NOAA Satellite records second largest 2-month temperature drop in history
Its getting cold folks. The new Grand Minimum seems to be upon…
Perfect storm strikes Venezuela
Oil production is "poised to plummet"? Really? At the level oil…
China’s state producers slash $19 billion from 2020 capex budgets
So even China does not think we will return to business as usual.…
Gas and LNG brace for tougher times
The current situation of LNG did not arise with COVID-19 and…
Asset managers deliver brutal verdict on oil
Yes, the world is going to change fundamentally over the next…
Model Madness – Parallels Between Failed Climate Models And Failed Coronavirus Models
Those that believe we can predict the future must feel humbled…
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Rejoices At Negative Oil Prices
AOC seems to have a strange knack for destroying the prospects…
Is Working From Home the New Normal? Or a Green Fantasy?
New normal? No, people crave for going back to their offices…
Futures contract moves endangering WTI prices again
I expect the storage situation to be even worse in may than it…
Green hydrogen can be cost competitive
We start to understand that much of the assumed cost reductions…
The Pandemic Is Accelerating Coal’s Demise
No it ain't. For that to happen, energy buyers in Asia would…
Australia asks China to explain ‘economic coercion’ threat in coronavirus row
It's getting ugly. Something is obviously wrong with Chinas numbers.…
Nuclear’s New Age: Americans Lead Race to Build Small Modular Plants
It looks like the future of electricity generation. I am not…
Low Electricity Demand and System Balancing Problems during The UK’s Coronavirus Lockdown
Renewable operators have been feeding on free system overcapacity…
Michael Moore Presents: Planet of the Humans
For all those who have not seen it yet, here is the link. Watch…
Pinning hopes on LNG wild cards
Numbers games. Funny, but thy only carry us so far. All simulation…
US Fracking Set for Biggest Ever Monthly Drop
Quick to fall - quick to come back again. The rest of the oil…
Saudis join three other OPEC+ nations cutting output early
Is that supposed to be a joke? Cutting output early 3 days before…
27 oil tankers with nowhere to unload parked off Californian coast
Yeahh, thats the real game. Saudi Arabia wanted its tanks empty…
The Oil Industry Doesn’t Need Government Protection
Are you saying that the oil industry can stand on its own against…
Michael Moore turns on climate left with film skewering green energy
I keep telling everyone to consume everything Michael Moore produces…
From Green Blindness to a New Reality
Protecting the environment does not mean stopping any natural…
Why gas can emerge from negative pricing and the Covid-19 crisis as the major future hydrocarbon
What does that mean - sold at the right price? Prices are rock…
Asian LNG prices take bigger coronavirus hit than Brent crude
And they will remain sluggish for much longer than oil prices…
Oil sector poised to bounce back from the coronavirus
People are pissed now - and they want the lockdown to end no…
“Global public tells the United Nations: Take action on climate change and the environment”
We will soon have a new series of referendums on Climate Change…
Solar Cycle 25 Has Started
Yes - and the Sun is - drumrolls - spotless. Not the slightest…
Plunge in Oil Prices Could Shake Up Middle East, Russia
Expect a lot of vanity spending by Russia but also Saudi Arabia…
Mercedes End Hydrogen Car Development
A lucid moment for a great vehicle builder. Now get back to ICE…
U.S. Natural Gas to Be World’s Priciest Amid Virus Upheaval
And the Gas Industry just sits there, in a state of shock, waiting…
Qatar Signs Deal for First of 120 LNG Newbuilding Slots with Chinese Shipbuilder
Countercyclical investment. Qatar knows that LNG will not only…
Global oil supply to fall 6% by 2030 due to delayed projects
And there will be more blood. Get used to it - its the tune by…
North Dakota flared 19% of its natural gas production in 2019
I know that oil and gas ain't worth crap right now but in those…
#EarthDay at 50: None Of The Eco-Doomsday Predictions Have Come True
In a normal world, human-induced Climate Change would be a dead…
Renault Zoe- Joke Of The Year
Yes, thats exactly what people need right now. A superexpensive…
“Bath Sponge” Metal Organic Material Makes Climate Friendly Hydrogen Automobiles Viable
Economics folks. What does all this cost? Or is it just one more…
What Was It Like When Venus And Mars Became Uninhabitable Planets?
We know that the atmosphere of Venus is 96,5% CO2. Everything…
Pandemic shines harsh light on Trump’s failure to protect pangolins
Wasn't there a man who failed to trim his nose-hair resulting…
COVID19 models – a lesson for those who trust climate scientists-Joe D’Aleo
More than 10 years ago I was still in my comfy corporate job…
$0 Oil Forces Canada To Shut Down Crude Production
This is not going to be over quickly. And there is a lot of jobs…
Michael Moore’s ‘Planet of the Humans’ asks: what if green energy cannot save the planet?
The only thing this film answer is where the next couple of millions…
Earth Day at 50: Progress, Not Politics, Cleaned Up America
I have said so many times and I will not tire saying so again.…
Saudis and Russia Hint at Further Action
Further action? What is this going to be then? 10 MMbbl/d less…
Qatar And Russia Fight For LNG Supremacy As Prices Fall To Historic Lows
Oh, Russia, when will you learn. You can compete with the Qataris…
British Gas Installer Recommends Working From Home- Latest Climate Assembly News
Sure, people can change their habits fairly quickly if they have…
Saudi Cutting Oil Prices to Asia Shows Supply War Isn’t Over
If I was a Saudi Aramco manager I would want to get rid of all…
Record demand for natural gas for vehicles in the United Kingdom
They are clean, they are efficient, they are a safe and proven…
DOE working to lease out 23 MMbbl of Strategic Petroleum Reserve capacity
There is a fleet of Saudi oil tankers on its way towards the…
U.S. debates paying its producers to leave oil untapped during glut
Things are getting ugly and some think they can plug the market.…
Oil plunges to lowest since 1986 amid historic glut
I have a bet running for almost 4 weeks now. Back then I bet…
Checklist of Green Deal cost elements
Yes, I can hear some of the Alarmist tribe hoping that the current…
A Saudi-U.S.-Russia Oil Deal Is Not a Good Idea
The only comfort the deal gives us is that we know it won't work…
From the chaos of the coronavirus pandemic can come a new order for LNG markets
The LNG spot market is in no way comparable to the gas hubs of…
Oil Glut May Overwhelm Storage Tanks in Weeks
And what then? Saudi Arabia is still trying to mop up any demand…
Anthony Veder, BV complete survey using augmented reality
I am not a marine guy but I ask myself what's so hard in automating…
Shell greenlights $6.4 billion Australia natural gas project
They have balls - I must give them that. But then again, markets…
Trump’s OPEC+ moment concedes US oil dominance
Trump has an opportunity to create a North American energy community.…
Covid-19 Farce: Democrats Hint at New Impeachment Proceedings Over President Trump’s WHO Funding Stop
Most international organizations are a farce. Dictatorships with…
How The Green New Deal’s Renewable Energy Mining Would Harm Humans And The Environment
Dig up the country - thats green. In Germany, entire forests…
Russia paid a heavy price to end the oil price war
Just for perspective - Russia produced more than 11 MMbbl/d so…