Elder Abuse: Renewable Energy Obsession Leaves Millions of Grannies Freezing In The Dark

Oil is at its cheapest, gas is at rock bottom, coal is a trifle,…

Trump got the oil deal he wanted – by not dealing at all

OPEC+ announces a deal and the price jumps. That tells us something…

46 STATEMENTS By IPCC Experts Against The IPCC

Who are the 97% when there are such quality scientists in the…

Here’s Why Californians Are Getting Reamed At The Gas Pump Despite Rock-Bottom Oil Prices

This is all Socialists know. Fleecing the people for what they…

Wind Energy Group Says $43 Billion at Risk from COVID-19

Tax credits, tax credits. I always hear that solar and wind are…

Oil Industry Deserves to Compete on Its Merits

Subsidies are always the wrong way. They distort the market.…

Poland: natural gas station for heavy vehicles will open on TEN-T corridor

LNG for trucking goes east. I like that. It won't take as many…

Australian Policy Makers Under Siege as Oil Amplifies Crisis

When a relatively well-developed economy that's also relatively…

A ‘Little Ice Age’ Is Upon Us: Take Note And Be Ready To Change Your Thinking

The market ice age that's upon us can be dealt with. Yes, its…

Qatar Petroleum not scaling down LNG expansion despite delay in bids

And they are right. This oversupply will blow over. It will take…

BP issues force majeure to Golar over Tortue Ahmeyim LNG project

I have seen many Force Majeure definitions in my life as a contract…

Trump faces bitterly divided companies in his bid to save shale

The big players don't want any intervention - big deal. They…

New Oil Discovery Made in US GOM

There is still plenty of oil in those old drilling places. I…

Free Electricity!!

Such madness is usually a sign of a market that finally reaches…

Russia’s hand: weaker than it seems

Russia has thrown its state problems to its own population to…

OPEC+ Agrees to 10 mmbbl/d Production Cut… Should the US join in?

Does anyone know what's in the deal? I have a feeling it's just…

How low could Asian spot LNG prices fall this summer?

Oh, that's an easy one. As soon as single LNG cargos become impossible…

Colluding With the (Oil) Enemy

Those charades drive a stake into the idea that oil is a market.…

Coronavirus Has Saved Lives In China

Bullcrap. It was technology that has lifted China out of the…

Progress continues, slowly, toward an historic global oil deal

How is this deal going to be enforced? Will the US navy have…

Evaporating demand leading aggressive crude price cuts worldwide

Just consider this: Saudi Arabia has more than double the tank…

African Energy Chamber urges OPEC and OPEC+ to end oil price war

This should be an opportunity to African countries and their…

Global renewables expansion in 2020 will be ‘wiped out’ by Covid-19

In times of great uncertainty and crisis, people go back to what…

Covid-19 and dependence on China’s PV supply chain

Dependence on China? Can't be - or is it rather that we cannot…

Germany: first liquefied natural gas station opens in Wolfsburg

In 2011 I spoke at a conference in Vienna about the need to transform…

Top LNG Buyer Asks Suppliers to Hold Off on Deliveries

The entire LNG world only knows simmering frogs by now and we…

Trump Forced by Oil War Into Unthinkable Push for Higher Prices

Trump should up the ante. Russia and SA want to see where this…

Rail cars latest target for traders hunting cheap oil storage

Oil in every pot. Soon we will experience what it means when…

Oil crash kills Vaca Muerta’s potential as the next shale hotspot

COVID is not the biggest threat to Vaca Muerte. The Argentinian…

Apache in second ‘significant oil discovery’ offshore Suriname

With shale, oil sands and all those discoveries to the south…

The U.S. Can’t Afford To Let Shale Fail

COVID-19 shows what happens if one lets other countries run essentials…

Russia Won’t Boost Oil Output Amid Oversupply, Official Says

First signs of the bear blinking? I don't buy the story that…

Analysts agree 2020 tough for LNG sellers

I have said so a zillion times and I will say it again. LNG sellers…

LNG ‘Chain Reaction’ Taking Place in Europe

So, prices take another dip. They are at around 10 € per MWh,…

Trump to Meet With Oil Executives

They want a bailout of course. There will be the obligatory calls…

Oil price crunch could be bad news for Russia

I did not know about the blending issue when I made my early…

Shell shutters Prelude LNG and delays Crux expansion

Lots of companies will use COVID-19 and the resulting crisis…

San Francisco bans reusable bags in coronavirus fight

How quickly bain comes back to people when their lives are really…

Government’s decarbonising transport plan: a good time to bury bad news?

How good to know that those ruling us know so very well what…

Japan Refuse To Increase Emissions Cuts

No politician ever was serious about Climate Change. Those doing…

Trump Plans Call With Putin to Discuss Falling Oil Prices

Trump cannot do what Putin can do. When Putin decides to cut…

Svalbard finds tranquilizing & removing problem polar bears comes with risks to bears

Tell Greta, Gore, and Attenborough that there are more Polar…

What Saudi Arabia and Russia do next

Blink once, bad on you. Blink twice, your credibility is down…

Some Canadian crude costs more to ship than to buy

The bleeding will be intense. That's what Russia and OPEC kill…

The world’s on the brink of running out of places to put oil

We have already seen the first bout of negative prices. An obscure…

LNG deal with Qatar: Govt under pressure to declare force majeure

Its a staple of long-term LNG contracts. Sellers accept price…

COVID-19 Exposes Opponents Of ‘Fracking’ For Oil And Natural Gas

Snakes love the high grass. They can hide in it and their sense…

Global supply chains as a way to curb carbon emissions

When the term energy independence was touted for the first time…

Civil Rights Leaders Rail Against Enviro Activists, Say Natural Gas Benefits Black Communities

Here we go - I always said that once politicians recognize that…

China extracts record amount of natural gas from Gas Hydrates in South China Sea

China most certainly has an incentive to make hydrates work for…

National Geographic: “Why we won’t avoid a climate catastrophe”

I grew up in the toxic Seventies. I was squeezed in between toxic…

Professor Sees Climate Mayhem Lurking Behind Covid-19 Outbreak

Its time for those folks to go easy on the weed. Its the other…

Oil market fears U.S. is running out of crude storage capacity

Storage is going to fill up, every available tanker will be filled…

The Double Disaster We Must Avoid — Blackouts During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Developed countries have traditionally built their power grids…

British Climate Activists: “Corona is the cure. Humans are the disease”

That's what I love about those nutbags. They cannot help it and…

German logistics firm plans to have 20% of its fleet fueled by LNG in 2025

Just to get a feeling for the dimensions involved. If all naval…

Australia may need LNG imports from 2024

Look at the distances. Australia may be the smallest continent…

Investors Are Warming to Natural Gas

Once the LNG/CNG as a fuel drive gets underway in full, gas prices…