lower…
Successful year and a half of trials of the world’s first two hydrogen trains
Will we also get to know how much money this White Elephant costs…
‘We’re engaged’: Alaska gets China backing for natural gas project
Why so complicated? If China wants to help the Alaska LNG project…
European gas markets plunge despite US LNG cancellations
US LNG projects shut down and cut back on costs. Thats a hard…
Energy storage is driving the transition
WoodMac must have quite a stake in the RE business to un a piece…
China Considers More Economic Pain for Australia on Virus Spat
Thats what happens if the big red Ponzi is not happy. And especially…
Oil Jumps Above $30 for First Time in 2 Months
Ain't that funny. Just two weeks ago the news cycle was full…
The real climate science deniers
The world is still grappling with a lot of issues. Real issues…
Planet of the Greens : why eco-activists turn on each other
More visual information to match the disinformation campaigns…
LNG price war could send natural gas into negative territory
LNG is way more susceptible to this than oil is actually as there…
No One Expected U.S. Shale Oil Output Cuts to Happen So Fast
Shale still has quite some surprises up its sleeve. They are…
On The New Gemini Solar Power Plant Near Las Vegas
We still don't have reliable information about what those monsters…
Coronavirus widens climate rift between European and U.S. oil majors
The US economy is in for a mighty rebound which will be fuelled…
Coal industry will never recover after coronavirus pandemic, say experts
I would forcefully argue to the contrary. Coal will stage a comeback…
New Zealand Budget Ditches Climate Change, Prioritises the Economy
All "Developed country" governments will have a chasm to bridge.…
AOC on Green New Deal: It ‘Costs $0 If Passed’
Why passing a non-binding proposal into law? It just lends credibility…
Total pledges to be carbon neutral by 2050
Does this mean that no living thing will work there anymore by…
LNG: Intercontinental to inter-regional?
Traders want their global pricing points and they will raise…
CSIRO Scientists Accidentally Prove Coral Rapidly Adapts to Global Warming
Corals have survived periods that have been far warmer than now.…
New Film ‘SwitchOn’ Spotlights Transformative Power of Energy
Nobody gives two damns about stable, reliable and affordable…
A Once-In-A-Lifetime Warnings For Oil Investors
It's never nice to break a 75-year streak but those are exceptional…
The In-depth Story Behind a Climate Fraud
Everyone should watch this.
Linkedin Thread
Nigeria Is Running Out of Places to Put its LNG Production
Nigeria has a chronic shortage of liquid fuels. Whoever has already…
Will ‘Green’ Energy Save the Planet?
A joke: "When Ronald Reagan was president he met Michael Gorbatchev.…
A systemic approach to a lower carbon future
Oil & Gas have a big job at their hands when they want to…
Forget About Your Health & Livelihoods, Cutting CO2 Is More Important
Confirmation of what we have supposed for a long time. Greens…
Natural gas trucks will continue to travel toll-free on German highways
Not long ago I looked at Germany and thought that this is one…
@CNN hits peak stupid, taps @GretaThunberg for #COVID19 panel
She can't finish school but she is an expert in anything she…
Computer modelled scaremongering ain’t going to cut it anymore
COVID-19 has shown us what all those models are worth. I have…
Solar Panel Trial Save Homes Hundreds Of Pounds A Year–At A Cost Of £55K!
Spend 55,000 Pounds to save a few hundred pounds a year. It would…
The Big Cover Up: Wind Industry Burying Millions of Toxic Turbine Blades In Landfills
We have put ourselves into a damn corner. In order to save the…
Development of the world’s 1st zero emissions, autonomous feeder halted due to COVID-19
Let me guess. The project participants had found out long before…
Qatar positioned to risk an LNG battle that could mimic oil’s plunge
Qatar still is the lowest cost LNG producer out there. Today's…
Twisting the Knife: European lawmakers consider tougher climate law
COVID shows us where the limits of European liberty are. All…
World’s largest solar farm could cause explosion on scale of small nuclear bomb, residents complain
What a beauty. Thats the kind of thing that I want in the backyard…
Planet of the Anti-Humanists
Thats a common trait of all absolutist dictatorships. As long…
Global climate battle shifts to ‘once-in-a-generation’ government spending
There was ample evidence that the cost of all this is breaking…