Former UK PM Gordon Brown: Time for ‘Global Government’ to Tackle Coronavirus
Oh yeah, that's what they dreamt off when they wake up with wet…
Can the North Sea Survive the Oil Price Crash?
That's the true target of Russia and Saudi Arabia. They know…
Greta’s Latest Miracle
Maybe she really is the Saint that a church has declared her…
Nigeria dangerously exposed to oil crash
That's bad - but there is an opportunity hidden in this. Nigeria…
$131B Less Could Go to New Upstream Projects This Year
The current overhang is bad - by any measuring stick. But let's…
Never Competitive: Britain’s Wind Industry Begs For Even More Massive Subsidies
We are reading over and over again that those contraptions deliver…
Green energy plant threat to wilderness areas
My parents live in Northern Austria in an area that's called…
U.S. shale executive warns global oil glut will not soon clear
I understand that companies planned for USD 40 oil but if they…
Coronavirus, gas slump put brakes on Exxon’s giant Mozambique LNG plan
How long has the Mozambique project been around now? Way more…
CSIRO ‘embarrassed by scientific facts on climate change’
Listen to them. I mean, just listen to them. They know exactly…
Giant LNG Projects Face Coronavirus Death Or Delay
Those projects have a choice. They can sit and wait for the market…
Germany’s Push for Wind Power Encounters Resistance
Germans are sold hook and sinker to the idea of renewables but…
New 3D view of methane tracks sources
More colorful simulations run on models that use tons of assumptions.…
Coronavirus Could Make It Harder to Keep Wind Farms Up and Running
COVID-19 will not only make maintenance harder. It will make…
Texas Railroad Commission Mulls Oil Output Cuts
Hot talk while everyone waits for a miracle to save the day without…
European natural gas storage inventories are at record-high levels at the end of winter
So wats going to happen when storage is full to the brim? Prices…
Italy’s energy group Eni to review Middle East projects
Russia thinks it hurts shale with this price dessert but shale…
NOVATEK obtains plot of land for construction of LNG transshipment terminal in Murmansk Region
I know that I have said so many times and that this gets irksome…
Can Money Printing Pay For Green New Deal?
That should be common sense to anybody. Sadly it is not. I have…
Explosion on LNG pipeline in Lagos, Nigeria kills at least 15
There is no LNG pipeline in Lagos. And if there would be one,…
Kremlin says Russia “would like to see crude prices higher”
Oil exporting countries will have to get used to the fact that…
Oil prices could fall below zero: Analyst
Oil price at zero or below. Just imagine how quick the coffers…
Senator Calls On Trump To Embargo Russia, OPEC Crude
There could be a version of the Border Adjustment Tax for this.…
Nigeria puts money into gas drive
Pipelines don't have a happy history in Nigeria. It would be…
Overhyped: Europe’s Largest RE Battery Can Power Britain For 60 Seconds When Wind Power Fails
Sadly, we always need mayhem to learn. When one of those things…
German logistics company expands fleet with LNG-fueled trucks
Dip, drip, drip, ... In 2011 I held a presentation in Vienna…
Enviros Find What They Say Is The Silver Lining In The Coronavirus Outbreak
COVID-19 also teaches people another useful lesson. That everything…
‘No New Fracking’: Biden Calls For High Speed Rail To Move US Away From Oil Drilling
High-speed rail is an economic disaster in most cases. Look at…
Is this what a Green world would look like?
It's a very stark example of what the world would look like without…
Vietnam’s state energy firm Petrovietnam says considers stockpiling oil amid low prices
That should be a priority for everyone. All consuming-nations…
The oil-price war Russia helped create complicates their Arctic plans
The coming very cold period due to the upcoming Solar minimum…
Big Shale Borrowers on Fast Track to Junk
The shale industry is full of zombies. Lots of companies that…
Why Russia just torpedoed global oil prices
I don't buy the story of the cheap Russian or even Saudi oil.…
On Externalities, Integrated Assessment Models, and UK climate policies
The positive effects of CO2 like increased plant growth may turn…
Gas Plunges in Europe On Concern Virus Weakens Economy
2,8% is not exactly a plunge. There were bigger plunges on the…
RLNG consumers to pay high tolling fee
You can slice them, you can dice them, but those pesky costs…
Majority of BC residents support the province’s LNG pipeline
Democracy, my a... What was that with the rule of the majority?…
Extinction Rebellion Considering Public Suicide Events to Raise Climate Awareness
How deranged, how absolutely mentally sick must someone who considers…
Debt cliff looms for Tellurian
I love LNG and I think together with its gaseous brother CNG…
Trump to fill U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve “to the very top”
As he should do. Right now, Russia and OPEC pay for the strategic…
Jones Act waiver floated as a stimulus for U.S. oil companies
It's hard to compete with South Korea in ship-building those…
Oil Crash Is Double-Edged Sword for LNG
That's not exactly a new situation. Many projects like Mozambique…
Few U.S. shale firms can withstand prolonged oil price war
Shale developers are the tardigrades of the energy industry by…
For Energy and Climate, Don’t Forget About One of America’s Most Important Resources
Should entrepreneurs not work the market instead of zigzagging…
Innovation and ‘New Energy’
People like to forget that one of the reasons why wind and solar…
Greta preaches many of the first Earth Day’s failed predictions
I remember the Y2K bug. I was working in a software company in…
Greening Our Way to Infection
I never thought of this but it makes sense. I use linen shopping…
Polish hauler with LNG fleet travels across Europe without range anxiety
How very fitting that a company with the beautiful name HUBER…
Rhode Island Official Admits State’s Climate Lawsuit Is Meant To Wring Money Out Of Big Oil: Court Docs
Whats climate? Give us all your cash and don't ask any questions…
Coronavirus can trigger a new industrial revolution
Yes, Coronavirus is a bigger problem for the elderly than it…
With OPEC+ ready to unleash extra barrels, oil prices could fall into low $20s
What a great opportunity for the developed world to fill up on…
Prince Harry says President Donald Trump has climate ‘blood on his hands’ in call with Russian hoaxers
Says the Prince that racks up more private jet air miles in a…
Harold Hamm Seeks US Dumping Probe Into Saudi Oil Flood
If it can be proven that the Saudis are organizing to flood specifically…
World’s first hydrogen-fueled train successfully tested in Netherlands
Will we also get information like: What does the hardware cost…
Heartland Institute Creating One-Page Climate Summaries Geared Toward Policymakers and Teachers
We need much more of this. There is an awful amount of misinformation…
Don’t Panic! Russia Boosting Oil Production Good For the Country, Officials Say. Except It’s Not
Russia is flexing muscles it does not have. Russians are used…
Russia’s stronger economy lets Putin stare down OPEC
Russias stronger economy? What have I missed? Years of relatively…
46 STATEMENTS By IPCC Experts Against The IPCC
It's hard to believe how many are in the 3%. How many true Climate…
Eleven million jobs at risk from EU Green Deal, trade unions warn
Yes folks, that's the real game in town. Stary eyed dreamers…
Germany Proves How Essential Natural Gas Is – And The U.S. Must Supply
Three or four terminals for Germany - yeahh right. The author…