AOC on Green New Deal: It ‘Costs $0 If Passed’
Why passing a non-binding proposal into law? It just lends credibility…
Total pledges to be carbon neutral by 2050
Does this mean that no living thing will work there anymore by…
LNG: Intercontinental to inter-regional?
Traders want their global pricing points and they will raise…
CSIRO Scientists Accidentally Prove Coral Rapidly Adapts to Global Warming
Corals have survived periods that have been far warmer than now.…
New Film ‘SwitchOn’ Spotlights Transformative Power of Energy
Nobody gives two damns about stable, reliable and affordable…
A Once-In-A-Lifetime Warnings For Oil Investors
It's never nice to break a 75-year streak but those are exceptional…
The In-depth Story Behind a Climate Fraud
Everyone should watch this.
Linkedin Thread
Nigeria Is Running Out of Places to Put its LNG Production
Nigeria has a chronic shortage of liquid fuels. Whoever has already…
Will ‘Green’ Energy Save the Planet?
A joke: "When Ronald Reagan was president he met Michael Gorbatchev.…
A systemic approach to a lower carbon future
Oil & Gas have a big job at their hands when they want to…
Forget About Your Health & Livelihoods, Cutting CO2 Is More Important
Confirmation of what we have supposed for a long time. Greens…
Natural gas trucks will continue to travel toll-free on German highways
Not long ago I looked at Germany and thought that this is one…
@CNN hits peak stupid, taps @GretaThunberg for #COVID19 panel
She can't finish school but she is an expert in anything she…
Computer modelled scaremongering ain’t going to cut it anymore
COVID-19 has shown us what all those models are worth. I have…
Solar Panel Trial Save Homes Hundreds Of Pounds A Year–At A Cost Of £55K!
Spend 55,000 Pounds to save a few hundred pounds a year. It would…
The Big Cover Up: Wind Industry Burying Millions of Toxic Turbine Blades In Landfills
We have put ourselves into a damn corner. In order to save the…
Development of the world’s 1st zero emissions, autonomous feeder halted due to COVID-19
Let me guess. The project participants had found out long before…
Qatar positioned to risk an LNG battle that could mimic oil’s plunge
Qatar still is the lowest cost LNG producer out there. Today's…
Twisting the Knife: European lawmakers consider tougher climate law
COVID shows us where the limits of European liberty are. All…
World’s largest solar farm could cause explosion on scale of small nuclear bomb, residents complain
What a beauty. Thats the kind of thing that I want in the backyard…
Planet of the Anti-Humanists
Thats a common trait of all absolutist dictatorships. As long…
Global climate battle shifts to ‘once-in-a-generation’ government spending
There was ample evidence that the cost of all this is breaking…
Oil Demand Could Exceed Supply By End-May
Some still seem to think that they can tune the oil market. When…
Secure power: Gigawatts, geopolitics, and China’s energy internet
China says it wants to get off coal and while it does so it builds…
UK Subsidises Fossil Fuels By £10bn A Year–Claims EU
Lets put this straight. What they call subsidy is mostly tax…
Nuclear Power to Be Replaced with LNG, Renewable Energy Powers
That will sure get LNG project promoters salivating. Thats a…
Does New York need a new natural gas pipeline? It’s about to decide.
Its time for New Yorkers to be completely unhooked from any fossil…
Why Is Anyone Drilling Shale at All These Days?
Many people seem not to understand the nature of sunk costs.…
Sen. Warren, API stand against Trump’s proposed aid for oil companies
Thats a very special day that I must mak red on my calendar.…
Oil Will Hit $100 in Around 18 Months
Oil did not manage to even scratch USD 100 before COVID and now…
Anxiety From Reactions to Covid-19 Will Destroy At Least Seven Times More Years of Life Than Can Be Saved by Lockdowns
Nobody ever sat down and did a proper risk assessment. Determine…
Cool Off The Wild Rhetoric With China Or Freeze Out U.S. Energy Exports
America (and the rest of the developed world) suffer because…
Is This The End Of The LNG Boom?
I know I sound like a broken record but this world is blind and…
Oil at $30 may be enough to revive shale activity, say drillers
So, USD 30 oil may be enough to infuse the shale sector with…
Carnival Plans Gradual Resumption of Cruise Activity from August
Cruise companies had a lot of bad press because of COVID-19 but…
Investors holding trillions of dollars of assets join calls for green Covid-19 recovery
If those investors have trillions of USD in assets, they sure…
Inside Rev. Jesse Jackson’s push for a natural gas pipeline
I have always said that one needs to let people enjoy the consequences…
Saudi Arabia, Hit With Oil Collapse and Coronavirus, Tosses Lifelines
It may just be a strange coincidence but many times dynasties…
Growing demand for natural and renewable gas stations in the U.S.
T-Boone looks down from the cloud he is sitting on and must be…
Mexico: state of Puebla supports more investments in NGV industry
Mexico would be a very valuable LNG customer for US-based LNG…
Oxford Academics Promote Covid-19 Renewable Investment Stimulus
Those academics essentially oppose anything that would make life…
Unsuitable for ‘human life to flourish’: Up to 3B will live in extreme heat by 2070, study warns
Dubai is way above the global average today. It looks like an…
California redwoods are tops in carbon storage needed to fight climate change, nonprofit says
Trees almost killed all life on the planet already once. Shocked?…
NLNG plans construction contract for $10bn Train 7 project
NLNG T7 - that project has been around as a ghost longer than…
Houston Chronicle France’s Total targets carbon neutrality in 2050
Any manager that aims at objectives that lie 30 years in the…
Internal Chinese report warns Beijing faces Tiananmen-like global backlash over virus
This will likely be far worse then Tiananmen. When the students…
A breakthrough approaches for solar power
As if this was the real problem of solar. Efficiency gains are…
Extinction Rebellion’s plot to ‘sabotage the economy’ by staging rent strikes, halting tax payments and taking out bank loans they don’t intend to repay
Any more questions about the motives of those groups. How long…
German energy agency asks to widen toll exemption for LNG trucks
Not long ago, Germany was THE laggard in terms of implementing…
Woodside finds it’s not easy being green
It's not easy to dance on two parties that are diametrically…
Is The U.S. Using Sanctions To Elbow Russia Out Of The European Natural Gas Market?
US LNG producers were never interested in Europe. Not long ago…
Trump administration pushing to rip global supply chains from China
Actually, there has never been a better time to do this than…
Algeria leader vows to develop new resources beyond energy to ease economic crisis
There is one resource that would carry Algeria to new economic…
Blackout risk as low demand for power brings plea to switch off wind farms
And any RE fan will vigorously claim that wind and solar are…
Researchers, Lawmakers Cry Foul After Harvard Quietly Edits Study Suggesting Pollution Leads To More COVID Deaths
More models, more assumptions, more opinions and the same flimsy…
Climbing the carbon wall while the oil price collapses
I can hear their excuses already now. Renewables would be much…
Argentinian shale suffers further setbacks
The true problem plaguing Argentinian shale is not the oil price…
Oil demand is beginning a slow, and fragile, recovery worldwide
Oil will get to 100 MMbbl/d again. maybe not in a year but it…
Storage Saga Contributes to New Oil Market Chapter
OK, then the storage craze has officially started. We need our…
China Fires Up Coal Power Plant Construction
In hard times you fall back on what you know and what works.…